Chapter 2.1a: Golden Grain Inn (Orlane at night)

Feb 9, 2025 6:59 am
In the dead of night in Orlane, upstairs in the Golden Grain Inn, site of dark deeds and fierce fighting, dwarven monk Aanbo Earthshaker, elven druid Theran Nailo, and the doughty human warrior Myrtha consider their next actions. They have two captives, Lhari and Hamiff; one comatose companion, human ranger Chase Brandstone; and several corpses scattered throughout the Inn, including that of their companion Reptile and someone who had been tortured to death. They suspect that there is treasure and information to be found in the Inn (they already found some on the person of the sadistic assassin Derek), but they know that Chase needs rest to recover, and they do not want to rest in the Inn. The village contains people sympathetic to the heroes, and also people who are violently opposed to them. What will they do next?
Feb 9, 2025 8:47 pm
Aanbo speaks quietly to his companions, away from Lhari's ears. "We are in a difficult spot," he begins. "I can carry Chase to wherever we go, but it will be slow-going. I also don't want to leave Reptile in this place.

"I don't care about the rest of the bodies here,"
he continues. "The Constable will make up whatever lies he wants; there is nothing we can do about that without putting ourselves in further danger. My only other concern is what to do with those two." Here, Aanbo tilts his head towards Lhari and Hamiff. "I am inclined to just leave them here. Yes, it keeps them in the clutches of this foul organization, but turning them over to the Mayor without concrete evidence of their misdeeds might not accomplish anything. I think we should just inform the Mayor and others aligned with our cause of their identities and that we must return to Hochoch; at least that way they will be aware of others they should not trust. We can still ask for their advice, as I'm afraid I have none of my own to give."
Feb 10, 2025 6:27 am
"We have to get Chase awake," the warrior stated, as if trying to organize her own thoughts. She continued in hushed tones so Lhari could not overhear her.

"We could wait till he does, in the tunnels below the Inn. Might be that not all those of the spiral know of these secret passages," she added, looking particularly at Theran, who entered those tunnels earlier. "If we manage to get some rest down there, we could walk out through the cellar door, and head to the woods."

Once she set her mind in motion, she continued to roll her thoughts. It was not a coherent plan, just a series of ideas that might, with some goodwill, look like a plan. "Once Chase is up we could more easily take Reptile’s body," her voice cracking up slightly at the mention of her fallen friend.

"And in any case, we should go through Bertram’s belongings. Make sure his people don’t recover any documents or riches."

"As to telling the Mayor and handing these two to the authorities, I don’t know. Leaving them here does not sound a good option for me. But I have no great solution. Either we walk them up to the mayor and make a report before leaving, or we just leave them in the woods. Or here, they f we truly have no other idea."
Last edited February 10, 2025 1:44 pm
Feb 10, 2025 4:22 pm
Aanbo nods at Myrtha's opinion. "One issue is time," he says. "Constable Grover is unconscious and will be discovered soon, if he hasn't been already. And if he's awake and in league with Bertram, his first stop might be here. I mean not to rush us into a snap decision, just trying to put all the beads on the table so we can assess the course of action that can provide as much benefit despite the circumstances."

He brings his healer's kit to Chase's body and begins to administer what aid he can. "I will tend to Chase. See to Bertram and his room for anything that might help our cause. Barricade the doors to buy us some time, and if the Constable or others try to enter, we can retreat out the cellar door. We can decide what to do about our prisoners then."
I know we can use one application of the healer's kit to spend Hit Dice and recover HP after a short rest. Would that apply to Chase if he is unconscious for an hour?
Feb 10, 2025 4:27 pm
"The problem with the tunnels is that we don't know where they go. It is generally frowned upon to retreat forward," Theran says, shaking his head. "Especially when we may get blocked in on both sides. Someone knows those tunnels. I am hesitant to risk using them in our current state."

He gances to the still-unconscious Chase. "Perhaps the room before the tunnels? Barricade both doors. We can grab Reptile, and bring this one with us for now. Grab food and water from the kitchen to last the day. Once everyone is ready, we make a run through the cellar and out onto the street?

I don't know, but I feel there is no good option. If we leave immediately, we carry Chase and Reptile. Or leave a fallen comrade. Or stay and risk getting trapped."
The frustration in Theran's voice is obvious as he kicks at a chair from where he sits.
Feb 10, 2025 8:43 pm
CancerMan says:
I know we can use one application of the healer's kit to spend Hit Dice and recover HP after a short rest. Would that apply to Chase if he is unconscious for an hour?
@CancerMan - it won't help at this time, as Chase has already spent his Hit Die. But, once he completes a Long Rest, he will regain his Hit Die, and then you can use the Healer's Kit so he can use it. Either that or Theran can use a spell if he takes a Long Rest and regains his spell slots.
Feb 10, 2025 8:57 pm
This is a good discussion. Since it involves a bunch of details that have been revealed over months of real time, I thought I'd help with a summary of the state of the Golden Grain Inn.

It's the middle of the night still, so it's unlikely that anyone would casually appear and try to enter the Inn to discover the slaughter for hours yet, though as Aanbo pointed out, someone more nefarious could appear before then. You figure about four hours remain before daybreak, though Chase is the one who would be most sure. Aside from the party, there are three living people still in the Inn that the party knows of: Lhari, Hamiff, and the friendly guest staying in the room on the other side of the second-floor dining room. There are six corpses: the mutilated body of the torture victim (Wine Cellar), Reptile (brought up to the second floor), Derek (second floor), Bertram (ground floor), Traver (second floor), and Melano (second floor).

It sounds like this trio wants to move Chase to a different, more defensible location in this building to rest and recover. Myrtha mentioned Bertram's room (which is where Aanbo and Chase first entered through the back door: the ground-floor room with the bed, the desk, the chest, and the gaudy rugs). In talking to each other and comparing mental layouts of what each group has explored, you three have also realized that the rugs in Bertram's room cover the trap door that leads down the ladder into the secret basement...which is the room with the heavy, barred door that leads to the tunnels. So you could move to Bertram's room and hole up there (although the back door is broken), or you could pass through Bertram's room, still searching it in passing, and continue to the secret basement room and hole up there.

Bertram's room, the secret basement, and the regular basement all have three exits (not counting the door to the storage cellar as an exit, as it doesn't go anywhere).
The door to the tunnel can be barred, and the exterior door to Bertram's room is broken.
There are several rooms with two exits in the Inn: each of the bedrooms on the second floor the open off of the southern wall also have a secret door leading into the secret passage. The room the party is in now - the barracks - has two exits, as does the dining room next door.
The Lounge and the Kitchen on the ground floor also each have two exits. The Wine Cellar has two exits, but the exterior door is broken.
Feb 10, 2025 9:07 pm
"You are certainly right, Theran. The tunnels could turn nasty very fast," she responded, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"I hate the idea of just leaving these two here to be found by their allies in a few hours," she continued, "but there might be no avoiding that."

"If we can’t just drop these two with the mayor, along with our report of our discoveries, we should at least hand a letter to Ramne as we head out, asking him to hand it to the mayor. He should know that this Inn is full of secret passages and tunnels to Beory know’s where! He should know of the dead body below. He should know how and why we killed those we killed. Our report would undermine any false account these patriots", the word was spoken with disgust, "come up with when we’re gone. But before that, let’s grab whatever we can in Bertram’s room and get out of here."

As if struck with a last idea, she added "Do you think we could take Lhari and Hamiff into the nearby woods, tie them to a tree, and tell the mayor where to find them? That way the mayor will be privy to the information before the thugs get a chance to recover their friends. And he will also understand we are honorable people, and that our report was truthful."
Spaceseeker19 stated here that Chase needs a long rest or magic healing to regain consciousness. The reason, I believe, is that he has no HD to spend on a short rest (or healer’s kit usage), but I might be misreading this.
Last edited February 11, 2025 6:08 am
Feb 12, 2025 5:41 am
OK, so there are three characters who've each expressed their ideas on how to proceed. Three characters, at least three proposals. In case it helps move it along, here's a poll. Answer or discuss further if you like.

Where should the group take Chase to rest and recover? Public

Retreat to the tunnels to look for a different exit/safe place to rest away from the Inn
Barricade the PCs in the Inn to rest until Chase can recover, then leave the Inn
Take Chase out of the Inn to find a different place to rest
Feb 12, 2025 5:43 am
Similarly, there's a number of proposals regarding the captive cult members. Vote or discuss.

