Nov 5, 2016 4:38 am
Hey everybody!
So I am thinking of setting up an in-person RPG day with my friends (either one-shot or only a few sessions), and I have gotten interested in M&M, but I have never played it myself before. A friend of mine told me about it and some of the stuff he did back in 2e, but I was hoping any and all people who had played it before might give me there impressions and opinion on the game. As much insight as I can get!
So I am thinking of setting up an in-person RPG day with my friends (either one-shot or only a few sessions), and I have gotten interested in M&M, but I have never played it myself before. A friend of mine told me about it and some of the stuff he did back in 2e, but I was hoping any and all people who had played it before might give me there impressions and opinion on the game. As much insight as I can get!