Oct 16, 2016 2:01 pm
Wow, writing one of these feels just as awkward as standing up in front of a crowd and introducing yourself...
My name's Todd Crapper (AKA the Warden), owner/lead designer for Broken Ruler Games and I'm on here to start running some PbP games, including a playtest-by-post of my upcoming extreme genre mash-up, High Plains Samurai, and get into some casual playtime in other people's heads. Not entire sure what else I want to run at this point, but I've been leaning more towards story games (or those systems with lots of player narrative control) to avoid flipping through a character sheet at the office. Wait, did I say I'm looking to play something while at work? How grossly inappropriate of me... and accurate. Anyway, signing off with a couple of self-promoting links because we're still looking for one more player to join in our High Plains Samurai game. If you're interested (and especially if you have a copy of the system behind it, ScreenPlay, but I could take care of that problem for you if you don't), let me know.
Broken Ruler Games website
High Plains Samurai GP thread
My name's Todd Crapper (AKA the Warden), owner/lead designer for Broken Ruler Games and I'm on here to start running some PbP games, including a playtest-by-post of my upcoming extreme genre mash-up, High Plains Samurai, and get into some casual playtime in other people's heads. Not entire sure what else I want to run at this point, but I've been leaning more towards story games (or those systems with lots of player narrative control) to avoid flipping through a character sheet at the office. Wait, did I say I'm looking to play something while at work? How grossly inappropriate of me... and accurate. Anyway, signing off with a couple of self-promoting links because we're still looking for one more player to join in our High Plains Samurai game. If you're interested (and especially if you have a copy of the system behind it, ScreenPlay, but I could take care of that problem for you if you don't), let me know.
Broken Ruler Games website
High Plains Samurai GP thread