[ +- ] 🎻 SF2 - Ryu’s Theme
Yo Jimbo
"Sorry, your highness. I’m gonna have to ask you to check your pitchfork at the door."
Another guard steps up and addresses the first guard.
Uncle Fezzter
"She’s one of the fighters, Jimbo." He points to a masked, shirtless man with a serpent tattoo across his shaven chest. On his right arm, he is wearing a tri-bladed gauntlet. (Or is it on his
left arm?)
The guard tells Gong-Ju,
"You’re clear."
Yo Jimbo
Yo Jimbo glares at the man with the claw.
"I told that fucking guy to put on a shirt."
He turns to Lacey again, making eye contact with every part of her body below the eyes.
"So is there anyone else in your party?"
Uncle Fezzter
The other guard says,
"Nah, the fairy joined the girls they beat up. Now they call themselves The Four-and-a-Half Skate-Girls of the Post-Apocalypse."
The guard then turns to Murasaki, eyes roaming muscular legs on wobbly heels. He makes an effort to make eye contact.
"You’re rather inoffensive yourself, Miss. Go ahead in…"
You take an elevator to the 99th floor, which is really a rooftop banquet area.
There’s a table for three in a place of honor by the east edge. Looking out beyond the rooftop, you can see an ocean that extends all the way to the rinsing full moon. City lights barely flicker in your peripheral vision when your gaze is directly east. And looking down below, you see the head and torch of the otherwise sunken Lady Liberty.
The neighboring tables form a row ten paces away from yours. Seated at each are older men accompanied by women too young to be wives, and some younger men whose suits look ready to burst from being stretched over their hulking torsos and beefy arms. These men are bodyguards.
The other fighters’ tables are on the South, West and North sides of the building, nearer to the roof’s edges, like your table.
There is no menu. The utensils at each place setting are a pair of chopsticks and a porcelain spoon.
A waitress opens a platter with miso soup and a tempura appetizer. Sushi and sashimi will follow. For drinks, there is tea
"and I’m supposed to offer sake as well. That’s not gonna mess you up tomorrow, is it? I’m rootin’ for you."
@Eltesla,@Dmbrainiac,@Totes_McGee OOC:
You can RP amongst yourselves, mingle with rich men at a nearby table, or go to another side of the building.