What should be done with the captives? Public

When we're ready to go, take them to the Mayor
Take them to the forest and leave them there (with an idea of notifying the Mayor)
Leave them bound in the Inn when we leave
Feb 12, 2025 3:15 pm
No problem abstracting the discussion. I see there is a majority for barricading and then leaving without the two prisoners. So as far as Myrtha is concerned, I'd have her take Lhari and Hamiff to different rooms, so they can't help each other, and then head downstairs to (a) secure Reptile's body, and (b) search Bertram's room and take any valuable items or documents.
Feb 12, 2025 4:17 pm
After everything, I would want to report to Ramne, the Mayor, or even Alan about what's happening. I'd ask that they look out for each other while we're gone.
Feb 12, 2025 5:08 pm
Theran would look to keep Lhari and Hamiff together, restrained and with the group as they rested. That way they can't be found and tip anyone off to where the party might be hidden. The idea being when the group does slip out, they can make a quick stop by the Mayor and tip him off to the two captives.

And yes, Theran would make sure the captives were fed and given water. It's a bit of work, but it helps push the idea we aren't the monsters the cult made us out to be.

There's an entire kitchen above the hidden room, after all. Food should be easy.
Feb 12, 2025 8:42 pm
Sounds like a plan. We take the prisoners down and keep them in the room with the dead body. We pillage the kitchen while someone barricades the Inn. We check Bertram’s room and we recover Reptile’s body. After we’ve rested and Chase is up, we leave the two prisoners in the secret room, and head off to see Ramne, the Mayor or Adam, and explain what they’ll find at the Inn. Then we get out of Orlane, regroup, bury Reptile, and train.
Last edited February 12, 2025 8:42 pm
Feb 13, 2025 2:31 pm
Not the whole inn, I was thinking just the hidden room. The uninitiated would miss it and may assume we left. Only cultists who know about the tunnels would even look for us there. If we barricade the entire inn, it sends a clear message that we're still here.

It may be a bit cramped, but it seems safest.
Feb 13, 2025 4:28 pm
Agreed. Barricading ourselves in the small secret room.
Feb 13, 2025 5:09 pm
"Theran, will you help me carry Chase?" asks Aanbo, prepared to move downstairs.
Feb 14, 2025 1:26 am
Aanbo and Theran heft Chase's unconscious body while Myrtha remains to glower at Lhari and the unconscious Hamiff.
After carrying the ranger downstairs, the monk and the druid decide that, while it might be slightly more direct, it would be a LOT more difficult to lower Chase down the ladder. So instead of taking Chase down through Bertram's room, they take the slightly longer route through the kitchen. As it is, the stairway is narrow and steep. But soon enough they have pulled on the torch sconce to open the secret door in the basement and have laid Chase gently down in the hidden room, well away from the mutilated corpse at the other end.
Returning upstairs, Aanbo and Theran sigh and heft Hamiff's unconscious body and Myrtha shoves Lhari ahead of her down the hall and down the stairs to the common room. Lhari gives a little whimper at seeing the thick blood streak from where Bertram fell to where his corpse was dragged behind the bar. But Myrtha allows the brute no time to dwell on the inevitability of death; she shoves him toward the door, through the kitchen, and down the stairs into the basement.

In the end, everyone - Aanbo, Chase, Hamiff, Lhari, Myrtha, and Theran - are secure in the hidden room, with the secret door to the west closed again. They see how the door can be opened from this side. To the south, the door leading to the tunnels is barred. Above them, a ladder rises almost vertically to the trap door in the ceiling that opens onto Bertram's room (the trap door is concealed by heavy carpets above it).
[ +- ] Holed up in the Hidden Room
What do each of you want to do during the long rest that will restore Chase's hit die? You've talked at various times about scavenging food, searching Bertram's room, cleaning up bodies, and barricading one or more doors...
Feb 14, 2025 3:27 am
Theran will make sure Reptile's body is also with them, then raid the kitchen for foodstuffs and ample water. (Keeping an eye out for two or three buckets.) Once everyone is in the hidden room, he would want to make sure both proper doors are barricaded to prevent anyone entering. He would also check to see if the trapdoor into Bertram's room has a latch that can be used to secure it.

With all that done, he will want to long rest. He will also make sure the captives are fed and given water.
Feb 14, 2025 4:04 am
Aanbo brings the weapons confiscated from Constable Grover, Donovan, and Hulbar. Rather than taking them down into the secret room, Aanbo stuffs the weapons behind the barrels in the storage area.

As for the bodies, Aanbo followed Theran's suggestion of moving them to the tunnels. He was fine with handling the gruesome task on his own, reasoning that they had time and both Theran and Myrtha were busy guarding the prisoners and securing food for the night.
Feb 14, 2025 8:12 pm
Myrtha would also like to take any papers and any valuables from Bertram’s room before locking up in the secret room. They’d tried the trapdoor from below, so she wants to make sure that in an emergency they can exit from the cellar through Bertram’s room.

She would want to have Lhari and/or Hamiff identify the tortured corpse, as well.

She will help with moving the bodies into the tunnel, if needed. Though I’m afraid that might attract vermin and or larger predators that might prowl through the yet unexplored tunnels. After that, she’ll try to clean up Reptile’s body somewhat, and go through his belongings to determine what they should take and what should be left behind.
Last edited February 14, 2025 8:14 pm
Feb 15, 2025 7:18 pm
OK, before anything else:
@CancerMan, decrement one use of the healer's kit (only if you restored it from earlier when you tried to use it too soon, though).
@mathias0077 - please FINALLY roll your hit die as Chase recovers it at the end of the long rest and then takes a short rest to use it!!! You wake up and immediately eat one ration, ravenously hungry.
In the process of moving to the secret room, Myrtha retrieves the lantern and uses another flask of oil to relight it as it goes out over the course of the rest of the night. That way, she can see as she performs the rest of the tasks.

During the last hours of darkness, Theran rummages through the kitchen, finding three buckets and filling them from a water barrel in the kitchen (there's probably someone that Bertram hired to refill the bucket from a well or the stream as needed). Theran feeds himself and Lhari and offers water; Lhari sips eagerly at the cup. Hamiff is out cold.

There is no latch on the trapdoor; like with the secret door to the west, it seems that the main defense was being concealed. The only door with any kind of other protection in the hidden meeting room is the barred door leading south into the tunnels.

Aanbo and Myrtha open that door as they use the last hours of darkness taking turns guarding the prisoners and retrieving bodies from all over the Inn to carry them down the flight(s) of stairs and through that door into the cold, foul-smelling tunnel. It's hard work for one person to carry a dead weight such a long distance (especially for Myrtha, who has to keep setting the body down, moving the lantern into the next room, and then going back to move the body), but they take plenty of rests, as they have so much time. They stack the bodies by the door. Myrtha tries to get Lhari (Hamiff, like Chase, is out for hours) to identify the mutilated body, but he shrugs. "That's not anyone I knew. I don't think they're from around here." Myrtha puts the poor unidentified man's body into the tunnel pile and shuts the door again, replacing the bar.

Aanbo retrieves the finely-forged weapons taken from the constable and his henchmen (three longswords, two crossbows) and stows them behind barrels in the storage cellar. To remove further evidence, he does the same with all the weapons that Lhari and his companions (the murdered thugs) were carrying and the ones they didn't use that were still in their room: four short swords, four light crossbows, four clubs.

Having handled so many of the corpses, Myrtha is a little numb by the time she searches Reptile's stiffening body. In death, Reptile had dropped his trademark battleaxe, but on his person, he still had a few other belongings: four javelins, two handaxes, an explorer's pack, a battle horn, a badge, and a money pouch (containing 22 seals, 10 cubs, and 5 eagles).

After the others have finished moving the bodies and stashing the weapons, Theran does his best to barricade the doors and settles down to take his long rest right around sunrise.
@MaJunior - take the benefit of your long rest. Decrement one ration. You regain one hit die (if you had spent any), your uses of Wild Shape, and your spell slots. You can also change which spells you have prepared.
As everyone settles down after their labors, Myrtha hurries up the ladder and through the trap door (the effort to shove back the rug would have been too much for any of the other characters, but she manages to do it with a hefty grunt), gathers papers from Bertram's desk, and looks around the room before looting the chest. She can see in the early morning light shining through the shattered back door, so she doesn't need to be carrying the lantern or a torch in this room.
@matmaisan - please roll an INT (Investigation) or WIS (Perception) check.
Note that I'm playing a little loose with the order these things happened. I'm saying that Myrtha and Aanbo moved the bodies first, while they're still pliable and less awkward to carry than after rigor mortis sets in. I'm having Chase revive now, rather than after everything else is resolved, because the player has really waited a long time to get back in the game. Similarly, I'm having Theran perform his long rest in parallel with Myrtha's exploration of Bertram's room rather than waiting until afterward, so that he can get his spells/wild shapes back.

