Mar 10, 2025 3:08 am
Bow's End Tavern
Dorian bids good night to Greta and then says to Zix. "I best attend to my chores before the wine gets to my head."
Of course, wine does not work that way but such is the way of wine that one does not one realize that it is driving decisions until after you've bungled them. He takes long deep breaths.
After leaving the tavern, he makes his way to Sept and Sabre, a strange forge and metalsmith. Within, he moves a certain set of pewter mugs, adjusting their handles. After that, he makes his way to the alter. There he lights a certain incense and prays to the god of wine.
Having been seen he returns to the treasury in order to review correspondence. Unfortunately, it's too early for any responses to the several letters he sent to his contacts. Still, he has accounts to record and ledgers to balance.
In three meantime, he writes a cryptic note to leave later for the Society.
A quill may be said by one of iron heart to be hollow, yet many forget what should flow within. One finds that they wish to know more.
Satisfied, he folds it and stuffs it in his inside pocket to leave on his floor just inside his door tonight.
Dorian bids good night to Greta and then says to Zix. "I best attend to my chores before the wine gets to my head."
Of course, wine does not work that way but such is the way of wine that one does not one realize that it is driving decisions until after you've bungled them. He takes long deep breaths.
After leaving the tavern, he makes his way to Sept and Sabre, a strange forge and metalsmith. Within, he moves a certain set of pewter mugs, adjusting their handles. After that, he makes his way to the alter. There he lights a certain incense and prays to the god of wine.
Having been seen he returns to the treasury in order to review correspondence. Unfortunately, it's too early for any responses to the several letters he sent to his contacts. Still, he has accounts to record and ledgers to balance.
In three meantime, he writes a cryptic note to leave later for the Society.
A quill may be said by one of iron heart to be hollow, yet many forget what should flow within. One finds that they wish to know more.
Satisfied, he folds it and stuffs it in his inside pocket to leave on his floor just inside his door tonight.