Stage 2 - SitKombat

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Feb 21, 2025 10:35 pm
The bolts miss Lacey, instead clanging against the cage. We hope? It would be a shame if one slipped through and injured a bystander!

The Bombshell then sprays Belcher's mug with her mace! (The eye-burning kind, not the ear-burning.)

Damn, that felt good! If only she'd had some mace way back when...she could've sprayed him, then forced his wheelchair off a high balcony, or tried some other satisfyingly pain-inducing action....
Last edited February 21, 2025 10:45 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Feb 22, 2025 2:03 am
[ +- ] 🎸 SF2 - Vega’s Theme


THE B☢️MBSHELLS remain unscathed, but Belcher takes a couple good hits! The mace doesn’t blind him completely, but as the crime boss squeezes his eyes shut he rolls his high-speed chair into the cage. An armrest and a wheel fly into the air as he flops onto his hefty back!

But before anyone can rush the boss, Abgore charges! "BBOOORRRRAAAHHHH!!" He slams into the nearest of our heroines—grabs her by the ankle and…!!
And what? Well that depends!

FIRST PLAYER TO POST, defend yourself!
• On a COMBO, you’re safe and so are your teammates!
• On a HIT, you get thrown at a friend!
• On a MISS, you get swung around in circles, being used as a weapon to strike both of your friends!
SECOND PLAYER TO POST, look at the defense roll of the player who rolled before you…
• If she rolled a COMBO when defending herself, you’re completely safe!
• If she rolled a HIT or MISS, defend yourself!
>> On a HIT, you take damage but the player being used as a weapon is unharmed!
>> On a MISS, you both take damage!
THIRD PLAYER TO POST, look at the defense roll of the player who posted first this round…
• If she rolled a COMBO or HIT when defending herself, you’re completely safe!
• If she rolled a MISS, defend yourself!
>> On a HIT, the player being swung like a weapon against you slams into the cage and gets hurt, but you’re unharmed!
>> On a MISS, you get hurt but she doesn’t!
Balga climbs on the fence to stay the hell outta the way!
Even in the worst case scenario, none of you will be KO’d, so all of you will get to hit back.

Let’s see how this round goes..!
Feb 22, 2025 2:41 am
Murasaki is the closest to Abjore, but his hands only catch air! She leaps right over him, using his forehead as a footstool in the process. "You lack discipline."
Last edited February 22, 2025 2:46 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Feb 22, 2025 3:35 am
@Eltesla , go ahead and hit back!

@Dmbrainiac,@Totes_McGee , neither of you need to defend this round. Abgore’s attack could potentially have claimed four hearts, but Murasaki completely negated it!


Abgore stops dead in his tracks as his arms whiff at nothing! "Wha..?"

The waitstaff, the rich men and their way-too-young dates cheer wildly!

Feb 22, 2025 4:01 am
Murasaki follows up her dodge with a sweep kick aimed at Abjore's ankles!


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 2:21 am


Abgore is flat on his back! With Belcher struggling to pick himself up and Balga spider-climbing the fence with his back to his opponents, the ’Roid Ragers are quite vulnerable at the moment!
Still need actions from Lacey and Gong-Ju. As a reminder, no need to defend.
Feb 24, 2025 2:51 am
Lacey pulls off her Shoe Phone and flicks through the apps. Which one would be apropos for a steel-cage death match? Use MegaVoice again to confuse the Ragers, or maybe rally support? Use Wheelchairs-R-Us to try and find codes or tricks to hack Belcher's wheelchair?

Then she sees a different type of option, and her eyes light up. She opens the app, gets to the "Contact Us" section, and starts a phone call.

"Hello, Fashion Police? I have a defcon-one, five-alarm situation here!"

Yes, she's talking to an actual person. The Fashion Police are always fully-staffed, and don't use "Press 1 for blah blah" time-wasting robo-answering nonsense.

"I'm looking right at a guy wearing tight matador pants, a poofy shirt, and mask? He also has claws...or are they spoons now? I'm pretty sure his accent is fake, too. It's like a cosplayer who took too many psychedelics...but the travesty is, he's sober."

"Please get here STAT and stop this insanity, before he infects everyone with his horrendous sense of style!"

