4 On to Phandalin

Feb 22, 2025 6:05 am
After Ammos gives both Gundren and Sildar’s wounds a once over the group heads back toward the wagon. With Sildar and Ammos guiding Gundren he is able to walk on his own, but he does stumble still as you progress through the woods. It takes you about an hour before you are stepping out of the woods and back onto the Triiboar Trail. You are able to find your cart again. The ox seem content having munched down all the grass they could reach in your absence.

When you come to the wagon Sildar and Gundren slump down to the ground. Gundren, face drawn and shoulders tight, covers his face with his hands. It is odd for you who know him, his usual bight and sunny disposition shadowed. Ammos stays by Gundren’s side, Tatiana you can see the worry on your brothers face.
It is about midnight when you reach the wagon. What would you like to do?
Feb 22, 2025 12:40 pm
Upon seeing the wagon, Raven immediately goes to check on the two oxen, talking quietly with each of them like they were old friends rejoined, checking on how they had been and if they needed anything.

Returning to the group, he updated everyone on the status of the oxen, not that anyone probably wanted or needed an update on the beasts. "They are fine. Seem to have enjoyed the rest. Looks like nothing bothered them."

He glanced a Gundren, the man seemed broken by what had happened. Raven hoped they would be able to help him. "Do we want to camp here for the night or push on up the trail a bit? We all could use a good rest - but I wonder if the goblins might make trouble."
Feb 22, 2025 2:29 pm
Trouble can be everywhere. Trakomak don't hide his opinion to make camp where they are, but is not the one to decide.
Feb 22, 2025 2:49 pm
"The oxen and wagon were undisturbed," says Tatiana, "so I believe we will be the same if we rest here. The goblins may also be as tired as we are, giving us some time before they resume their patrols."

Should the decision be made to camp for the night, Tatiana casts her Unseen Servant to prepare a low fire and set up her tent. She will secure her belongings and her person with a magical Alarm, then ward the area of the camp with the same. Once things have settled for a bit, Tatiana will inspect the two vials to try and determine their contents.
Feb 22, 2025 9:41 pm
How many people can reliably fit in the cart?
Feb 22, 2025 11:46 pm
Raven nodded, "I'll get some wood for a fire. I think we all could use some warmth and a meal."
Feb 23, 2025 6:33 am
I'll join you, lad. Two can carry more than one, says Alex, remembering how Raven dragged him to safety in the fracas.
Feb 23, 2025 4:53 pm
MaJunior says:
How many people can reliably fit in the cart?
Sildar and Gundren can definitely ride in the cart, and I think it was suggested that at least two more could be on the driver's bench. During our first travel, only the Grifstone siblings chose to ride while everyone else walked.
Feb 24, 2025 6:06 am
MaJunior says:
How many people can reliably fit in the cart?
yes, there is room in the cart for 2 on the front seat, and 2 people to ride in the back, but with all the supplies that you're carrying that's all the people that will fit
Feb 24, 2025 3:19 pm
"So, we're planning to rest here? Where the goblins who might be scared of us but who certainly are not tired or injured can just wander out and attack?" Decklan clarifies, folding his arms across his chest, his gaze sweeping across the battered troupe.

"I think it's a bad call, but fine. Here's what we do: I'll stand watch. Yes, all night. In the morning, I'll ride in the cart and... gather my thoughts... while we travel. Objections?"
He doesn't need to eat/drink, breathe, or sleep and can't be magically put to sleep. Is there a better night watch? Lol
Last edited February 24, 2025 3:21 pm
Feb 24, 2025 5:07 pm
Tatiana has no objections to Decklan's offer, but she adds, "Your stalwart efforts are admirable, but you will not stand alone. One of us shall keep watch with you in shifts, as two are better than one. I will take the first shift."
As there's four other active players, each of us could take a two-hour shift with Decklan. Tati has also set an Alarm spell around the area to audibly alert us to any intrusion.
Feb 24, 2025 9:17 pm
Wake me up when it's my turn. HalfOrc falls asleep in no time
Feb 24, 2025 10:44 pm
Raven will get a fire going and agree to take a turn on watch.

I don't know if the wagon had provisions planned for camping or if the intension was to be at an inn. If there are provisions, Raven will heat up something for everyone. If not - everyone is on their own :)
Feb 25, 2025 4:42 pm
I presume Raven and I brought back the wood already. I will be using one of my ration packs, and can provide to anyone else who needs, assuming we will re-provision with our earnings in Phandalin.
I'll take the middle witching hour shift. I have some extra rations if anyone needs, but after I eat, I'm going to go right to sleep. Wake Lady Goldenhair, wake me for the second shift, please.
Last edited February 25, 2025 4:43 pm
Feb 25, 2025 5:25 pm
Freed from the task of setting a fire, Tatiana's Unseen Servant prepares a hot cup of chamomile tea, then begins the process of dividing up the coin from Klarg's chest. Tatiana herself sees to identifying the two vials of red liquid.
Tatiana will give each character 100 copper and 18 silver. There's 2 silver leftover that Tati will consider as "party funds" to replenish supplies or pay for goods/services. She intends to have the frog statuette appraised later.
Feb 25, 2025 7:54 pm
[ +- ] Ambience
Alex and Raven get a good fire going with the help of Tatiana’s unseen servant. With the supplies provided in the cart Raven makes a thick and delicious stew for all. Sildar and Gundren eat the food as if they haven’t eaten in days, maybe they haven’t. The night is dark and overcast and the place where you found to hide the oxen was a good one, well concealed. Sitting next to the fire with spell book and red vials it takes Tatiana no time at all to identify 2 potions of healing (regular).

Sildar and Ammos apologies about not taking a turn at watch. Sildar is exhausted and doesn’t think he can stay up at all. Ammos wants to stay with Gundren and watch over him in the night, in case the blind dwarf needs help or wakes up and doesn’t know where he is.
No one needs to use their rations. The cart is well provisioned for the trip.

Everyone give me perception rolls for watch please. (tell me if you want to change spots in your Perception roll)

Declan - all night
Tatiana - 1
Alex - 2
Raven - 3
Trakomak - 4
Feb 25, 2025 8:01 pm
as required


Perception - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Feb 25, 2025 8:03 pm
Tatiana will leave the possession of the healing potions open for discussion. "Alex and Decklan, you both were very mobile in the cave," she begins. "I believe your flexibility in maneuvering the field might provide you the best opportunities to use these healing potions, whether for us or for yourselves."

In the event that no one can decide who will hold onto them, she will keep the vials in her pack for later distribution.


Perception, 1st watch - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Feb 25, 2025 9:03 pm


Watch 1 - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Watch 2 - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Watch 3 - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Watch 4 - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Feb 26, 2025 12:01 am
Raven wrapped up dinner and settled into his bed roll to get some sleep before his watch.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

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