On that note, however: Chase has to take a short rest after the long rest to actually spend that hit die. But if anyone else has a hit die and wants to use it BEFORE taking a long rest, declare it, get someone with a healer's kit to use it on your PC, and then roll the hit die. You'll get at least one hit die back again after the long rest.
Feb 15, 2025 8:42 pm
Myrtha attempted to be thorough in her search of Bertram’s belongings.
Is Myrtha getting a long rest despite the hauling all these bodies? In any case she is only 1hp down, thanks to Theran’s earlier healing, and still hasn’t used second wind. In case she isn’t getting a long rest due to the strenuous activity, I won’t be spending HD to recover the one hp missing.
Last edited February 15, 2025 8:47 pm


Myrtha - Investigation - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Feb 15, 2025 9:09 pm
Chase opens his eyes and quite understand where he is. The last thing he remembers is jumping over Myrtha as she went down to protect her then striking a blow then feeling a sharp pain. Now he has no idea where he is at. He sees the others in the dim light."What happened? I need some water."
Woo Hoo glad to be back!! Do I get the +1 for con?
Last edited February 15, 2025 9:19 pm


hit die - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Feb 15, 2025 9:49 pm
Aanbo fetches a cupful of water from one of the buckets. "Here you go," he says, handing the cup to Chase. "Easy, just sip, you've had a rough time of it." The monk explains the situation and the plan going forward.
Feb 15, 2025 9:53 pm
Chase will sip the water "Thank you Aanbo, glad the four of us are still together. I might need a bit more time but will be ready to travel when it is time. Even if I have to use my spear as a walking stick for support. We did keep the spear right?"
Feb 15, 2025 11:19 pm
mathias0077 says:
Do I get the +1 for con?
Yes. When you spend hit dice to regain HP with a short rest in 5e, you add your character's CON mod to each hit die you roll.
Feb 15, 2025 11:21 pm
mathias0077 says:
"We did keep the spear right?"
Darn it; I meant to include that in my post about Aanbo stashing the weapons.

Is someone carrying Donovan's spear now, or did it get stashed with the other confiscated weapons in the storage cellar?
Feb 15, 2025 11:37 pm
@matmaisan - if you want Myrtha to take a long rest after this, you can. There's a lot of resting going on, and it would probably be helpful for everyone to have their hit dice in case there's another encounter. She's not resting while moving the bodies, but that's true of everyone. I'm playing a little loose with the timing, like I said. I figure everyone will be finishing up at around the same time that Chase completes the long rest and short rest to recover (although technically Theran would be able to finish hours before the others due to Trance).
Upstairs, in the early morning light, Myrtha does a quick and efficient search of the room. Her suspicions are rewarded when she finds a little niche carved into the underside of the bedframe. Tentatively feeling around in that niche, she feels something metallic: a key! Comparing the key to the huge chest, Myrtha is pretty convinced that they go much so that she uses the key on the chest even though it's not locked. She holds her breath, half expecting there to be a trap. Morning birdsong can be heard in the distance as the world comes alive with the sunrise. There is a loud CLICK that seems loud in the early morning air, and Myrtha swings the heavy lid of the massive chest up and open. The chest is full with three folded aprons, two full sets of Bertram's clothing, and laid across the top of this, a longsword in a scabbard.
Feb 16, 2025 12:39 am
I thought Myrtha had the spear at one point after I went down.
Feb 16, 2025 10:15 am
Indeed she picked the spear up once combat was over, but I didn’t mention it again.
Feb 16, 2025 10:21 am
Myrtha examined Bertram’s belongings carefully. She takes the sword and its scabbard, and attaches them to her belt. The aprons and clothes must be of some value, if they are kept here, she thought. So she takes the aprons and clothes, wondering whether they might hide something else below. It stands to reason that Bertram must have some coin somewhere, and the probably trapped chest wasn’t just a glorified closet.
Feb 18, 2025 2:30 am
"Glad to see you pulled through. I was out of magic, and I did what I could to staunch the bleeding but I was worried if it would be enough." Theran makes sure Chase has food available. After Aanbo speaks, the wood elf adds, "Make no mistake, we've all had a rough time of it."
Was there food in the kitchen we could eat so as not to use our own rations? My intent had been to use their resources.
Last edited February 18, 2025 2:37 am
Feb 18, 2025 8:44 am
Chase will look at Theran"I owe my life then and it is debt I intend to pay. That goes for the rest of you also. Thank you."
Feb 18, 2025 3:52 pm
"Don't worry about it," says Aanbo. "We've a long road ahead of us and dangers to avoid. Rest while you can, before we head out."
Feb 18, 2025 4:07 pm
Theran nods at Aanbo's words. "I don't know what's going on here, but if the past two days are any indication we will all need each other in the near future. Let's not keep track, eh? Now rest up some more. We're going to have to move out soon."
Post long rest, does Hamiff wake up?
Feb 19, 2025 5:38 am
matmaisan says:
Indeed she picked the spear up once combat was over, but I didn’t mention it again.
My question was whether someone was still holding on to it, since Aanbo was stashing all the "confiscated weapons" and that description includes the spear. I'm inferring from your answer that you intend to hold onto it, rather than hiding it with the other weapons.
Feb 19, 2025 5:52 am
MaJunior says:
Was there food in the kitchen we could eat so as not to use our own rations? My intent had been to use their resources.
Mostly the Inn prepares and serves fresh food, as this establishment doesn't have a frost box to preserve food. But rummaging in the kitchen, Theran did manage to find some dried fruit - raisins and currants - that the cook adds to flavor when baking. There is also a covered pot that is soaking beans overnight, which he could cook if he wanted to start a fire in the kitchen. There are dried beans, raw root vegetables, and several varieties of flour in the Storage Cellar off of the basement; everything else must be brought in fresh (from a baker, butcher, etc) and/or prepared each day (like stews from beans). To that end, the cook will probably arrive any minute now, since the sun is already up.

But for your purposes, you can say that you ate all the dried fruit and raw vegetables so that you didn't have to dip into your own supplies. It's a poor meal that's light on fat and protein, but it is just enough.
Feb 19, 2025 5:55 am
After taking Bertram's sword and removing his clothes from the container, Myrtha inspects the interior of the chest. She doesn't see it right away, and so it takes her longer than it should have to find the catch that she strongly suspects is there. Eventually, however, she gets exasperated and just uses a handaxe to chop through the bottom of the chest. Underneath is a hidden compartment, containing more than a thousand assorted coins! Myrtha considers how she is going to transport the coins from the broken chest (which cannot fit through the trap door) down into the secret meeting room with everyone else. All told, the collected coins weigh in excess of thirty pounds.


As the hours pass and Chase wakes, so too does Hamiff, though at first he pretends to still be asleep. Theran realizes his subterfuge and nudges him with a foot. With a groan, the battered man rolls over (as best he can with how he's been bound). He puts on a braver show than Lhari did, saying "Killing us won't help you escape Her judgment! She overcomes all in the end!"


INT (Investigation) DC8 - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Feb 19, 2025 4:27 pm
Theran turns to Lhari, rolling his eyes at Hamiff's bluster. "You see?"

As much as it pains him to do it, Theran will feed Hamiff and give him water to drink. Having at least one empty bucket he will also ask if either captive needs to relieve themselves.
Feb 19, 2025 7:53 pm
Myrtha was surprised at the amount of precious metal Bertram had managed to hoard. She walked back to trapdoor after assessing the situation, and spoke softly down the hole : "Derek wasn't the only thug hoarding coin; there's about thirty pounds of coins here. Should I empty the chest down this hole?"
Are the coins just mixed up in a single mass of treasure, or did Bertram class them somehow, or use separations to keep the gold from the copper, so to say?
Feb 19, 2025 8:07 pm
"Might be a bit too messy?" advises Aanbo. "Let's take what we can, and leave the rest. We don't want to be too laden when we leave."
Feb 20, 2025 5:34 am
matmaisan says:
Are the coins just mixed up in a single mass of treasure, or did Bertram class them somehow, or use separations to keep the gold from the copper, so to say?
Yeah, they tossed all the coins in together.
Feb 21, 2025 3:07 am
"I don't have much in my ruck. I'm sure we can use that for the coin." He will remove the small items before handing his backpack up to Myrtha, so that the coins can be loaded for the trip home.
Feb 21, 2025 6:45 am
Myrtha takes Theran's rucksack and, as quietly as she can given that the shattered back door is hanging wide open and the morning sun is shining into the room, proceeds to grab fistfuls of coins and shove them into the bag. Soon enough she has retrieved all the money, swung the chest closed again, handed the now-heavier pack down through the hole, and follows it down the ladder, closing the trap door above her. The rug flops down back over the trap door, concealing it from any casual observers.