"Where am I? Uhhh...the big building where a bunch of important people are doing stuff...where that tournament is being held? Shit, just geolocate my phone! I grant permission!"
Call an NPC, or activate a Shoe Phone App.

No matter where in the post-apocalyptic world you are, Shoe Phone calls aren’t toll-free. You need to spend a 👠.
Last edited February 24, 2025 2:52 am


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(222) = 6

Feb 24, 2025 3:18 am


A helicopter immediately rises up from the south side of the building. A man in black suddenly rappels down the fence, seemingly just appearing there before the helicopter was even high enough to rappel from! He slaps cuffs on Balga through the chainlink wall of the cage—

"That’s not mine," Balga says of the offensive shirt.

But it’s no use. The Fashion Police are gonna bring him down to Wardrobe. In the meantime, Balga’s stuck to the fence and out of the fight!
Feb 24, 2025 8:33 am
Gong-Ju leaps on the fallen Abgore, standing on his chest as she repeatedly plants the butt of her trident into his face!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 11:24 am
[ +- ] 🎸 SF2 - Vega’s Theme


The Fashion Police are forced to cut through the fence to take Balga away. "What crime have I even committed?!" he protests, to which the officer replies,
"That you even have to ask is why we must take you in."
"Well, aren’t you going to read me my rights?"
"What is right here? I see only wrongs. All wrongs!"

So anyway, that asshole’s being flown off to the state boutique.

The other two are trying to make their inevitable defeat less humiliating. Abgore starts by grabbing the trident and attempting to impale and fling Gong-Ju at Murasaki!
Gong-Ju, defend yourself!
• On a MISS, get flung at Murasaki! You’re also disarmed, reducing your attack damage this round!
• On a HIT, you take damage but immediately counterattack as you reclaim your weapon. If you hit again via Button Mash, Abgore is KO’d!
Belcher stands up! (The wheelchair is due to laziness? Obesity? He can stand on his own two feet.) He starts unloading his fully automatic crossbow!
Lacey and Murasaki, 🕹️DODGE THE BOLTS!
• On a HIT, Murasaki is safe from the bolts. (She can also opt to 🕹️+㊙️DEFEND LACEY, now that Gong-Ju isn’t being fling at her.)
• Lacey is only unscathed on a COMBO since most shots are aimed at her!

Murasaki, if you end up having to dodge a flung mermaid, here are your two options for remaining unscathed:
• Roll a COMBO when you 🕹️DODGE.
• Roll a HIT (or COMBO) on the 🕹️DODGE, then follow with a ㊙️DEFEND GONG-JU per extra joy. In this case you catch her, and she somehow doesn’t take damage! (She is still disarmed, though.)

No matter what happens, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, you’ll all still have enough health to take your second actions and very likely end the fight this round!
Feb 24, 2025 11:28 am
Gong-Ju grunts with effort but maintains hold of her trident as she bashes Abgore again!
Last edited February 24, 2025 11:28 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Defend - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(121) = 4

Feb 24, 2025 11:34 am


Abgore is KO’d!

Feb 24, 2025 9:53 pm
Lacey laughs as the bolts fly wide!

"That's some piss-poor shooting, Belcher baby! You're not used to standing, are you? It's thrown off your aim!"

Seeing that the fight has swiftly turned in the Bombshells favor, Lacey decides to try a humiliating coup-de-grace! Reaching into her purse, she pulls out a very revealing photo of herself. She's sitting on a beach, head tossed back, with only sand covering her "naughty bits." The lighting and editing make her look 25% hotter than she already is.

Laughing, she tosses the photo at Belcher!

"Something to drool over, asswipe! You'll never have the actual me in your possession again, but maybe this will count as a consolation prize! That is, if I decide to let you live, instead of tossing you off this building!"

Psychological damage!
Last edited February 24, 2025 10:05 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Feb 24, 2025 11:10 pm


The bonus effect of the combo is that Belcher stops firing before any bolts can even go near Murasaki.

No need to defend, @Eltesla — combat over!
Belcher realizes the fencing behind him has been cut. All it would have taken was a push.

He drops to his knees and tosses the crossbow well out of his reach.

