Gideon in the lost Valey
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Mar 5, 2025 3:13 am
[ +- ] Background
Gideon was never rich but he was always proud of his family. He grew up as a son of merchant who was crossing the Shattered Lands back and forth but was always more interested in fighting so he was always around the guards trying to learn what he could. Caravans were very lively and he also enjoyed gambling at night with the guards whether it were dice, cards, riddles or anything else - this was his guilty pleasure. This gave him opportunity to learn a few tricks and sleight of hand himself. During his travels with a caravan, he met his wife Eleanor who gave him a son named Vigo and heloved both of them very much, still Eleanor wasn't fond of his interest in gambling. Life was good, but one night when the caravan had to camp near the ruins of an old town. Gideon was once again playing dice with the guards when he saw a lightning and then heard a scream of his wife.....when he came to her, he saw her hands holding remnants of Vigo's clothes but Vigo's body was nowhere to be found. His son vanished without a trace a his wife could not forgive him that he wasn't there and was playing those goddamn dice. In the end Gideon believed, that some old magic from the old ruins was responsible was his son's disappearance but was never able to find some proof. His wife left him since she couldn't bear the sight of him and Gideon swore that he will try to figure out what happend to his son - was it really a coincidence?
Mar 5, 2025 3:35 am
Giron looks down into the valley from his rocky perch. Perhaps this place might give him the clues he has been seeking. Following rumor and legend has lead you to this site but all the local that actually know of this place have strongly advise you to seek your answers elsewhere. But you have been seeking so long and this seems the best source you have found to date.
Between jagged cliffs and rolling hills, this hidden valley is nearly choked by the remnants of a once-great city. Crumbling walls, toppled statues, and shattered roads stretch across the valley floor, worn smooth by time and the creeping grasp of nature. Ivy drapes over once-proud spires, and ancient stone streets are now little more than pathways of rubble, interrupted by pools of rainwater and gaping chasms where buildings have collapsed into the earth.
Yet, despite the overwhelming decay, three structures remain intact, as if untouched by time or preserved by unseen hands. Their origins are uncertain—each built in a vastly different style, as though belonging to different eras, or perhaps different rulers who once contested for this place.
At the heart of the ruins, the temple pyramid rises above the broken city. Unlike the rest of the ruins, the pyramid is eerily pristine—no plants grow upon it, and no birds nest on it's many ledges.
A lean, spiraling tower of dark stone stands at the valley’s northern edge, overlooking the ruins below but hidden from view from afar by matching the cliffs it stands next to. Unlike the temple’s unnatural stillness, the tower possesses an aura of old magic, and fluctuations of light and shadow dance around its form, making it seem to shimmer in and out of existence.
On the eastern edge of the valley, near a dried-up riverbed, stands a grand palace of white stone, its domed roof still gleaming through the dust of ages. Tall, tapered pillars frame its great hall
Between jagged cliffs and rolling hills, this hidden valley is nearly choked by the remnants of a once-great city. Crumbling walls, toppled statues, and shattered roads stretch across the valley floor, worn smooth by time and the creeping grasp of nature. Ivy drapes over once-proud spires, and ancient stone streets are now little more than pathways of rubble, interrupted by pools of rainwater and gaping chasms where buildings have collapsed into the earth.
Yet, despite the overwhelming decay, three structures remain intact, as if untouched by time or preserved by unseen hands. Their origins are uncertain—each built in a vastly different style, as though belonging to different eras, or perhaps different rulers who once contested for this place.
At the heart of the ruins, the temple pyramid rises above the broken city. Unlike the rest of the ruins, the pyramid is eerily pristine—no plants grow upon it, and no birds nest on it's many ledges.
A lean, spiraling tower of dark stone stands at the valley’s northern edge, overlooking the ruins below but hidden from view from afar by matching the cliffs it stands next to. Unlike the temple’s unnatural stillness, the tower possesses an aura of old magic, and fluctuations of light and shadow dance around its form, making it seem to shimmer in and out of existence.