Each of the active PCs in Orlane - Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha, Theran - gains 48 more XP for acquiring this treasure.

Not long after this, once the group has counted the money (there are 889 cubs, 496 seals, and 136 eagles), the party hears someone running around on the floor above them, and the muffled cries of the person (probably the cook) trying to figure out what happened. Lhari and Hamiff begin to look hopeful again...
Feb 21, 2025 2:33 pm
Looking at the captives Chase will walk over and make sure they are gaged well. "Boy Bertram and Derek were doing pretty well for themselves it seems. I wonder if the lady knew about this?"
Feb 21, 2025 2:39 pm
"You will both stay quiet for the moment. Say what you want, but we've taken care of you even though you're captives who tried to kill us. We intend to leave you when we leave... but if you bring attention, you won't survive long enough to be rescued. Clear?"

Theran quietly makes the threat. He isn't sure if he can just slay them while they're defenseless like this... but the cultists don't need to know that. Adding the coin from the assassin's own lockbox, Theran repacks his belongings and shoulders his pack, tightening it and getting ready to move.

"Someone grab Reptile, and let's get out of here. We can go through the basement ans out directly onto the street, then put distance between us and the town. Are we ready?"

As he clutches his trusty staff, Theran focuses for a moment and channels the forces of nature to harden it... just in case.
Casting Shillelagh.
Last edited February 21, 2025 2:41 pm
Feb 21, 2025 2:45 pm
"I say we tie them up and gag them. I don't trust them. We can leave the way open after we leave so they can be found." Chase will secure his pack and shoulder Retile to carry him out.
Thinking like a fireman's carry for equal weight distribution.
Last edited February 21, 2025 2:48 pm
Feb 21, 2025 2:47 pm
[ +- ] OOC
Feb 21, 2025 2:51 pm
MaJunior says:
[ +- ] OOC
Feb 21, 2025 4:04 pm
Aanbo nods to the plan. He helps Chase secure Reptile's body, then whispers, "What should we do about the person upstairs? We might be able to sneak past them, but if they discover us, I will try to knock them out."
Feb 21, 2025 4:40 pm
Theran gives a stern warning to the captives and Chase begins to gag them.

@MaJunior - roll a CHR (Intimidation) check with ADV.

Chase hefts Reptile's body with a grunt. Aanbo helps Chase with Reptile's body, then whispers, "What should we do about the person upstairs? We might be able to sneak past them, but if they discover us, I will try to knock them out."
Just to clarify: there are FOUR exits from the basement:
1) back up the ladder into Bertram's room (where Myrtha came from)
2) Into the tunnels through the barred door (where all the other dead bodies are)
3) Up the basement stairs into the kitchen (where Theran has been most recently)
4) Up the cellar stairs through the broken door to the outside (how Myrtha, Reptile, and Theran originally entered the basement)

It reads to me like some of you are thinking of taking the cellar stairs, and some are talking about taking the basement stairs...?
Feb 21, 2025 5:12 pm
"Oh, I wasn't planning to go upstairs. There are stairs that open directly onto the street, I figured we'd use those. It's a main road, but we'll be in the open and free to move wherever from there. Less chance of being boxed in," Theran elaborates. He will also find something to leave in the door, in order to prop it open so their captives are found.
Option 4.
Last edited February 21, 2025 5:13 pm


Intimidation (CHA) - (2d20H1+1)

(2016) + 1 = 21

Feb 21, 2025 5:25 pm
Aanbo nods at the explanation. "Unseen, even the earth can flow uphill," he says. Then, after some consideration, he adds, "I actually don't know what that means, but my brother used to say it before sneaking out of the monastery, and he never got caught."
Feb 21, 2025 5:35 pm
A beleagured Theran looks back at Aanbo and offers a smile. A tired, worn smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Hopefully we follow his example then."
Feb 21, 2025 5:49 pm
Chase looks at the others"I am with you whichever way we go. Out into the street sounds good to me."
Feb 21, 2025 6:06 pm
"Out the cellar door is best, I believe," the warrior said. "Do we head straight into the woods, the way we came? If we could leave a message to someone," she thought of Ramne, but did not speak the eccentric hermit's name in front of the prisoners, "we could let these two locked up until the mayor and the villagers came to retrieve them, rather than let them be found by the cook."
Feb 21, 2025 6:24 pm
"I'm sure the Constable will find them, as I suspect he knows of these hidden rooms," says Aanbo. "Let's leave them here."

He glances at Lhari and Hamiff, and returns his attention to Myrtha. "Change of plans, we're going somewhere else," he says, giving a wink out of sight from the bound-but-not-deaf prisoners. "We will head to the temple itself and find another place to hide. They'll never think to look for us under their own noses."

Any that look at Aanbo after his suggestion will see his eyes dart in the cultists' direction, implying that the group ought to mislead immediate pursuit.
My intention is that once we're out of sight and sound from Lhari and Hamiff, Aanbo would reset to the original idea of heading into the woods and trying to leave a message with Ramne and/or the Mayor.
Feb 22, 2025 2:29 am
Theran easily cows the two brutes into silence. They stare with wide eyes as the calling voice recedes with the footfalls upstairs (ie, on the ground floor). Then the voice and footsteps are gone, either out of the building or out of earshot.
Before we move out of the Inn's basement, did Theran or Aanbo use a healer's kit or cast spells to regain HP? Right now, I believe this is the HP status:

Aanbo (12/19)
Chase (8/11)
Myrtha (11/12)
Theran (5/13)

Feb 22, 2025 3:08 am
Looks right for Theran. Probably should have used a healers kit or something, but oh well.
Feb 22, 2025 3:12 am
I thought a long rest would restore all HP and half of our spent Hit Dice.
Feb 23, 2025 2:17 am
CancerMan says:
I thought a long rest would restore all HP and half of our spent Hit Dice.
That is how it works in default D&D 5e, yes. And because I am running so many different games, I think I misspoke a few long rests ago, instructing the PCs to heal from a long rest. That was forgetting that, from the very beginning, we have been using the "healer’s kit dependency" and "slow natural healing" optional rules in this A&D-reminiscent game.

The result is that, in this Dungeon Busters game, a long rest restores up to half of a PC's hit dice as usual, but does not restore any HP. HP are only restored through healing magic or spending hit dice (via short rests).

This is from the Rules thread:

healer’s kit dependency – DMG 266
In order to use Hit Dice to heal, a healer's kit must first be applied to the wounds.

slow natural healing – DMG 267
You heal naturally only through using hit dice.
Feb 23, 2025 2:19 am
MaJunior says:
Looks right for Theran. Probably should have used a healers kit or something, but oh well.
Just to be clear, I was asking because now is the time that you can say "I AM using a healer's kit application to spend a hit die." Chase is doing it; anyone else can now, too.
Feb 23, 2025 4:36 pm
Aanbo checks on the bandages and ointments used the evening prior, replacing them with fresh applications to stave off infection.
My bad, I keep forgetting about the custom rules. I'll spend two additional uses of my healer's kit on Theran and myself. I've already marked off one use for Chase; let me know if Myrtha wants a top-off.

Aanbo should now be at 19/19.
Last edited February 23, 2025 4:37 pm


Hit Dice - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Feb 24, 2025 4:11 pm
Seeing Aanbo administer poultices and bandages to her companions, Myrtha responded to his proposal in the negative. "It’s only a scratch, Theran’s magic fixed me good."
Not taking away one use of the healer’s kit for 1hp. I’m assuming the fighter’s second wind hasn’t been house-ruled away, correct? I can get the bonus without having to spend HD, right? Or is it considered "natural healing" and therefore subject to the use of HD?
Last edited February 24, 2025 4:43 pm
Feb 24, 2025 5:47 pm
matmaisan says:
I’m assuming the fighter’s second wind hasn’t been house-ruled away, correct? I can get the bonus without having to spend HD, right?
Correct; Second Wind works without using a Hit Die.

