Nov 9, 2016 12:02 am
Hi folks. Just registered here and wanted to introduce myself. I've been looking for a good site to run a pbp FATE Core game on and some folks on reddit recommended Gamers Plane. I'm not sure how much time I can devote to more than the one game, yet I know I can't resist at least lurking in some of the public games here.
As for myself, I've been playing rpgs off and on for the last thirty-one years. Like so many of in my age bracket I started with D&D, then branched out. I've played and enjoyed GURPS, Rifts and most other Palladium games, West End's Star Wars, original World of Darkness, Mutants and Masterminds, DC Heroes, DC Universe, most editions of D&D and a number of others. I found FUDGE in the late 90s and have been paying attention to what's evolved from it since. I have a wonderful wife and two delightful young children, and when I'm not braving darkened corridors by torchlight I indulge my obsessive compulsive need to reorganize my books.
As for myself, I've been playing rpgs off and on for the last thirty-one years. Like so many of in my age bracket I started with D&D, then branched out. I've played and enjoyed GURPS, Rifts and most other Palladium games, West End's Star Wars, original World of Darkness, Mutants and Masterminds, DC Heroes, DC Universe, most editions of D&D and a number of others. I found FUDGE in the late 90s and have been paying attention to what's evolved from it since. I have a wonderful wife and two delightful young children, and when I'm not braving darkened corridors by torchlight I indulge my obsessive compulsive need to reorganize my books.