[CLOSED] Werewolves in the mist. DnD 5.5.

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPrivate1 / dayGreyWord
The hook

"Werewolves in the mist!" You've heard these dreaded words spoken again and again by farmers, merchants, and adventurers alike. The hamlets east of Daggerford have fallen prey to a pack of werewolves that spills out of the Misty Forest on nights of the full moon, cloaked in crawling mist that seems to follow them wherever they go. The beasts spread death and mayhem, slaughtering adults and stealing children before retreating back into the woods. Others have tried to combat the werewolf menace, with little success.

A Harper named Zelraun Roaringhorn knows a metalsmith who will silver your weapons for free. He also provides some helpful magic.
"We strive to protect the powerless," he says. "If the children kidnapped by the werewolves are still alive, I would see them safely returned."

Disclaimer !
Game is based on WotC module Curse of Strahd.

Curse of Strahd is an over-hyped module. I love that module and have played it as a player cover to cover (at the table).
Not only it brought the traditional horror tropes like vampires, werewolves, and witches to the table. Options to win a social encounter with a witch before you end their abominable "life", the need to understand why human turned into vampire before you can challenge him and other scenes proved me "a social encounter" in 5e could be so much more than a dice roll by your bard PC.

Nevertheless setting are very very dark and depressing. Your PCs will not be driven by quest givers and will need to make a lot of decisions about your course of actions and believe me - you will make a lot of mistakes and that will not be fun to realized the damage your decisions made can't be undone.

Mar 14, 2025 7:56 am
DnD 5.5: PHB 2024.

See game description above

Adult Content or Controversial Themes

I suggest you skip this game if you are uncomfortable with any of the themes listed below. Nevertheless I'm open for discussion and leaving specific themes out of the game
[ +- ] trigger warnings
Character Restrictions
PHB 2024 only. No other restrictions.
You start at lvl 4, but not with any extra equipment compared to lvl 1. Expect rather rapid lvl ups.

Game Duration and Post Frequency
I am looking into at least 3 per week and could make it up to once a day if all players are ready for that peace.
There is a chance we could finish this game in a few years. But let's be realistic - there is also a good chance game dies sooner.

Player Experience Requirements
None. I'm learning 2024 rules. I only ask you to bear with me and be ready for both my and your posts to require updates when anyone realize we are not playing within rules or discovered a major typo caused game to go wrong direction

- I'm using roll20 for maps, but you will not need to use roll20 or any other Software or Resources: I will post everything to gamersplane
- This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups
- See game description for character creation restrictions details, but in short it's lvl 4 anything in PHB 2024, but only starting gear.

How to Apply and what to expect
Just post your interest as a replay. Preferably comment your preferred game peace and weather you play on weekends. I will keep it open till the end of March and looking for 2-3 players.

Once we start the game you will soon be joined by 2 other PCs/players who are in the game already. I hope to make it feel like two parties blending into each other, each party bringing their own knowledge and experience. Two parties may have different reasons and goals, but should soon realize working together is key for everyone's success/survival.
Last edited March 20, 2025 9:05 pm
Mar 14, 2025 8:38 am
For nights, your dreams have been plagued by visions of a shadowed valley, a gothic castle perched upon a craggy peak, and a figure with piercing red eyes. You wake in a cold sweat, the image of his face burned into your mind. Then, the mists descend, and the world around you shifts, becoming a twisted reflection of your nightmares. You are no longer in your familiar world. You are in Barovia, and the nightmare is real!

I'm interested! :) Waiting since a long time to play Strahd. I'm flexible on character concept, but a paladin (a flexible one who don't make stupid decision) would be my first interest. Otherwise any classes is fine.
preferably comment your preferred game peace and weather you play on weekends.
I can post every day, weekend i have a lot of availabilities as I'm a bachelorette.

Let me know if you have other questions.
Last edited March 14, 2025 9:02 am
Mar 14, 2025 8:47 am
I'm interested. I have a character concept in mind (fighter/warlock), that causes my character to see the beauty in everything. I think it would do well in a dark and depressing setting.

Posting rate: I can post almost everyday, weekends included
Mar 14, 2025 9:02 am
Hey Rune, would be fun to finally maybe make it in the same game perhaps? :)
Mar 14, 2025 10:00 am
Hooo, this premise clicks a lot of positive buttons in me.

I'm comfortable with 3 posts / week, but irregularly can make more than that -- that's not a promise for any specific time, though.

The character that popped up in my imagination is a rogue / sorcerer, some darker side of magic, which she explicitly resents, but uses as a tool when necessary.

She was a street kid, who hooked up with bad people for survival (rogue), but when they wanted her to use the newfound dark magic (sorcerer) for their own selfish goals, that broke something in her. She left the town / city that night, never to look back, and to make up for the ugly things she's done.

She's in for the alturism in itself, the reward is her relieved conscience. She needs no other payment. She really tries to connect to people, but finds it hard, since if she were completely open about her past, that would scare away most nice people.
Mar 14, 2025 10:10 am
Nebula says:
Hey Rune, would be fun to finally maybe make it in the same game perhaps? :)
:D yes it's about time
Mar 14, 2025 11:26 am
This will make three active CoS games on GP. Surely one of us can break this game's curse and make it to the end!
Mar 14, 2025 2:49 pm
I am absolutely willing to throw my hat in the ring.

I'm good for daily Mon-Fri, weekends being hit or miss. I usually jump on at least once over the weekend, but sometimes it's a few times both days and sometimes I'm not back till Monday morning. So 3/week up to daily should overall be good for me.

Faster is always better for game life, of course. And while my game list is lengthy, many of those have a liesurely pace, a few are currently inactive, and two are just personal repositories for information. I'm not actually as busy as it looks at first glance.