Just to be clear: there is only one house rule in the game, Spaceseeker19's Travel Rule with Mounts. Everything else we are using are official default or variant rules from 5e, as listed in the Rules thread.

I will remind everyone (including myself), however, that those of you with enough XP to gain a level - Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha - can gain the HP increase immediately as described in that rules thread.
Feb 24, 2025 7:24 pm
My bad, not house rules, but optional rules. It’s been a while since I’d read the rules thread, that’s on me. Good to know second wind works as advertised.

Regarding gaining levels: my personal accounting suggests Myrtha is 1xp (!) away from levelling. But if your accounting puts her just across the finish line, I’ll be very happy! If she’s levelled up, how do we manage hp on levelling, roll the dice?
Last edited February 24, 2025 7:32 pm
Feb 24, 2025 7:27 pm
matmaisan says:
Regarding gaining levels: my personal accounting suggests Myrtha is 1xp (!) away from levelling. But if your accounting puts her just across the finish line, I’ll be very happy!
Sometimes I'm slow to update the PC Experience Points thread, but it is currently up-to-date. Myrtha currently has 342 XP.
Feb 24, 2025 7:34 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
Sometimes I'm slow to update the PC Experience Points thread, but it is currently up-to-date. Myrtha currently has 342 XP.
Yoohoo !!!
Feb 25, 2025 5:14 pm
Figuring that now - when the voices and footsteps overhead have receded - is the best time to make their move, Myrtha opens the secret door and Theran slips through and hurries across the basement to the wine cellar's door while Aanbo and Chase follow with Reptile's corpse. Holding the lantern, Myrtha steps through into the basement and lets the secret door swing closed again; her last sight of Hamiff and Lhari is their eyes staring wide over their gags, expecting that the door will shut and plunge them into darkness...but Theran left a dead man's boot there, and the door stops just short of closing completely.

Theran has opened the wine cellar door and has made his way up the steep staircase to the broken cellar door that is just propped up in the doorway. Before lifting the door out of the way, he listens carefully. There is nothing to hear. Myrtha squeezes around Chase, Aanbo, and their grisly load so that she can join Theran at the top of the steps. She extinguishes the lantern, and the group is plunged into dim light, blackness broken only by a gap between the doorjamb and where the door leans against it. Myrtha and Theran look at each other, nod, and together they shift the door open. Aanbo and Chase huff up the stairs with the stiff body of their dead companion and look out. All this has taken maybe 20 seconds.

It is morning and there are the sounds of the village can be heard: the swish-chop of a sickle, a dog barking, the wheel of the mill groaning as it turns in the splashing current, a horse nickering and a man calling to soothe it, a distant group of people murmuring in conversation, and a rhythmic clacking suggesting that the weaver is at his loom.

Each of you, please roll a Perception check and decide which route you're going to take away from the Inn.
[ +- ] The immediate vicinity as the party escapes the Golden Grain Inn


Theran's perception check DC10 - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Feb 25, 2025 11:34 pm
Chase is good with which ever way looks the most clear. Reptile isn't the lightest guy in the world.
Do we have to cross the bridge?


Perception - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Feb 26, 2025 1:09 am
I believe I did mention that Theran would drop something (a broom handle, an old boot, whatever) in the hidden door to prevent it from closing fully, ensuring the two cultists would be found.
Not hearing anything that would alarm him, Theran is quick to open the doors to the street and spill out, ready to make their escape.
Using your roll, and Theran would plan to take the most direct route out of town.
Feb 26, 2025 4:55 am
MaJunior says:
I believe I did mention that Theran would drop something (a broom handle, an old boot, whatever) in the hidden door to prevent it from closing fully, ensuring the two cultists would be found.
Yes, you did; I've amended the description accordingly.
mathias0077 says:
Do we have to cross the bridge?
No, it's up to you all what route you take. The closest woods is Ramne's grove, which IS across the bridge, but that's still close enough to be considered part of the village. Heading west past the farms will return you to Cecily's Road (the way you all came in to Orlane) and out of the village, but there's little cover that way: a long, gradual slope before the Dim Forest crosses the Realstream and provides visual cover. You could also jump in the river and float away, if you had something to use as a raft. Of course, the whole village is a collection of buildings that could be used to hide.
MaJunior says:
Using your roll, and Theran would plan to take the most direct route out of town.
Just FYI: the check I rolled was specific to Theran listening at the door (as that might've changed my description); the Perception check I asked you all to make was a separate one, for when the party is moving out of the cellar. If you want to take a 1 for that, it's fine. But you are welcome - and encouraged! - to roll again.
Feb 26, 2025 5:22 am
"We should head by Ramne’s, let him know what they’ll find at the Inn," Myrtha whispered as they considered their options.
So, who’s carrying the enchanted spear?

I’m for crossing the bridge and heading into the copses next to Ramne’s, and then heading into the woods from there.

Also, Myrtha would volunteer to carry reptile if that meant that Chase could use his bow, for instance…

EDIT: Wow! What a string of nasty rolls!
Last edited February 26, 2025 5:23 am


Perception - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Feb 26, 2025 8:57 am
I thought I was going to do a fireman's carry with Reptile to carry by myself and could have carried the spear. But since Aanbo and I are carrying him I would have handed the spear to Mythra. Also I am fine with Myrtha helping carry if you want me to be able to my bow. I am good either way.
Feb 26, 2025 2:04 pm
mathias0077 says:
I thought I was going to do a fireman's carry with Reptile to carry by myself and could have carried the spear.
Navigating the body up the stairs (with a relatively low ceiling) was easier with two people, but you can certainly switch to this now as you move outside past the stairs.
Feb 26, 2025 11:24 pm
As we leave the stairway Chase will take on the responsibility of Reptile's body. Slung across his shoulders to distribute the weight properly. Chase is used to this action. Being a boundary warden he has had to carry injured and dead people he had found on duty. Chase always tried to find the next of kin for the deceased. He will also take the spear from Mrytha."This way we can move faster and I can still fend someone off if I have to."
Feb 27, 2025 4:53 am
Carrying the dead weight of Reptile on his back, Chase nods to the others. They make a break for it, heading north up the street toward the bridge.
Unless you have another plan, there are two obvious choices here to avoid getting noticed: try to sneak (roll Stealth) or try for speed (roll Athletics). Which will you choose?
Feb 27, 2025 5:41 am
Aanbo mutters to himself, "Unseen, even the earth can flow uphill."
Aanbo would opt for stealth.


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Feb 27, 2025 8:51 am
"Low and slow." with the extra weight stealth is probably the way to over speed. To easy to trip.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Feb 27, 2025 4:27 pm
Opting to cheat, Theran will place a hand on Aanbo's shoulder as he begins shifting form into a spider (just like the form he used to scout the Inn). He will find a spot on Aanbo's gear to nestle in for the trip, staying unseen by those searching and ready to surprise anyone who attacks them.
Feb 28, 2025 8:04 am
From the perspective of any casual observer, Theran vanishes. Aanbo sneaks forward, Chase on his heels, Myrtha trying to stay alert and not draw too much attention.
I'm guessing that Myrtha would prefer to stick with the group rather than rushing ahead, despite the DISADV that will apply to her Stealth check due to scale mail...
They have moved up the street halfway to the bridge when Chase notices the little girl watching them with wide eyes from behind the fence. Nothing to be done about it now. They continue forward and reach the bridge; there is no cry of alarm and no pursuit. Reaching the bridge, Aanbo slows for a moment and scans the opposite bank. They're in luck: no fishermen are plying their trade on the river. Indeed, no one is in sight except for Whiskers, who watches the four heroes and their dead friend hustle across the stone bridge. As soon as they get close, the weasel turns and scampers ahead of them, turning into the path leading into the grove. Once in the trees, the group pauses again.

