Stage 2 - SitKombat

Feb 8, 2025 3:55 am
[ +- ] 🎺 MvC2: I Wanna Take You For a Ride



• • • 🧚🏻‍♀️
💃🏼 🧘🏻‍♀️ 🧜🏻‍♀️

This stage is filmed before a live studio audience.


You step onto a stage, joined by other men and women. Behind all of the cameras is a crowd clapping and cheering and snapping flash photos! Stage Left: there’s a jazzy live band singing and playing—

—and Stage Right: a handsome man in a purple suit steps onto the stage. You know him! It’s…


Dimpled Chad

"Ladies and germs, are you ready for a ladder tournament that’s sure to be comedy gold with a splash of blood-red and a sprinkling of chipped-tooth-white?"

The audience’s reaction is unintelligible, but passes for ‘yes.’

"Then let’s not waste any of your precious time! Even the cheap seats cost precious dimes!"

The ha-ha-has from the crowd drown out the one ‘fuck you’ that came from the back row somewhere behind a two-seat-wide concrete column.

"Let’s introduce our first two teams! On my right—your left… these heroines’ journey led ’em straight to my tourney!

"Give it up for… THE B☢️MBSHELLS! Go ahead and introduce yourselves, ladies!"

You heard the M.C. Introduce yourselves to the live studio audience!

Feb 8, 2025 8:32 pm
Lacey, saunters onto the stage, waving to the crowd and flashing a winsome smile.

Braindead degenerates. If I was being held hostage by a giant ape, with a jumping-dude trying to save me, they'd still be laughing and clapping.

But she knows better than to voice or show her true emotions...not until she knows what this "tournament" is all about. It was always better to have the crowd on your side....

"Hello, everyone! My name is Lacey O'Hara, formerly a a Bombshell!"

A pause. Hopefully at least a few people clap.

"We Bombshells kick ass and take names...and do it all in style!"

Here she twirls in a circle, showing off her jaw-dropping figure, and not-so-subtly hiking up her dress so the crowd can see plenty of thigh.

"And since men are the primary antagonists in this----"

Dammit! Already going off-script!

"What I mean to say is...[awkward cough, holds out purse]...I've got plenty of tricks stashed in this delightful designer purse, and my teammates are equally as capable! Tell 'em, girls!"

She claps enthusiastically as she waits for the next Bombshell to appear.
Feb 8, 2025 10:59 pm
Feb 8, 2025 11:12 pm
Murasaki seemingly appears out of nowhere, dropping the camouflage she put up with Stealth Mode. Her arms are crossed as she gazes upon the audience with her third eye.

She doesn't see the point of this performative nonsense, but they have to be here for a reason, so she plays along. She takes a fighting stance, hands blazing with purple ki.

"I am Murasaki, master of ten thousand Secret Moves. I fight to restore balance in the world. No matter who stands in my way, I will not waver!"
Feb 9, 2025 12:03 am
"ooooOOOOoooo…!" *CLAP-CLAP-CLAP*
Feb 9, 2025 2:09 pm

Dimpled Chad

"A purse fulla tricks! Ten Thousand Secrets! IIIII love it—oh!" The M.C. turns to Lacey. "But men won’t be your antagonists yet, Miss O’Hara. We normally are a hundred percent sausage-fest, but this year, we got a real treat for our viewers:

"A guarantee that we’ll have an all-female team in the semifinals! COME ON OUT ON MY LEFT, LADIES!"

Dimpled Chad introduces:

The Four Skategirls
of the Post-Apocalypse


Spicy rollerblades onto the stage, Dicey skateboards, Claude rolls past Icy on her quads while Icy awkwardly walks onstage in her ice skates.

All four appear to be in their 20s, clad in palette-swapped schoolgirlish outfits that are too small for their adult figures. (Icy’s outfit is glittery.)

Dimpled Chad plays to the already-more-than-pleased crowd. "Talk about a feast for the eyes that makes you wanna leave room for dessert!"

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA "I don’t get it." HA HA
Feb 10, 2025 11:07 am
Gong-Ju leaps onto the stage, twirling her trident. She holds it out to the side as she executes a formal bow. "Annyeonghaseyo! I am Gong-Ju, Princess of the Sunken Kingdom. I fight for honor, and for cute outfits!" She stands and smiles, giving a royal wave to the crowd.
Feb 10, 2025 11:26 am

You can really feel the love from the crowd! With the audience on your side, you might just make it through the toughest battles.
That had no effect since your health is full, but if any of you were hurt, those 🫶s would heal you! (+💖 each)
Feb 10, 2025 11:32 am
Gemini introduces herself by doing some skate-tricks.

