Stage 2 - SitKombat

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Feb 12, 2025 9:07 am
Gong-ju tries to block the cake, but she grunts in pain as the bowling ball hidden inside of it slams into her stomach! "Oof! You'll pay for that," she promises as she quickly launches into another flurry of pokes!
Last edited February 12, 2025 9:07 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Dodge - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(122) = 5

Feb 12, 2025 12:16 pm
Murasaki's not quite fast enough to evade! She gets momentarily dazed by the powerful backfist. "Agh...!" Blinking away stars and spitting out a tooth, she's ready to give as good as she got. However, instead of trying to strike Icy, Murasaki leaps on her and tries to yank one of her ice skates off.
Last edited February 12, 2025 12:30 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 12, 2025 4:11 pm

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Murasaki is on the verge of losing consciousness! She tries to hinder her foe—the skate doesn’t slip off, but the attempt knocks Icy to fall on her butt!

Gong-ju’s pokes send Claude reeling backwards! She dizzily ‘marches’ on her skates, flailing her arms in an attempt to stay up. She rolls halfway up one of the ramps…

The crowd is eager to see which team will score the first KO!

Feb 12, 2025 9:25 pm
"More fire? C'mon, Spicy! Where's the variety?! Don't tell me it's the same boring routine in the bedroom too, with just regular missionary position all the time...."

Again, she dodges the well, in fact, that she has time to twerk a bit!

Counter-attack time! Lacey pulls a plastic bottle of what looks like water from her purse, unscrews the cap, and tosses it at Spicy! The bottle comically bounces straight-up off her head several times as it douses her with whatever liquid is inside!

But what is inside?

Well, water! Yep, just water.

This is yet more psychological warfare. Lacey is betting that Spicy will freak out and do something drastic to stop the "corrosive acid," or whatever she thinks the liquid is...and so the Skategirl will damage herself even more!
Last edited February 12, 2025 9:43 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Feb 12, 2025 10:02 pm

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻❌ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

After getting doused with water, Spicy just looks annoyed. "What? Ya think I’m gonna melt?" She’s about to retaliate—and Icy’s about to kick Murasaki with the leg not being grabbed—

But before either can act, Claude loses her balance and skates backwards down the ramp—

There’s an off-stage sound of breaking glass, a scream and after a few seconds, the sound of a car alarm.

The audience gasps, with some enjoying what they see, and some… not.

Icy frees herself from Murasaki. "Claude?!" Spicy just freezes as she notices the screen above the stage.

Claude is flat on her back, lying on the roof of a taxi cab with a dented roof and shattered windows.

Offstage, Icy is peering out a broken window at her friend several stories below.

Feb 12, 2025 11:39 pm
While her opponent is distracted with the unfortunate fate of one of their own, Murasaki focuses her ki and goes into Stealth Mode! She is feeling more stealthy than she usually does when employing this technique. She sprints up behind Icy soundlessly and kicks her through the open window so she can join Claude below.
Last edited February 12, 2025 11:42 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(222) = 6

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 13, 2025 12:03 am

The skater, barely conscious, has no idea what even caused her to fall! Five stories down, her skates form a sloped ice-bridge. She spirals down toward her fallen friend.

While the screen shows Icy gliding down past the many floors of WNDS Tower, the M.C. steps in—


Dimpled Chad

"I was a little slow to call a Ring Out. This battle goes to The Bombshells!"

Meanwhile, on the screen, Icy is checking Claude’s pulse…
Combat over!!! But the scene goes on..!
Feb 13, 2025 11:45 am
Dicey and Spicy are too worried about their clumsy friend to be upset about the loss-by-decision.

On the street below, Icy can’t get a pulse. It might mean Claude is dead. It could also just be that Icy’s fingers are numb from having just removed her ice gauntlets.

Gemini wastes no time! She flies out the window and sprinkles some bottled energy on Claude.


The skater sits up, looks at the busted taxi beneath her and asks Gemini and Icy, "Did I do that?"


Gemini flies back up and finds Murasaki’s knocked-out tooth.

Gemini Starfire

"I learned this from the Tooth Fairy."