On the eastern edge of the valley, near a dried-up riverbed, stands a grand palace of white stone, its domed roof still gleaming through the dust of ages. Tall, tapered pillars frame its great hall
Mar 6, 2025 1:11 am
Gideon is feeling uneasy and eager at the same time. The valley contains many wonders and mysteries but he is staring at the spiraling tower and watches light fluctuations with big interest. They seem similar to those which he had seen when his son disappeared. He doesn't want to get his hopes up, but he feels that this could lead him closer to unveiling the truth. With newly found energy, he starts slowly to walk towards the tower.
Mar 6, 2025 4:02 am
You descent into the valley as close to the tower as possible but will still have to pass through a bit of the ruins before reaching it. The path into the valley winds around the hills that surround the city and the remnants of an ancient road are barely visible beneath overgrown weeds, dirt, and detritus. Rounding the last hill you get a good up close look at the first signs of the ruined city. Toppled pillars, half-buried statues, and broken archways, with inscriptions worn smooth by time and weather. The silence of the dead city is only broken by distant sounds from dipper within the city.
At the valley floor, the ruined city sprawls before you. Though most of the structures have collapsed into rubble, narrow alleyways and shattered boulevards remain, forming a treacherous path through the city's desolation. Having mapped a path beforehand you seem to have 3 options.
1. A longer but more open route down broad boulevards and through a large and open plaza
2. Wind through narrower roads and paths between fallen structures and estates
3. Cut right over the jumble of fallen structures and head directly towards the tower.
Tell me any precautions you take and/or how you move through the city (slow and quiet, fast, casual, etc)
At the valley floor, the ruined city sprawls before you. Though most of the structures have collapsed into rubble, narrow alleyways and shattered boulevards remain, forming a treacherous path through the city's desolation. Having mapped a path beforehand you seem to have 3 options.
1. A longer but more open route down broad boulevards and through a large and open plaza
2. Wind through narrower roads and paths between fallen structures and estates
3. Cut right over the jumble of fallen structures and head directly towards the tower.
Tell me any precautions you take and/or how you move through the city (slow and quiet, fast, casual, etc)
Mar 7, 2025 5:59 pm
Gideon is considering the options very seriously, since he have enough experience to know, that this could very well be a question of life and death, as it always is in the life of an adventurer. He will try to avoid open roads and plaza, on one hand he could see danger from afar, but it goes both ways. He wants to try a more narrow path between fallen structures and estates, where he could hide quickly, counting on his agility and his perception. He will try move slowly, quitly and cautiously.
Detection of any activity in the surroundings using perception - (2d6)
(12) = 3
Perceptive advantage - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Mar 7, 2025 11:26 pm
[ +- ] Perceptive
You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.
Mar 7, 2025 11:33 pm
The ruins of the noble quarter rise in jagged, skeletal remnants of once-grand manors and estates. Paved avenues, now crack under the weight of encroaching roots, with the remains of fountains, marble statues, and crumbling estate walls filling and lining the once grand ways. Despite the decay, some of the buildings largely strangely intact, their doors barred shut, their windows dark though broken. Some walls still bear the sigils of ancient families, their crests faded but unmistakable.
As you proceed cautiously down the rubble strewn avenues you hear a distant echoes of laughter that turn to screams that fade to whimpers. Looking for the source of the sound you see one of the better looking manor's its entrance untouched. Through the windows you see strange flickering lights move and vanishing. As you look you get the disquieting feeling of being watched in turn.
Mar 8, 2025 4:38 pm

Investigation of surroudings - (3d6)
(526) = 13
Mar 9, 2025 10:19 pm
The area outside of the manor is clear of creature or threat as far as you can tell. Moving closer to the source of the sounds. Making your way to one of the lower windows you peer in cautiously and see a dimly lit interior that shows signs of aging but is oddly neat and tidy, unlike the exterior of all you have seen so far. The sounds have diminished as you near the building and stop entirely as you peer inside. A flicker of something through one of the doors to the room you are examining draws your attention but is gone before you can focus on it. Resolving to get some answers you prowl around the building and find a side door, likely for staff, and enter.
The air is still and dry, carrying a faint scent of aged wood and parchment. Unlike the crumbling ruins outside, the interior is strangely well-kept—with occasional dust or cobwebs clinging in corners, but the floors remain mostly free of debris. At first glance, the space is empty, but the echo of distant sobs suggests something—or someone—is still in residence. Following the sounds you enter a hall with walls that bear portraits of nobles, their faces cracked and peeling. A great mirror hangs midway down the hall, it's surface slightly warped, offering a distorted reflection.
