Chapter One: Greenest in Flames!

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Nov 18, 2016 4:49 pm
Among the people on the walls, most are staring out apprehensively, obviously not trained warriors. A few others have fine bows and are standing patiently, ready to use them if necessary.

Out in the field, you can't tell much, the lack of buildings close to the keep also means that there's no burning buildings to illuminate the area. The moon is nearly full, but it's not enough to allow you to pick out specifics about any individuals out there.
Nov 18, 2016 4:50 pm
Ujimona sent a note to Naatkinson
Perses nods to the man who informed them where the mayor is. Thank you, and peace be with you. He heads to the ramparts, assuming the others who aren't there will follow.
Nov 18, 2016 4:55 pm
As the citizen informs them of the location of the mayor, Erich notices the obvious reluctance of the people to be close to Perses. Wincing at the fear, he makes a minor show out of getting closer to Perses. Without your assistance and healing Perses, I doubt we would have made it here with their family still intact. Your service was admirable. He says, without reservation before heading to the wall.
Nov 18, 2016 4:55 pm
Bughu loosens the longbow's tension, though he keeps an arrow nocked and ready in silent vigil. He remains at the top of the wall, thoughts of the caravan and its master long forgotten; they're no longer a concern of his, though he wishes they were paid up-front.
Nov 18, 2016 5:02 pm
Naatkinson sent a note to Ujimona
Those who head up to the wall, see Bughu already up there, longbow relaxed but ready. Nearby, you also notice the wounded old man.
Nov 18, 2016 5:59 pm
After seeing Linan and her family are tended to I head up to the wall. When I arrive I scan the the townsfolk and see the few experienced bowman. Bughu, would you have word with the lot that look like they know how to pull their strings? See how many real warriors we have available?

Then I approach the bandaged man. You sir have the look of one who knows what goes on this night. I am Oridun Stonefeet. How may I and mine assist?
Nov 18, 2016 6:11 pm
The man's gaze lingers on the town for a few more moments before he turns to face you, "I am the mayor here, Tarbaw Nighthill. It's good to meet you, good dwarf, though I wish it were in less troubling times," he says, then rubs his hand over his face, sighing, "Well, the situation here doesn't look good, but it could be worse. You can see that they have now surrounded the keep, but I don't think that they intend to attack it. I think that they want us in here so that they can finish looting the town. From what I've heard, these people and their monster friends haven't been interested in violence, preferring to take what small wealth we have and leave anyone who stays out of their way alone."

"I'm more concerned about those that weren't able to make it in when the gates closed, though. There is a way to get in and out of the keep, potentially without anyone noticing, but we haven't had anyone with the skills or daring to do so," he pauses for a moment, obviously working up his courage, "Perhaps you and your friends would be willing to work with Escobert, the guard captain, to see if there's anything you could do to help in the town?"
Nov 18, 2016 6:22 pm
Oridun grins fiercely, teeth showing through his red beard. I'm sure the lads and I can do something. Please tell me, why do these bandits threaten your town, and why by Moradin's beard is there a dragon with them?
Nov 18, 2016 6:27 pm
"I can't say for sure what they want here, we've never had any trouble before, beside the occasional highwaymen. There are disturbing rumors downstairs, though. Some of the people have heard them mention a 'Cult of the Dragon'. It's not a name known to me, but it is surely not a good omen."
Nov 18, 2016 6:28 pm
Perses slides up behind Oridun, This isn't another Dracorage, or even a Flight, it wants something or gets something out of this.
Nov 18, 2016 6:38 pm
'The Cult of the Dragon', you say? A few weeks ago, before I met up with most of you, I was beaten by some youths in an alley. I don't remember over-much of what happened, but that name I do remember. One of them yelled out that "The Cult of the Dragon" never forgets and always avenges. I thought it was just something to do with my grandmother, but now I wonder if it's something more. He says, eyes flickering back and forth as he recalls the story. Unbidden and unaware of his action, he rubs his thumb into the palm of the opposite hand, as if massaging away an ache.
Nov 18, 2016 6:51 pm
Tarbaw shrugs, "That sounds bad... cult business can get messy real quick once it starts up. As for the dragon, it hasn't done much more than fly around and terrify people though, so it's hard to say. It must be in league with these raiders, though."
Nov 18, 2016 8:44 pm
'Twere dire portents that drew me here to Greenest. Something larger is afoot. Larger perhaps than this threat to your fair town Mayor Nighthill. Can you think of naught that drew the dragon here? Maybe even some fanciful tale or strange traveler that might but the subject of idle talk?
Nov 18, 2016 8:56 pm
Too much talking here for Bughu's taste. He moves down the parapet and asks the first person he sees that looks like a soldier where the guard captain Escobert is.
Nov 18, 2016 9:51 pm
"Not a single thing that I can think of. Nothing odd has happened here in years," the mayor confirms.

Making his way around the wall, it doesn't take long for Bughu to make contact with someone, "The captain? Oh, he makes his rounds pretty frequently. If you wait long enough, he'll probably find you."
Nov 18, 2016 9:53 pm
It isn't long before Bughu sees a stout dwarf with tangled and bushy red hair and beard coming from the opposite direction, shouting encouragement to the men on the wall.
Nov 18, 2016 11:13 pm
Bughu jogs up to the dwarf. "Captain?" he asks, standing at attention. Assuming it is Escobert, Bughu reports the Mayor's request for assisting the townsfolk into the keep via secret passage, and makes himself available.
Last edited November 18, 2016 11:17 pm
Nov 18, 2016 11:31 pm
The dwarf turns to look at Bughu before sighing, "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm not a captain, I'm just the master of the keep here. At least you got military manners boy, though I ain't seen you around before," he says, "At ease, boy. Name's Escobert the Red, and who're you?"
Nov 18, 2016 11:33 pm
Still talking with Mayor Nighthill. Well then my good Mayor, please direct me to Captain Escobar.
Nov 18, 2016 11:46 pm
Escobert listens to Bughu's report before nodding, "Aye, could use a few good soldiers, that's fer sure. There is an old tunnel down below that leads out by the stream that runs through town. There's a pile o' things that need doing, if yer willing to help," he says, obviously happy to have someone with military training to speak to, "First, we need a prisoner, so we can find out what they want here. A commander of some kind would be best, though we'll take what ye can get. Second, east of here is our mill, he says, pointing to a large barn to the east, "It holds a large part of our food supply. We've got word that they're trying to burn it down, which will severely cripple our ability to eat. We need the raiders taken out until I can get a team over there to set up a permanent defense."
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