"AWWWWwwww…!" *CLAP-CLAP!*


"AWWwww.. she’s like a mini-me! Check out the little board!"

Dicey does a few skate tricks for her own intro. Spicy and Claude join in.

Icy just stands there on her ice skates.


". . . ."
Feb 10, 2025 11:46 am

Dimpled Chad

"All right, alright ladies—save the sisterly love for the hot tub."


"Gag me with a spoon."


"Yeah, like… they got a tiny skater on their team, and we’re cool with that, ’Kay?"


"Yeah. This isn’t one of those tournaments where you… y’know…"

Dimpled Chad gives the figure skater a menacing grin.

"Kill each other?" he asks. "No."

He pauses for the time it would take to say ‘not in the preliminary round.’

"The winners will go on to the semis, and the… defeated—’cause there are no losers here—can film an ad for one of our sponsors."

He turns to the crowd.

"Let’s set the stage—"
Feb 10, 2025 11:47 am




". . . ."


🪙 - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Feb 10, 2025 6:51 pm
The stage is set—

[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

There are ramps and rails and an oblong rink, all decorated with a chessboard floor, floating books, and colorful teapots that puff rings of colored steam, giving the room a sometimes-magenta, sometimes-cyan, sometimes-golden glow.

The Skategirls come out in costume! Spicy is dressed as the Red Queen. Her inline skates blaze a trail, burning black tracks across the white floor tiles!

Dicey flips her board in midair as she zips up and down the half-pipe. She tips her tophat to Gemini, as if to challenge the fairy to best her mad skills!

Icy is dressed as a snow bunny. Frost spreads across the rink, the ramp, the rail, and any other obstacle she speed-skates over!

And then there’s Claude, in a blue dress and an apron, looking less like a fighter and more like a girl wondering why a fight and not a race—and wondering whether she’ll land her next jump! She flails a bit before reaching into her apron pocket…


Dimpled Chad

And the M.C. makes the official announcement:

The Skategirls are showing off too much, leaving you the opening to land the first move. Your targets:

Feb 10, 2025 9:24 pm
First, Murasaki manipulates the flow of her ki to enter Stealth Mode. She practically vanishes to the naked eye! After becoming camouflaged, she puts herself into Icy's path, and when the moment is right, sticks her leg out to send the woman tumbling to the ground face-first.
Last edited February 10, 2025 9:28 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️(Stealth Mode) - (3d2)

(221) = 5

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(12) = 3

Feb 10, 2025 11:27 pm
The Skategirls certainly have some moves, but Lacey has...well, she has a bunch of stuff.

But should she use it to damage the almost-all-similarly-named quartet, or again try to play to the crowd? The crowd's cheers were incredibly invigorating....

She tries to do both! She sits down on the edge of a ramp and dangles her legs. Again, thighs...again, cleavage.

"So, Spicy...just how Spicy are you? Perhaps you can come over here [pats lap] and give me a taste test...."

She glances at the crowd coquettishly, then blows Spicy a kiss! Not a special kiss that flies through the air visually...this is all dangerous flirtation and psychological warfare!


💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(112) = 4

Feb 11, 2025 7:58 am
With the other women pairing off, Gong-Ju jumps to meet Claude. "Have at you," she calls, spinning her trident!


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 11:35 am
[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Icy trips over Murasaki’s leg—but in mid-air, she quickly twirls with her legs in a ‘splits’ position and kicks Murasaki before helicoptering away like a spinning bird. She stumbles landing on the iceless surface of the rink.

"Not bad," she says to Murasaki as frost spreads under her skates.
Murasaki, defend yourself to negate the kick!
Spicy is indeed thrown by the psychological warfare. Lacey can see the temptation in the skater’s emerald eyes. "There’ll be time for that after the fight," she retorts as she skates past without attacking. "But fair warning. I may be too hot for you to handle."

The rollerblader blows a kiss. The kiss becomes a flaming lip-shaped projectile!
Lacey, defend yourself to avoid a dangerously hot kiss! (Yes, it’s based on Sonja Blade’s original finishing move, but it’s only a 1HP-damage attack.)
Gong-Ju doesn’t hold back! While she’s not trying to kill Claude, a five-hit combo could be an instant KO. But as soon as the blonde skater sees the trident coming at her, she quickly draws an oversized rubber mallet from the pocket of her apron.