You pass arrive a a thick ornate wooden door left ajar which reveals a parlor of faded grandeur. Plush chairs and a long couch, their fabric moth-eaten and cracked, sit in a perfect arrangement around a cold fireplace, as though waiting for guests who will never return. A bookshelf stands against the far wall, its contents mostly intact, though some pages crumble at a touch. One book lies open on a side table. A tea set, tarnished but otherwise undisturbed, rests on a tray. The cups are arranged neatly with the kettle and an empty tray. As you examine the room, a sudden creak from the floor above—the unmistakable weight of someone moving—reminds you that you are not alone.
Moving with more care you reach the end of the to find a long dining hall stretches before you. A great wooden table, deeply scarred from use, dominates the space. The chairs remain upright, each in its proper place. A few cobwebs hang from the chandelier, but otherwise, the room is unnervingly orderly. Along the walls, locked cabinets contain faded silverware and glassware, their surfaces reflecting the dim light.
On the table, a single goblet sits half-filled with dark liquid, though it should have evaporated long ago. A faint sound directs your attention to a pair or elegant doors that swing open to admit a figure. The man brings with him a dark aura as he plods to the table and takes a seat at before the half filled cup. His clothes are, or rather were once, fine and though slow he moves with more grace than you would normally associate with the lesser undead like zombies and skeletons. The man slowly takes the cup to drink form it occasionally before setting it back down after each sip as you watch from the concealment of the hallway.
The air is still and dry, carrying a faint scent of aged wood and parchment. Unlike the crumbling ruins outside, the interior is strangely well-kept—with occasional dust or cobwebs clinging in corners, but the floors remain mostly free of debris. At first glance, the space is empty, but the echo of distant sobs suggests something—or someone—is still in residence. Following the sounds you enter a hall with walls that bear portraits of nobles, their faces cracked and peeling. A great mirror hangs midway down the hall, it's surface slightly warped, offering a distorted reflection.
You pass arrive a a thick ornate wooden door left ajar which reveals a parlor of faded grandeur. Plush chairs and a long couch, their fabric moth-eaten and cracked, sit in a perfect arrangement around a cold fireplace, as though waiting for guests who will never return. A bookshelf stands against the far wall, its contents mostly intact, though some pages crumble at a touch. One book lies open on a side table. A tea set, tarnished but otherwise undisturbed, rests on a tray. The cups are arranged neatly with the kettle and an empty tray. As you examine the room, a sudden creak from the floor above—the unmistakable weight of someone moving—reminds you that you are not alone.
Moving with more care you reach the end of the to find a long dining hall stretches before you. A great wooden table, deeply scarred from use, dominates the space. The chairs remain upright, each in its proper place. A few cobwebs hang from the chandelier, but otherwise, the room is unnervingly orderly. Along the walls, locked cabinets contain faded silverware and glassware, their surfaces reflecting the dim light.

Mar 10, 2025 9:36 pm
Gideon watches the creature with great interest but also fear as this could very well be a vampire. But such a creature could also have vast knowledge about this place and could provide some answers if approached in a right way - hopefully. Gideon will knock on the door three times and enters with following:
I apologize for the unexpected visit, I did not expect anyone around here. I found myself passing by and wondered if you might entertain a brief conversation over your meal—if, of course, my presence would not be an intrusion..
Gideon will try to be polite and respetful.
Gideon would like to open conversation with a creature and using his Insightful trait to verify some info. He is mostly interested in the tower, it's origin, who inhabits it and what is the best way to approach that place but will try to approach these topics after some more casual topics.
I am not sure how conversations work in this play-by-post setup to be honest :) if they are are mor general from my side or some actual conversation can be in place (which could take a long time) - would be glad for some clarification :)
I apologize for the unexpected visit, I did not expect anyone around here. I found myself passing by and wondered if you might entertain a brief conversation over your meal—if, of course, my presence would not be an intrusion..
Gideon will try to be polite and respetful.
Gideon would like to open conversation with a creature and using his Insightful trait to verify some info. He is mostly interested in the tower, it's origin, who inhabits it and what is the best way to approach that place but will try to approach these topics after some more casual topics.