So far, so good....
Feb 28, 2025 12:07 pm
"Ah, our little guide. good to see a friendly face."As we pause Chase will tell the others"I saw a little girl watching us from behind a fence. I don't know how much time we have."
Feb 28, 2025 2:18 pm
"Despite Reptile being our friend, it probably doesn't look good for us strangers to be carrying a dead body," says Aanbo, "much less apparently taking him directly to Ranme. Let's see if we can avoid the path to Ranme's house and instead take a route through the trees."
Feb 28, 2025 4:58 pm
"I’ll take Reptile further into the woods, you follow whiskers to Ramne. He guided us earlier, in the dark… that way no one can see you with a body. I’ll keep Reptile’s body safe while you talk."
Theran could even enter Ramne’s shack unseen, if we wanted more stealth. Myrtha can hide in the nearby copses while you guys explain.. And if something goes badly, she’ll call out for help…
Mar 2, 2025 5:09 pm
[ +- ] Dungeon Busters in Orlane
From their concealment in the trees, the party overhears some yelled conversation from the closest building. "Belba, I'm headed over to the Rasts to get the latest crop," the party hears the call from out behind the Inn of the Slumbering Serpent.
"Oh, you and your wine!" comes the answering cry, "I swear if Lily wasn't married, I'd be jealous!"
"Her grapes may be sweet, but they're nothing to your sweet smile!"
"Oh, get out of here, you old rogue!"
During this interchange, Chase has shifted his load (Reptile's stiff corpse) to Myrtha. Myrtha makes her way in between the trees, skirting Ramne's glade and moving further west, while Aanbo (carrying spider-Theran) and Chase emerge from the copse onto the trail leading to Ramne's shack. Much as before, Ramne is busy working in his garden, watering a row of shoots climbing up bean poles.

"What do you want?" Ramne croaks irritably. "My vegetables are mine. MINE! I told you already, but I suppose you..." Whiskers chitters, and Ramne stops mid-sentence. Then he resumes in a low voice. "Whiskers says that there's no one within earshot. I'm glad to see that you haven't been re-captured, but I'm a little surprised to see you again so soon. What can I do for you?"
Mar 2, 2025 5:50 pm
Aanbo speaks quietly, lest his words attract unwanted attention. "I am sorry for endangering you," he begins. "We wanted to let someone trustworthy know about our discovery. The root of corruption has dug deep into the earth in Orlane, and I mean that literally. We found tunnels under the Golden Grain Inn that appear to be the main passage for shady individuals and troglodytes."

He goes on to explain how the events at the inn that resulted in the deaths of Bertram and other cultists, and of how the Constable, Lhari, and Hamiff were left alive. "The Constable is particularly dangerous, being a man in a position of authority. We ask that you tread carefully, lest he turn his wrath upon you. We also fear for Alan, who helped us when the Constable tried to kill us."

Aanbo continues, "Again, I am sorry we have endangered you. We have been beaten and are in no position to combat this threat to Orlane, not in our current condition. We must retreat to gather our strength and find more friends, and we intend to return as soon as we can."
Mar 2, 2025 7:48 pm
Chase will nod to these comments and add"Make sure you the Mayor and Alan keep your eyes open. The lady we keep hearing about might be coming after y'all. You should try to figure out who all is under her influence. It looks like Bertram and Derek were also doing their own thing that most of the cultists don't know about."
Mar 2, 2025 9:00 pm
As soon as Aanbo, Chase and spider-Theran moved towards Ramne's hut, Myrtha found a spot in which to set Reptile's body on the ground, on a blanket of leaves and moss. She looked around her, making sure there were no prying eyes, no sound of approaching movement. Once she was satisfied she was alone, she crouched by her fallen companion and began whispering.

"I'm sorry I failed you, friend," she took a deep breath, and continued. "Two weeks travelling on our own, sharing war stories and laughing at stupid jokes. And as soon as we get a mission, a real mission, I fucked it up." Her voice cracked a bit, as stronger emotions began boiling up. "I've trained for years to be the shield. To put my body in front of the thrusting spears and slashing axes... and what good was that? A fucking bar brawl! A club to the head and that's it. Fucking Hamiff still breathing down there. And when we come back, if we come back, I wager he'll have to be beaten to near death again."

Anger was upstaging grief, so she consciously tried to calm down. "At least that torturer is in the Pits, stuck up the Dark One's smelly arse crack... Derek won't be torturing no more..." she continued, a bitter smile momentarily touching her lips, as the image she evoked settled in her mind. Then sadness again, "Fuck, Reptile! Why'd you have to go?" she pleaded, tears coursing down her cheeks. She'd suffered loss before, even more personal loss. But there was something particularly bruising about the barbarian's demise. Maybe it was the pointlessness of it all. They'd been framed by these cultists, and had done so much effort to 'clear their name' when, as a matter of fact, most villagers would be right to think of them as ruthless foreign killers. This cult was devious and organised, they'd fallen victims to a trap and they'd ought to have known better.

"I hope we'll manage to get Joseph back, friend. I'd hoped that they'd have taken the little guy to that fucking inn, but we found no trace of him, " the warrior-woman continued, concern creasing the corners of her eyes, which she then hid behind her dirty, blood speckled hands. "When... if we return, we'll have to be a lot smarter about it. I hope there's still time for Joseph."

She sniffed once or twice, and touched the barbarian's cheek, on the side not crushed by Hamiff's clubbing. "I'll have vengeance, in your name, friend. And a tale to tell your family, once I track them down. They ought to know what you gave your life for. They ought to know the people who took your life are all back to the mud, and that you ain't died for nothing".

She removed her hand from her companion's face, with a hint of shyness, as if ashamed of a closeness she had not realised was there. She rubbed away the last few tears from her face, and stood up. She took out her hand axe, and began looking for a couple of staves, or long branches she might be able to cut. They'd need to move faster with the body, and an improvised stretcher might be their best choice, given the circumstances. They should have enough rope, and they might find vines that were tough enough. She put her mind to such practical matters, if only to escape the dreary feelings that the previous night' toil had left her with.
Last edited March 2, 2025 9:01 pm
Mar 2, 2025 9:18 pm
Last edited March 2, 2025 9:21 pm
Mar 3, 2025 5:49 pm
While Myrtha processes her grief and constructs a travois, back in Ramne's glade, the old man is taking in everything that the monk and ranger have told him. "Grover used to be fair and reliable; he even helped me with some repairs on my hut. I knew he had changed, but I thought it was perhaps the normal bitterness and resentment that develops in people when faced with disappointment. I didn't realize that it was something more until the Constable attacked you and turned on Alan. You were in his charge! That is not normal darkness; he has been turned to a darker purpose, a foul will, outside of many others. Something is behind this; some darkness is tainting the residents of Orlane. I'm confident that it has something to do with the troglodytes. Now that you've identified that they're coming through tunnels under the Inn, we'll keep our eyes on that and see what else we can find out while you are gone. And I will also try to determine who has been tainted if I can. But if you will come back (as I hope you will), hurry! The darkness is spreading and I do not think I can stop it on my own!"
What do you do now?
Mar 3, 2025 6:14 pm
"I hope to return as quickly as we can," says Aanbo. "I believe the Mayor and his elven companions are not under this dark influence, not yet. I want to warn them and Alan's family of the danger, but I fear if we linger in Orlane longer, we risk our own discovery and will cause more unnecessary death. It is why we chose your secluded grove first. I remember that you said many in Orlane shun you, but I must ask; do you have a means to spread this news to the Mayor and Alan, that they can take word of the threat with seriousness?"
Mar 3, 2025 11:52 pm
Chase will agree with Aanbo "We will move quickly and get some help and come back as soon as we can. Can Whiskers deliver messages to the Mayor and Alan without being noticed?" Chase shake his head"If we only had a few horses."
Mar 4, 2025 1:43 am
"I don't know how much my word will sway them, but I will pass along the warnings," Ramne nods, and the weasel chitters. Ramne smiles: "...and with Whiskers' help, too. I wouldn't leave you out of it, little one!"

The old man addresses the two (well, three, really, considering that Theran is there on Aanbo's shoulder) heroes again: "I would ask that you write them a note - wonders of wonders, both of them can read! - except that I think the Mayor may trust you even less than he trusts me." He clasps the dwarf and human's shoulders with his frail, knobby hands (Theran scuttles out of the way to avoid getting crushed). "I will spread the word, one way or another. But you should have some food for your journey!"

Ramne goes back into his hut and emerges a moment later with a small sack of fresh vegetables, which he hands to the duo.
There is enough food there to count as four rations.
"May Merikka provide bounty, Fharlanghn guide your steps, and Delleb grant you wisdom!" Ramne smiles once more, then turns back to his garden, waving a hand dismissively. "Now go, before someone comes looking for you here."
Mar 4, 2025 2:43 am
"Thank you, kind farmer," says Aanbo, securing the vegetables for later. "And you're right about the note. I also fear that my handwriting might be terrible enough to label my words as evil!"