She blocks Gong-Ju’s strikes—"Whoah! Eek! Aah! Ooh!"—but when she blocks the fifth strike, Gong-Ju’s trident knocks the mallet out of her hand! It bonks her on the head and bounces offstage. The audience laughs at the sound of an unseen window being shattered!

As for Claude, her feet happily-tap as she tries not to fall! Her stopper causes her to tumble forward and she grabs onto Gong-Ju’s waist! "WwwooOoOoOoOoOO!"
• On a 💥HIT, Claude suplexes you!
• On a 💢MISS, she does a Spinning Pile Driver!
Gemini and Dicey are locked in a battle, swinging their skateboards like swordplay, each parrying the other’s strikes. For someone so tiny, she seems to be evenly matched.

Unfortunately for the audience, the two take their fight behind a ramp where nobody can see them!
We’ll basically treat this as 3-on-3. Please consider Dicey to be Gemini’s opponent.

And of course, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS, none of you are getting KO’d this round, so you get to hit back!
Feb 11, 2025 11:38 am
"Hands off!" Gong-Ju says, shaking Claude off of her with a shimmy of her hips. She swings the trident's flat end towards the other woman, but misses by a wide margin.
Last edited February 11, 2025 11:39 am


Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Defend - (3d2)

(212) = 5

Gong-Ju: 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ Attack - (3d2)

(111) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 11:44 am
Murasaki's thrown back by the unexpected kick! She rolls with the force and goes into a backflip to recover, but as she lands, she becomes visible again. Icy's skate had scored a long cut across her chest. "You are not so bad yourself," she replies before going on the offensive. Fist blazing violet, she closes the distance and swipes at Icy with a solid hook.
Last edited February 11, 2025 11:56 am


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️ - (3d2)

(111) = 3

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️ - (2d2)

(21) = 3

Feb 11, 2025 10:20 pm
As the flame-kiss sizzles towards her, Lacey looks around quickly...calculating angles...judging distances....

Damn, should've paid more attention in math class. Wait...what am I talking about?! I was always captured!

But she thinks she has a plan....

She easily dodges the kiss, but as she spins around, her left leg kicks some of the floating books, while her right leg tilts one of the teapots. Combined with the angle of the ramp she was sitting on, as well as tons of luck, the kiss ping-pongs between all the aforementioned things, before roaring back to Spicy!

And so Spicy gets a taste of her own medicine!

"Kissing yourself, girl? Wow. We may have to cut to commercial break...."

She winks to the crowd.
Last edited February 11, 2025 10:30 pm


💃🏼 - 🕹️ - (2d2)

(22) = 4

💃🏼 - ☢️ - (3d2)

(211) = 4

Feb 12, 2025 12:09 am
[ +- ] 🎺 Skullgirls - Down the Rabbit Hole

👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻👱🏻‍♀️ THE 4 SKATEGIRLS

Gong-Ju manages to shake Claude off, but when she attempts to strike back, the skater falls on her butt and the trident whiffs over her.

"Being unarmed is, like, totally not parta my plan." She reaches into her apron and pulls out a cake with 26 lit candles and the words EAT ME written in icing. "You can, like, have my cake and eat it too!"

She throws the cake at Gong-Ju!
Gong-Ju, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you still take damage on a 💥HIT, because there’s a bowling ball in the cake!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

Murasaki lands her blow, and this time she knocks the skater over. She kicks up, but only to upright herself.

"A worthy opponent… my aura against yours, then." She clenches her fists. Ice crusts over them forming spiky gauntlets.

She skates at Murasaki and strikes with a spinning backfist!
Murasaki, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you and Icy both take damage on a 💥HIT, because the block shatters her ice gauntlet!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

Lacey reverses the kiss! Spicy tries to dodge, but as she spins aside, the flaming lips burn a lip-shaped hole over her left butt-cheek!

"YAA… ohh, why did I even—?!" The redhead leaps onto the rail and shouts, "I didn’t come here to kiss asses! I’m here to kick ’em!"

She backflips off the rail! An arc of fire shoots through the air!
Lacey, defend yourself!
• If you ㊙️BLOCK, you still take damage on a 💥HIT, because you dress catches fire!
• If you 🕹️DODGE, you only take damage on a 💢MISS.

And of course, Dear B☢️MBSHELLS,
None of you will fall this round, so you know what to do..!
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