I am not sure how conversations work in this play-by-post setup to be honest :) if they are are mor general from my side or some actual conversation can be in place (which could take a long time) - would be glad for some clarification :)
Tryinig to tell truth from lies using insightful trait - (3d6)
(442) = 10
Mar 11, 2025 12:54 am
[ +- ] Formatting
Character communication is in bold
Character thought is in italics
Use colors for additional emphasis, like on a characters name
OOC is for Player thoughts, comments, and story specific questionsUse the Q&A thread to ask for any clarification
Use the Chat thread for anything not related to the current game
Conversation and interaction styles differ in play by post games. Some do everything but I tent to gloss over minutia and mix actual spoken words with paraphrasing.In smaller groups you do not need to highlight character names each time but it is up to you. Extra formating is just for clarity and emphasis . I will get a response to you later tonight. Trainride is almost done
Barron Skyfell
Mar 11, 2025 3:10 am

Barron Skyfell
Offering a format Bow, ever so slight before straightening. He then introduces himself in a dry wheezing voice. I am Barron Skyfell, once a proud noble citizen of this great city. I do apologize for the state of my home but my staff seems to have left some time ago. What brings you to this sad city that has fallen on hard times As he speaks you are slightly unnerved by the absolute stillness of the man. He now stands in a rather dignified pose looking you over with his hands held behind his back.
The man responds to your pleasantries with shallow comments. However, when you ask about the city he gets noticeably agitated and he begins to shake slightly from time to time. His agitation diminishes when you direct the conversation to the tower.
Ah, you must mean the Infinite Tower. Last I heard Grand Master Stanimir was in charge. There were of course others that helped with the more mundane matters but he was the high mage in charge. He goes on to explain that the Infinite Tower was a place of great learning before the war and had access to many records and artifacts from the Dawn age. His explanations imply it served both as school, library, and magical fortress. However the longer he speaks the more you see him shaking and his words become increasingly clipped and strained.
His eyes are now wide and appear slightly crazed though he has yet to do or say anything hostile. Pausing for a moment he takes a deep breath I must excuse ask you to excuse yourself from my home now. I . . I am not well and must retire.
He remains standing there, quivering and the sounds of his ragged breathing fill the room as he stares intently at you.
Mar 11, 2025 9:02 pm
Gideon is preparing to walk out of the mansion and tries to be vigilant. Barron Skyfell seems to know a lot about the city and could prove very valuable, but on the other hand his state seems unstable at best and it would seem wise to not point out that directly.
I am glad that we had time for this conversation and I am happy to get to know you and your city a bit more. Thank you for your hospitality and if there is something I could help you with in return, I would be happy to.
And if you have any last piece of advice for my travels through the city and into the Infinit tower, I would appreciate it.
Gideon hopes, that maybe there is some way how to make Barron Skyfell a bit more stable/help him, but if not, maybe he will at least get some interesting advice for his travels. Anyway, it's best to get out before his state worsen.
I am glad that we had time for this conversation and I am happy to get to know you and your city a bit more. Thank you for your hospitality and if there is something I could help you with in return, I would be happy to.
And if you have any last piece of advice for my travels through the city and into the Infinit tower, I would appreciate it.
Gideon hopes, that maybe there is some way how to make Barron Skyfell a bit more stable/help him, but if not, maybe he will at least get some interesting advice for his travels. Anyway, it's best to get out before his state worsen.
Barron Skyfell
Mar 12, 2025 2:44 am

Barron Skyfell
Tell the priestess, in the pyramid temple, that I yet remain. This is all I can ask of you. and with that he ushers you outside with a rapid pace that stops only once you leave the building. The man still seems agitated but as soon as you step out the door his eyes show a glimmer of hope before blackness boils out of the mains skin and the door slams shut.
Mar 13, 2025 11:39 pm
Gideon is glad that the encounter was a peaceful one and he even obtained some valuable information about this place, which could help him in the future. He thinks about last words of Barron Skyfell - when someone like that tells you not to travel at night, than you certainly should not, so Gideon will try to always find some safe place and avoid traveling at night whenever possible.