She sprinkles Bottled Energy onto the tooth. If Murasaki inserts the tooth into the gap, she’ll have perfect teeth.
It’s not a healing item. It’s just so Murasaki can opt to fix the tooth magically. You’ll all have full health before you have to fight again.
The fairy then says a heartfelt goodbye to THE B☢️MBSHELLS. "If you ever need me, you can always call…!"
If I can’t get us another Fairy player, Gemini is now An NPC With Healing Magic that can be called on the shoe phone!
Feb 13, 2025 4:43 pm
"Thank you, Starfire-san. You were truly the best of us. Sayonara." Murasaki gratefully took the tooth from Gemini and put it back in her mouth. Magically, the tooth reattaches to her gums. She's otherwise still bloodied and sporting a painful lump above her eye, but she just needs to walk it off.
Feb 13, 2025 7:06 pm
[ +- ] 🎸 DD - Industrial Area

THE B☢️MBSHELLS earn their first victory against The Four Skategirls of the Post-Apocalypse. It was a memorable night for SitKombat as both teams were able to hold their own. But ultimately, the skaters were too worried about good people getting hurt bad to really survive in this world.

Gemini is among those who would rather skate than fight, and so she bows out.

The Skategirls are good sports, giving compliments to the winners and wishing them well. With Gemini joining their little gang (or gaggle), it seems everybody was a winner.

The other six teams are all male, and one of the winning teams—Bill’s Killaz—are an assassin squad with ties to the Mullet Hellions. The other winning teams are the ’Roid Ragers and the Golden Boys.

Knowing the nature of ladder tournaments, you can expect to face one of these teams next, and if you win, you’ll take on the other undefeated in the finals…

New Amsterdam City
The night before the fight, you’re invited to a fancy dinner where you can meet obscenely rich people who, just for fun, want to get ever-so-slightly richer betting on fights.

Bring the only female fighters, ComboCorp will gladly foot the bill for whatever designer dresses you wear.

…if you go. But… why wouldn’t you?
• Pick a fancy dress (or have one tailor made) and show it off at the fancy dinner!
Blow off the fancy dinner! (It’s like hitting the button to skip a cutscene.)
Feb 13, 2025 9:07 pm
Of course Lacey is going to the dinner. Being one of only three female fighters in this strange contest, there will surely be plenty of eyes on her. Manipulating drunk rich bastards will be sooooo much fun. Maybe she can get some of them to sponsor the Bombshells, so they'll have plenty of gear to help them on their adventures. Shit, maybe someone will foot the bill for some kick-ass not-so-secret HQ?

After giving her measurements to ComboCorp's wardrobe department (fudging a bit, of course...a gal can't be too honest about these things) and carefully describing what she wants, she's delivered a sexy, barely-there black dress.
[ +- ] Image
After showering, putting on makeup, and making sure the dress fits just right, she saunters over to the dinner's location. As she reaches the entrance, she tosses her hair back, runs a hand over her bare belly, and addresses whatever doorman-type people are nearby:

"Lacey O'Hara, member of the Bombshells. I believe we're expected...though I'll wait for my friends before entering. We're a team, after all."
Feb 14, 2025 4:55 am
Murasaki's not terribly interested in schmoozing with rich people, but when the possible benefits were explained to her, she followed Lacey's lead. This type of thing was far outside Murasaki's area of expertise though, so she asked Lacey and Gong-Ju for advice. Lacey knew all about looking good and manipulating men, and Gong-Ju knew about etiquette, being a princess and all.
Murasaki stumbles up to the entrance of the venue. To her chagrin, she couldn't show up barefooted, so she received a striking pair of violet heels. Her balance is off and her feet are already starting to hurt, but she bears with it by viewing it as training. She's wearing a short, sleeveless purple dress that hugs her body and shows off her fighter physique.

"Forgive me, these demon shows were giving me trouble..." She steadies herself and introduces herself to the doormen. "Ahem. I am Murasaki, one of the Bombshells. There will be food at this event, yes? Wait, I was supposed to compliment you first. You are... inoffensive to the senses."
Feb 14, 2025 11:43 am
Gong-Ju shows up in a strapless green shell-patterned gown. She's still carrying her trident. "Gong-Ju, Princess of the Undersea Kingdom. You will show us to our table," she says, accustomed to ordering servants around.
[ +- ] AI Image
Feb 15, 2025 3:49 am
[ +- ] 🎻 SF2 - Ryu’s Theme

Yo Jimbo

"Sorry, your highness. I’m gonna have to ask you to check your pitchfork at the door."

Another guard steps up and addresses the first guard.

Uncle Fezzter

"She’s one of the fighters, Jimbo." He points to a masked, shirtless man with a serpent tattoo across his shaven chest. On his right arm, he is wearing a tri-bladed gauntlet. (Or is it on his left arm?)

The guard tells Gong-Ju, "You’re clear."

Yo Jimbo

Yo Jimbo glares at the man with the claw. "I told that fucking guy to put on a shirt."

He turns to Lacey again, making eye contact with every part of her body below the eyes. "So is there anyone else in your party?"