Poxy has Hugo pull a lever. The cage sinks out of sight.
Feb 25, 2025 4:43 am
Murasaki relaxes once she realizes the fight has concluded.

"O'hara-san, if I may? Just killing him would be a waste. Why don't we have him buy back his life? He's clearly a very wealthy man with much to offer us."
Feb 25, 2025 6:53 am
By video game logic, you’ll have to settle with the maximum amount of cash you can hold.
Belcher empties his pockets, offering three fistfuls of yen! He then coughs up blood and passes out, shaking the roof as he face-plants.

The wads of cash drop out of his hands!

💴 💴 💴(Fortunately, there isn’t any blood on them.)
[ +- ] 🎹 FF Round Clear
Feb 25, 2025 9:34 pm
Now that it's execution time, Lacey feels strangely reluctant. Does she really want to become a murderous vigilante?

It might be incredibly gratifying, sure...for a short while. But would her bitterness eventually consume her? Would her friends abandon her in disgust, once they saw her unleashed?

Then Murasaki speaks up, and the moment passes. Lacey is somehow both peeved and relieved.

"Maybe you're right, Murasaki. Maybe. Still, I want more than this. Money is always great, and seeing him humiliated makes me fucking giddy...but he's still a crime boss. If we just let him go, we've only made a new enemy."

She'll examine Belcher's wheelchair and his corpulent body, looking for anything useful. Specifically, she wants to find something that would topple his empire of crime, but anything that would further humiliate him is also welcome.
Feb 25, 2025 10:26 pm
Belger has nothing of significance on him or his chair, but…
Poxy and her oversized boyfriend, Hujo, soon appear at either side of Lacey.

"The boss lost his touch… uh, right, Poxy?"

Poxy scoffs. "It took him getting trounced at a banquet to get ya to see it, luv?" She then turns to Lacey. "This game’s all about respect. Bootin’ him o’er the edge guarantees he has no bark, but you took his bite already.

"You didn’t simply win. You beat him unscathed. It’s different than simply winning where he can shrug it off as a fluke, swear revenge and sound tough."
She gestures toward some men at other tables. "Capos in the big city. They’ll make a legit profit bettin’ on ya.

"Belcher tries makin’ a move, the other’s’ll turn on him. Hell, they might just take him out anyway. Animals smell weakness, they pounce."

The oafish boyfriend raises his hand. An eyeroll from Poxy is his opportunity to get a word in. "I’m sorry to interrupt your girl talk, but there’s a cat on the west side."

If any of you look over to the west, there’s a table with two cat-people. One is wearing a gorgeous maternity gown. And with her is…



Emoticat smiles and waves!
Feb 26, 2025 12:15 am
"Hm. When they put it like that, killing him now seems like it would only be a mercy. Ultimately though, it is your call." Murasaki says to Lacey.

Upon Hujo's prompting, Murasaki happens to look over and notice Emoticat and his lady friend. "You? I didn't expect to see you here of all places."

Giving in to a rare playful urge, she sits in Belcher's wheelchair and drives it over to Emoticat's table. It's harder to control than expected, but she gets the hang of it just before she would've crashed into the table. She backs the chair upon a few paces. "As luck would have it, we came into possession of a significant amount of yen about thirty seconds ago."
Feb 26, 2025 2:04 am
[ +- ] 😺 ¥¡¡ Shop

More Yahoo for Your Yen
[ +- ] 💴 - Double Flip
[ +- ] 💴 - Defender

[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Stunt
[ +- ] 💴 - Custom Magic

"Haha! Yeah, well, your opponents for tomorrow’s match blew off the banquet, so I was able to secure a kiosk on the west side of the building!

"Those packets you gave me helped me expand. I got snippets that make your every combat round action packed! Or maybe you wanna save yourself and your friends? I got something for that! Ooh… or is there some untapped potential in you? Some kinda stunt or magic you can’t do, but wish you could? Oh, I got that too!"

Mrs. Emoticat

Mrs. Emoticat swoons over her husband’s salescatship. "Oh, those Custom Snippets are brilliant, Emotie! After the baby’s born, I want to use my Girl Power to drive one of those Hover-SUVs." She pats her round belly lovingly.
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