As for characters... like many of us, I have a few dozen concepts at any given moment. Should be easy to see what the group might need, and pick an idea that fills that hole. And while I know that can be viewed as something of a cop-out answer, the 2024 version has enough new rules, mechanics, and spells that there's lots I want to play around with... so I really should be able to slot in to fill a role the party lacks.
Last edited March 14, 2025 3:03 pm
Mar 15, 2025 8:28 am
As we have seen in DnD the movie even a rogue could become Harper, so I see no limitation as long as you figure out how your PC become Harper and would he stick to code of the Harpers.
Roles that I would love to see, but not insist:
- The person used to information fishing by talk to random people even if they don't appear to be willing to talking.
- The person used to discover secrets by break some rules and some locks.

@Adam if anyone can it is you and your crew. I'm running off a realistic goal to at least get children kidnapped by the werewolves.

@Nebula would you mind if I steal the text you posted in red above? It would be a good intro for any replacement character when/if original one die. If you take it for your original PC - you may need to wait quite a while until your PC face and recognize the castle and the person from the dream.
Mar 15, 2025 9:17 am
My character (who has yet to get a name) was born among the circus folk / gypsies.
She joined the army, for some reason, properly to follow a man she was in love with. (figther level 1)
She got injured and lost her eye, and she returned home to heal. The circus folk / gypsies had a crystal eyeball that she could use as a replacement. The crystal eyeball allowed her to see normally, but she found that a lot of books had extra writing she could now see. (here starts the warlock class)
Background: Charlatan
High charisma skill, would do information fishing by talking to random people even if they don't appear to be willing to talking.
Sees the world through a pink lens now, everything looks beautiful
Facing a werewolf standing over a child
Wow, you are gorgeous! A true manifestation of the ultimate predator. Fantastic.
We saw some dear tracks down that way, go hunt and fill your belly, and we will make sure this child gets back to its mother.

While she can't pick a lock, she can and has made several forgeries of army permission slips.
Mar 15, 2025 9:43 am
GreyWord says:

@Nebula would you mind if I steal the text you posted in red above? It would be a good intro for any replacement character when/if original one die. If you take it for your original PC - you may need to wait quite a while until your PC face and recognize the castle and the person from the dream.
Please i would be honored if you take it, wasn't for my character in particular, just a moment of inspiration. :)
Last edited March 15, 2025 9:45 am
Mar 15, 2025 12:35 pm
GreyWord says:

Roles that I would love to see, but not insist:
- The person used to information fishing by talk to random people even if they don't appear to be willing to talking.
- The person used to discover secrets by break some rules and some locks.
That's what my character is about.
Mar 16, 2025 2:22 pm
born among the circus folk / gypsies
I'd suggest to avoid using that latter word. I know that regionally, the degree to which that term is viewed as negative ranges from it being seen as a slur to a neutral descriptor but there are enough people who view it as and places that recognize it as a derogative that I think it would be best not to use it here.
Mar 16, 2025 3:42 pm
I know that it's delicate situation around the that word and it's people. What are the called in the ravenloft? Geowani? Or something like that?
Mar 16, 2025 5:09 pm
runekyndig says:
I know that it's delicate situation around the that word and it's people. What are the called in the ravenloft? Geowani? Or something like that?
Mar 16, 2025 6:22 pm
Qralloq says:
runekyndig says:
I know that it's delicate situation around the that word and it's people. What are the called in the ravenloft? Geowani? Or something like that?
Thank you
Mar 17, 2025 12:47 am
Always interested in trying out the 2024 rules and have never played Curse of Strahd though I've certainly heard of it. No Ravenloft races I assume. Going counter to the traditional, I was thinking of a monk (with silvered brass knuckles and boot tips if allowed). Fangpi might not fit as he's not depressed or shocked but instead offers a bit of comic relief to the dark, twisted world of Barovia (stealing a bit from Terry Pratchett).
Fangpi was an Igor. His father had been an Igor, and his father before him. Fangpi wasn't sure about his great grandfather; his family had gotten quiet and refused to talk about him. Of course, in a family as strange as his, that could have meant he was a dairy farmer or it could have meant he had murdered children and bathed in their blood. There were people like that, but not Igors. Igors had pride. They worked for geniuses, for mages who invented new spells, for artificers who brought the dead back to life, for ... well, no need to brag. Igors were the majordomos, the invaluable third (and fourth) hand for those strange and out of the ordinary who weren't satisfied with life the way it was and set about changing it.

In Fangpi's case, his family worked for Harpers. He'd been initiated himself and was in the process of finding just the right master to dedicate his service and his life to. A proper master is key to a life of unique challenges and probably being on the run from either the Zhents or the Law so he wasn't surprised when one dark and stormy night a blood red mist rose around him and he found himself in a new land where the rulers were ... eccentric. He was only surprised it had taken this long.
badbaron sent a note to GreyWord
Last edited March 19, 2025 1:13 am
Mar 18, 2025 7:45 pm
No Ravenloft for character creation. No nothing but PHB 2024. Any custom flavor not affecting mechanics is fine though.
Mar 18, 2025 7:47 pm
This interests me, I'd like to take a run an the new 5.5 d&d game. I've always been drawn towads sorcery but I could be convinced to try something else.
Mar 18, 2025 8:19 pm
To be fair that wasn't much of a recruitment answer post but I'm busy with life.

My thoughts would be elf or tiefling, sorcerer. The 4 hour long rest is just such an overwhelmingly good thing for a caster.

I know the mists are kind of connected to everywhere so that opens up a world or possibilities for how one got hete and where they came from.

I have all of the 5.5 books and a Beyond account for fiddling up a character.
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