He takes his leave of the old man and weasel, and waits for Chase before rejoining Myrtha to escape from Orlane.
Mar 4, 2025 8:50 am
Chase will quickly write a note each for the Mayor and Alan relating hitting all the bullet points of what they found so they can do their own investigating. He will also add an extra thank you to Alan for his help getting himself and Aanbo free."Here you go Ramne a note for each and they are labeled. Thank you for all your help sir. We will return." With that Chase will turn and head after Aanbo.
Mar 4, 2025 4:10 pm
Aanbo leaves one last warning, "I suggest they each burn the note afterward. Of course, those who have been corrupted may still accuse them of aiding those 'murdering strangers,' but at least there won't be physical evidence linking them to us." The monk thinks back to the deposit of the tortured body at the barn, a clear attempt at framing the Dungeon Busters for the deed.
Mar 4, 2025 5:08 pm
The two heroes Chase and Aanbo (with Theran riding along unseen) then leave the old hermit and reenter the woods behind Ramne's shack. At the edges of the forest here, there is still plenty of light, and they are quickly able to find Myrtha where she awaits with Reptile's body on a travois.

The four of you are in a fringe of the Dim Forest, in a long finger that has not been cleared for farming. To the west is the Dim Forest. To the east of you lies Orlane and, beyond that, more of the Dim Forest. To the north are the farms where many of Orlane's residents work and, beyond them, more of the Dim Forest. To the south is the Realstream River. South of the River is Cecily's Road, and south of that is more forest that slowly gives way to the Rushmoors. Cecily's Road leads west by southwest to Hochoch, and east by northeast (leaving Orlane) to Hookhill.
Mar 4, 2025 5:23 pm
"Let's stick to the Dim Forest until we are west of Orlane, then we can detour back to Cecily's Road and continue to Hochoch," says Aanbo. "What do you think?"
Mar 4, 2025 7:25 pm
''l agree; Aanbo,' Myrtha responded, ready to begin carrying the body over the rough terrain.
Mar 5, 2025 12:11 am
"Sounds good to me. Do you want me to scout or help carry Reptiles body?"
Mar 5, 2025 4:03 am
The party heads off west through the woods away from Orlane, deeper into the Dim Forest, Myrtha dragging the travois with Reptile's corpse bound to it.

One of you should take the lead; that person should roll a WIS (Survival) check...unless it's Chase, who can't get lost in Forests. The woods are deep and green, and very quickly any sounds of the village of Orlane disappear into the thick foliage behind you.


What? - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Mar 5, 2025 4:11 am
Aanbo helps secure the back of the convoy, as well as assist the transport of the body should the travois run into trouble.
Mar 5, 2025 8:46 am
Chase being at home in the forest will take the lead. Always vigilant, senses on high alert.
Mar 5, 2025 11:54 pm
The party travels through the Dim Forest for nearly an hour. It's a little while after they take a break to get some water and for Myrtha to shift her grip on the travois that the group hears a snorting in the undergrowth; it looks like the heroes have disturbed a small sounder of wild boars, which erupt out of the brush and begin trotting toward the heroes belligerently.
[ +- ] Waylaid in the Forest by Boars
[ +- ] Theran's close-up
Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha, and Theran: please roll initiative. There are four wild boars, which will all act on the same initiative count.

Aanbo (27/27)
Chase (11/14)
Myrtha (17/18)
Theran (Spider 1/1, Elf 5/13)


Wild Boar initiative - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Mar 5, 2025 11:57 pm
Chase hearing then seeing the boars readies his spear for the confrontation.


initiative - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Mar 5, 2025 11:59 pm
Theran will leap off of Aanbo's shoulder and shift back into his elven form, checking the heft of his staff as he readies himself for the boars.


Initiative - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Mar 6, 2025 12:04 am
Round One
(this is followed by round two)

Murderously angry, four boars erupt out of the undergrowth, charging at the party.
[ +- ] Waylaid in the Forest by Boars
Theran drops from Aanbo's shoulder and ends his Wild Shape, resuming his original elven form.
Chase sets his spear, confident that he will skewer one of the beasts as they charge on their turn.
Myrtha drops the travois and rushes toward the boars, slapping her shield with her sword blade to startle the beasts.
Aanbo rushes forward after her, making noise and swinging his staff to startle them too. Boar 2 is startled and breaks off its charge, taking no action this round.
Boar 1 charges Chase and gets skewered by the ranger's readied attack.
Boar 1 takes 9 damage and tries to gore Chase. Its tusks rip into the ranger.
Chase takes 8 slashing damage.
Boar 2 paws the ground uneasily.
Boar 3 starts to charge Theran, but is startled by the counter charge of Myrtha and Aanbo, so it ends up charging past the party.
Boar 4 charges Chase, but, startled by the loud noises, brushes past him to circle around behind the group.
[ +- ] Angry boars attack
As the boar races past him, Chase reacts swiftly (making his opportunity attack), whipping the spear around and down, stabbing deep into boar 4's side. Boar 4 squeals in pain and rage.
Boar 4 takes 8 piercing damage.
As he moves swiftly away from Reptile's corpse to support Chase, Theran draws upon the magic in the world around him: the life force of the Dim Forest itself flows into him, down his arms, and into his staff, which swells and sprouts leaves that grow into small branches. With this transformation, the druid brings the Shillelagh down onto the boar's back.
Boar 1 takes 7 damage and barely keeps its feet.
[ +- ] Boar Fight, end of round one

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One (-16) Two Three Four (-8)
10 - Theran (5/13)
Mar 6, 2025 12:09 am
"Oh," is all Aanbo can say after so much travel.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Mar 6, 2025 4:28 pm
Myrtha lowers the travois on to the forest ground and readies her shield.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Mar 6, 2025 9:18 pm
Chase will brace himself with his spear as the boars charge. He will time his thrust just right and skewer the boar.
Last edited March 6, 2025 9:19 pm


to hit, damage - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

1d6+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Mar 6, 2025 9:51 pm
Aanbo does the opposite; he charges the boars, waving his arms to make his dwarvish stature bigger than it is and slapping his quarterstaff against the ground violently. He does not roar, rather makes sharp, "Hup!" and "Hie!" sounds to try and frighten the boars away.


Intimidation - (1d20+0)

(16) = 16

Mar 7, 2025 2:40 am
Chase sets his spear, confident that he will skewer one of the beasts as they charge on their turn.
@matmaisan - What does Myrtha do...?
Aanbo runs forward, swinging his staff so it whistles through the air and slaps it on the underbrush with a crack! to startle the territorial beasts.
The boars will take their turns here, which in part will be in reaction to what Myrtha and the others are doing.
Theran has transformed back into elven form and will act on his turn after the boars.
(Note that Theran has now encountered boars, and can add that Wild Shape to his repertoire)
Mar 7, 2025 5:44 am
Myrtha will charge forward erratically slapping the side of her blade to her shield, in an attempt to confuse and frighten the creatures.
Hoping to give advantage to Aanbo’s intimidation check.
Mar 7, 2025 6:08 am
round one, continued...

Myrtha drops the travois and rushes toward the boars, slapping her shield with her sword blade to startle the beasts.
Aanbo rushes forward after her, making noise and swinging his staff to startle them too. Boar 2 is startled and breaks off its charge, taking no action this round.
Boar 1 charges Chase and gets skewered by the ranger's readied attack.
Boar 1 takes 9 damage and tries to gore Chase. Its tusks rip into the ranger.
Chase takes 8 slashing damage.
Boar 2 paws the ground uneasily.
Boar 3 starts to charge Theran, but is startled by the counter charge of Myrtha and Aanbo, so it ends up charging past the party.
Boar 4 charges Chase, but, startled by the loud noises, brushes past him to circle around behind the group.
@mathias0077 - you may expend Chase's reaction to make an opportunity spear attack on Boar 4 now, if you wish.

@MaJunior - it is Theran's turn now.
[ +- ] Angry boars attack

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One (-9) Two Three Four
10 - Theran (5/13)


Boar 1 charging tusk attack on Chase AC16, slashing damage - (1d20+3, 2d6+1)

1d20+3 : (17) + 3 = 20

2d6+1 : (52) + 1 = 8

Mar 7, 2025 11:27 am
Chase after stabbing boar 1 and taking a brutal hit from its tusks will then take a stab at boar 4 as it runs past him.
Are these giant boar or smaller?
Last edited March 7, 2025 11:46 am


to hit, damage - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)

1d20+6 : (7) + 6 = 13

1d6+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

Mar 7, 2025 2:08 pm
Theran moves closer to Chase, channeling the power of nature into his staff as he does so. Once he's near his companion, he attacks the boar nearest them.
Moving 4 squares left and 1 square up.
Casting Shillelagh as a bonus action.
Action to attack Boar 1.