He also ponders over posibility to visit the Pyramid Temple, since it should not be that much of a detour and it is also a place where some hints could be found, so Gideon decides that he should visit the pyramid temple first and relay the words from barron.
With that in mind, Gideon sets of on another part fo his journey.
He also ponders over posibility to visit the Pyramid Temple, since it should not be that much of a detour and it is also a place where some hints could be found, so Gideon decides that he should visit the pyramid temple first and relay the words from barron.
With that in mind, Gideon sets of on another part fo his journey.

Mar 14, 2025 2:44 pm
With the pyramid's massive form makes altering your route to head towards it simple enough and you proceed another several blocks before you near something following you. Though less familiar with the wilds your time in rougher civilized area has made you all to aware of what being stalked feels like . . .
Looking around you note that tis are of the town is more tumbled down than the noble section and most walls are at most half their original height. The resulting rubble is strewn inside the former structures perimeters as well as across the roads you travel. Plenty of places to hide but also make more noise than staying on the slightly more clear road.
Looking around you note that tis are of the town is more tumbled down than the noble section and most walls are at most half their original height. The resulting rubble is strewn inside the former structures perimeters as well as across the roads you travel. Plenty of places to hide but also make more noise than staying on the slightly more clear road.

Mar 14, 2025 10:08 pm
Gideon feels eyes on his back, but his experience tells him, that hiding might not be the best idea now. Still he really want to unveil who is foollowing him so he prepares a straightforward plan.
He will move as usual, but will try to find a good turn where he could hide behind the corner in some building or debris and wait for his follower while using his perceptive trait to hopefully get some insight on the follower and his intents. Gideon just wants to gather info, maybe the follower does not have ill intents in the end, but that is something Gideon can't risk now.
He will move as usual, but will try to find a good turn where he could hide behind the corner in some building or debris and wait for his follower while using his perceptive trait to hopefully get some insight on the follower and his intents. Gideon just wants to gather info, maybe the follower does not have ill intents in the end, but that is something Gideon can't risk now.
Execution of actual hiding - (2d6)
(54) = 9
Getting some insight on his follower - (3d6)
(615) = 12
Mar 15, 2025 12:54 pm
You check the wind and shadows and find a good place beyond a more open area then manage to reach it with and hide yourself. Relying on your hearing so as to not expose yourself you are relieved when you hear your pursuit moving closet. From what you can hear the thing is alone and likely not too large. How do you want to handle this? Stay hidden and let it pass, wait for it to get as close as possible, jump out before it can get close enough to sense you . . .
[ +- ] What you see if you peek or wait for it to pass . . .

Mar 16, 2025 8:48 pm
It seems, that the stalker could continue in the future even if Gideon let it pass and since it's alone and not too big, it seems like a reasonable risk to expose himself from a distance.
Gideon's heart is beating loudly but he is prepared to take the risk, he is prepared from the day his son was lost. Gideon will wait for a right moment based on what he hear (assuming he will not be able to get a glimps on the stalker) and jump out - he doesn't want the stalker to get too close, so that he have some time to react and he will jump out prepared for possible fight.
Gideon's heart is beating loudly but he is prepared to take the risk, he is prepared from the day his son was lost. Gideon will wait for a right moment based on what he hear (assuming he will not be able to get a glimps on the stalker) and jump out - he doesn't want the stalker to get too close, so that he have some time to react and he will jump out prepared for possible fight.
Mar 16, 2025 10:34 pm
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
[ +- ] Zones (distances)
Range | Zone | Attacks | Distance |
Close | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic, Ranged* | 5-25` |
Near | 1 | Ranged, Magic | 25-50` |
Far | 2 | Ranged, Magic | 50-75` |
Very Far | 4-6 | Ranged* | 75`-150` |
Note : Distances are for reference and often not used.
* Ranged attacks are at disadvantage at close range
Combat and movement are loose in this system. As long as a target is within close range you can move to attack as part of an attack action. Basically unless one opponent tried to change zones to close or increase the range it is assumed that the fight moves within the preset range. Since you are hiding and I am saying the beast will move within Close range before noticing you, then you can just declare how close you want it to get then act accordingly.Ex : wait till close them jump from cover and attack twise (2 actions per round and not movement needed to close in on targets in close proximity)
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