Uncle Fezzter

The other guard says, "Nah, the fairy joined the girls they beat up. Now they call themselves The Four-and-a-Half Skate-Girls of the Post-Apocalypse."

The guard then turns to Murasaki, eyes roaming muscular legs on wobbly heels. He makes an effort to make eye contact. "You’re rather inoffensive yourself, Miss. Go ahead in…"
You take an elevator to the 99th floor, which is really a rooftop banquet area.

There’s a table for three in a place of honor by the east edge. Looking out beyond the rooftop, you can see an ocean that extends all the way to the rinsing full moon. City lights barely flicker in your peripheral vision when your gaze is directly east. And looking down below, you see the head and torch of the otherwise sunken Lady Liberty.

The neighboring tables form a row ten paces away from yours. Seated at each are older men accompanied by women too young to be wives, and some younger men whose suits look ready to burst from being stretched over their hulking torsos and beefy arms. These men are bodyguards.

The other fighters’ tables are on the South, West and North sides of the building, nearer to the roof’s edges, like your table.

There is no menu. The utensils at each place setting are a pair of chopsticks and a porcelain spoon.


A waitress opens a platter with miso soup and a tempura appetizer. Sushi and sashimi will follow. For drinks, there is tea "and I’m supposed to offer sake as well. That’s not gonna mess you up tomorrow, is it? I’m rootin’ for you."

You can RP amongst yourselves, mingle with rich men at a nearby table, or go to another side of the building.
Feb 15, 2025 7:43 pm
"and I’m supposed to offer sake as well. That’s not gonna mess you up tomorrow, is it? I’m rootin’ for you."
"Oh no...we'd be pretty pathetic Bombshells if a few drinks slowed us down! Bring some for each of us, please...and if my teammates won't drink their portions, I'll gulp them down myself!"

"And I thank you for your support. It really does mean a lot."

She smiles and nods at Atsuko, genuinely thankful.

"But maybe you can help us? Do you have any intel on the other teams?"

When/if the sake comes, she'll raise a glass, then make a toast, no matter if the others join her in drinking or not.

"To Gemini Starfire, former Bombshell and free-spirited skater-girl fairy! Alas, we were only teammates briefly, and I wish she hadn't left so abruptly...but she's destined to do her own thing. Hope she continues kickflipping and spreading her fairy magic! And I have her number, so I can call her if we get roughed up!"
Feb 16, 2025 12:03 am
"What is this sake you speak of? Is it delicious?"

Murasaki's question is answered when the sake comes. She takes a sip... and is pleased with what she tastes. "It is somewhat sweet. A bit fruity. A hint of earthiness."

Staring curiously, she is slow to respond to the toast, but it clicks eventually and she raises her glass as well. "Yes. She may have been small, but her heart was big, and the void left by her departure is larger still. Even so, we must continue moving forward. To Starfire-san."
Last edited February 16, 2025 12:03 am
Feb 17, 2025 11:35 am
Gong-Ju raises her glass. "To Gemini. Her attitude was unparalleled. Geonbae!" The mermaid clinks her glass and takes a drink.
Last edited February 17, 2025 11:36 am
Feb 17, 2025 12:06 pm
While THE B☢️MBSHELLS honor their former teammate and prepare to go on as a trio, Atsuko is off to other tables on the east side of the roof.

The chefs are under a dome at the roof’s center, between the east and west elevators. Atsuko enters the dome on the north side and exit on the south. If she’s gathering intel, maybe she’s expanding her info search to the north and south tables, as well as the teams seated in those sections?

It’s possible…





🪙 - What does Atsuko learn? - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Feb 17, 2025 7:13 pm
[ +- ] 🎻 SF2 - Ryu’s Theme


Atsuko comes from the south side of the building. Her posture is a little stiff and she’s walking a little fast. Her cheeks are flush, but as soon as her eyes meet yours, she smiles pleasantly.

As she serves your food, she says, "Two of the men on the east tables are betting on you. One thinks you have a real chance; the other is just trying to impress his granddaughter." She whispers, "I’m pretty sure it’s his girlfriend but he actually introduced her as his granddaughter."

Creepy as that is, the waitress doesn’t seem bothered by the scandalous detail. If anything is bothering her, she doesn’t say.

After pouring more sake to top off your cups, she asks, "Will that be all?"
Feb 17, 2025 9:39 pm
"Thank you! I'm used to being the underdog (actually, I'm used to not being part of the action at all) so hearing that people support me is a...welcome change."

"But you looked uncomfortable when you walked back over here. Did something happen? If these rich fucks have been mistreating you, we'll be happy to show them what Girl Power really means!"

"Hint: it means black eyes, crushed ballsacks, and shattered egos!"
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