Attack (Staff - Shillelagh) - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Damage (Bludgeoning, Magic) - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Mar 8, 2025 2:21 am
Round one, continued

As the boar races past him, Chase reacts swiftly, whipping the spear around and down, stabbing deep into boar 4's side. Boar 4 squeals in pain and rage.
Boar 4 takes 8 piercing damage.
As he moves swiftly away from Reptile's corpse to support Chase, Theran draws upon the magic in the world around him: the life force of the Dim Forest itself flows into him, down his arms, and into his staff, which swells and sprouts leaves that grow into small branches. With this transformation, the druid brings the Shillelagh down onto the boar's back.
Boar 1 takes 7 damage and barely keeps its feet.
This ends round one. Chase, Myrtha, and Aanbo should post their round two turns now.
[ +- ] Boar Fight, end of round one
mathias0077 says:
Are these giant boar or smaller?
@mathias0077 - they're just regular, Medium-sized boars, not four Large-sized Giant Boars.

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One (-16) Two Three Four (-8)
10 - Theran (5/13)
Mar 8, 2025 3:25 am
Aanbo's disappointment at not scaring away the boars is replaced by regret, knowing he must subdue or put down the aggressive beasts. He doubles back, using his speed to close in on Boar3 before it can turn around and charge the group's flank. Aanbo tries to make himself a target, ready to dodge out of the way of the sharp tusks and potentially retaliate.
Movement: 35 feet towards Boar 3.
Action: Dodge
Mar 8, 2025 7:10 am
Seeing boar 2 is rather confused at the moment, Myrtha will back ten feet towards boar 1 and hurl a hand axe at it, before resuming her guard with the sword and shield, facing boar 2.


Thrown hand axe, damage - (1d20+4, 1d6+3)

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

1d6+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Mar 8, 2025 2:02 pm
Chase will recover after the strike on the passing boar and again thrust a boar one. He is hurt bad and needs to take this thing down so he can focus on boar four.
So if one goes down Chase will turn so he can focus on four. If it charges him again he will try and dodge if possible. With only 3 hps left he has to be careful.
Last edited March 8, 2025 2:04 pm


to hit, damage - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

1d6+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Mar 8, 2025 5:57 pm
Round Two
(this was preceded by round one)

Chase reverses the grip on the spear and plunges it downward into the back of the boar that just nearly killed him. The magic weapon crunches through the beast's back and passes completely through its body into the forest floor, pinning the boar to the ground.
Boar 1 takes 7 piercing damage and dies.
@matmaisan - my inclination is to say that Myrtha throws her hatchet at Boar 2 rather than Boar 1, since you would know that Boar 1 was out of the combat before you took your action if we were declaring our actions in turn order like in a real-time game. Let me know if you don't want that, and I'll amend what follows.
Myrtha takes her eyes off of the beast in front of her to risk a glance back at Chase and Theran. Seeing that the ranger has dispatched his immediate foe, the statuesque fighter yanks a hatchet from her belt and flings it at the closest boar that Aanbo intimidated.
Boar 2 takes 7 slashing damage.
Then she draws her sword, preparing for its response.

Feet blurring, Aanbo speeds away after Boar 3 which just ran past him, trying to keep its attention on him and not on his badly injured companions.
[ +- ] Pounding the Sounder
Boar 2 grunts at the impact of the hatchet, paws the ground, and charges at the closest interloper: Myrtha. Myrtha neatly sidesteps the charge, and the boar keeps running past her.

Aanbo certainly has drawn Boar 3's attention; it gives a deep-chested squeal of rage and rushes him. But because the dodgy monk is so close, the beast is unable to get up to full speed before reaching him. Aanbo leaps and dives over the oncoming porcine terror, which passes underneath him. As Boar 3 passes by under him, Aanbo hits the ground, rolls, and springs up again, using his reaction to thrust the staff after the speeding creature and thump it hard in the hindquarters.
Boar 3 takes 6 bludgeoning damage.
@mathias0077 - I just realized that you are using the spear with two hands, which means you should be rolling 1d8 for damage, not 1d6. Would you like to reroll the opportunity attack damage on Boar 4 from last turn, or do you want to keep the 4+4?
Boar 4 charges at Chase, the source of its pain. Chase steps right as a feint, then jukes to the left. The beast falls for it and passes harmlessly through the empty space where it thought he would be standing, continuing past both the ranger and druid.
[ +- ] The boars miss their attacks
Using his reaction, Chase plunges the spearpoint at the beast as it misses him and Theran. The ranger's aim is true.
Boar 4 takes 6 piercing damage and dies. Carried by its momentum, the dead creature thuds to the ground as its legs give out and it slides to a stop.
[ +- ] Boar 4 falls

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One, Two (-7), Three (-6), Four
10 - Theran (5/13)
Mar 8, 2025 6:20 pm
round two, continued

Boar 2 grunts at the impact of the hatchet, paws the ground, and charges at the closest interloper: Myrtha. Myrtha neatly sidesteps the charge, and the boar keeps running past her.

Aanbo certainly has drawn Boar 3's attention; it gives a deep-chested squeal of rage and rushes him. But because the dodgy monk is so close, the beast is unable to get up to full speed before reaching him. Aanbo leaps and dives over the oncoming porcine terror, which passes underneath him. Aanbo rolls and springs to his feet as the boar keeps running.
@mathias0077 - I just realized that you are using the spear with two hands, which means you should be rolling 1d8 for damage, not 1d6. Would you like to reroll the opportunity attack damage on Boar 4 from last turn, or do you want to keep the 4+4?
Boar 4 charges at Chase, the source of its pain. Chase steps right as a feint, then jukes to the left. The beast falls for it and passes harmlessly through the empty space where it thought he would be standing, continuing past both the ranger and druid.
[ +- ] The boars miss their attacks
All four of you can choose to use your reactions to make opportunity attacks if you wish.

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One, Two (-7), Three, Four (-8)
10 - Theran (5/13)


Boar 2 charge on Myrtha AC18, slashing damage - (1d20+3, 2d6+1)

1d20+3 : (5) + 3 = 8

2d6+1 : (54) + 1 = 10

Boar 3 tusk attack on Aanbo AC15, slashing damage - (2d20l1+3, 1d6+1)

2d20l1+3 : (420) + 3 = 7

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Boar 4 charge on Chase AC16, slashing damage - (1d20+3, 2d6+1)

1d20+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

2d6+1 : (66) + 1 = 13

Mar 8, 2025 6:34 pm
Aanbo takes the opportunity to swing his quarterstaff down upon the boar as it passes beneath him, aiming for the back hip to try and limit the beast's mobility.
Reaction: Opportunity Attack with quarterstaff, two-handed


Quarterstaff 2H to hit, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)

1d20+4 : (8) + 4 = 12

1d8+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Mar 8, 2025 7:34 pm
I will keep the original roll but will remember for the next.
Mar 9, 2025 5:21 am
mathias0077 says:
I will keep the original roll but will remember for the next.
@mathias0077 - Understood.

But do you want to make that next roll now? You have an opportunity to attack again now.
Round two continues with opportunity attacks...

As Boar 3 passes by under him, Aanbo comes out of his roll and springs up, using his reaction to thrust the staff after the speeding creature and thump it hard in the hindquarters.
Boar 3 takes 6 bludgeoning damage.
19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One, Two (-7), Three (-6), Four (-8)
10 - Theran (5/13)
Mar 9, 2025 11:51 am
As Chase dodges boar four he will make a thrust at its hindquarter trying to hinder its mobility
Last edited March 9, 2025 11:52 am


to hit, damage - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (10) + 6 = 16

1d8+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

Mar 9, 2025 4:17 pm
Round two opportunity attacks continued...

Using his reaction, Chase plunges the spearpoint at the beast as it misses him and Theran. The ranger's aim is true.
Boar 4 takes 6 piercing damage and dies. Carried by its momentum, the dead creature thuds to the ground as its legs give out and it slides to a stop.
[ +- ] Boar 4 falls
@matmaisan - do you want to use Myrtha's reaction to attack Boar 2 as it passes her?
@MaJunior - Chase has already defeated Boar 4, so there is no longer an opportunity for Theran to take a reaction attack this round.

19 - Chase (3/14)
15 - Myrtha (17/18)
14 - Aanbo (27/27)
13 - Wild Boars One, Two (-7), Three (-6), Four
10 - Theran (5/13)

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