Chapter One: Greenest in Flames!

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Dec 21, 2016 12:33 am
Two more bolts fly out from Bughu's crossbow, one into each shoulder. The half-dragon drops his weapon and falls to his knees, "Not half bad, for a human," he chuckles, coughing up a little bit of blood in the process, "You've obviously won here. Kill me now and my people leave town tonight, immediately. Give me an honorable death!"
Holy damn! This guy is basically like a 4th level fighter and you wrecked him! For this, you will get another point of inspiration, taking you up to two.

You'll also get to, a single time of your choosing, deal max damage with a critical hit.
Dec 21, 2016 12:34 am
Everyone will also advance to second level (including our new guy)
Dec 21, 2016 12:40 am
Bughu lowers his hand crossbow, almost hesitant as if expecting trickery. He stands, and draws his scimitar to approach Langderosa from the side like an executioner. Holding the blade aloft with two hands, Bughu focuses on the half-dragon's neck and brings the sword down.

At the last second, Bughu turns the scimitar and strikes with the spine of his sword to knock Langderosa unconscious.
I'm assuming such a blow would be enough to incapacitate the half-dragon. Hopefully we're far enough away that it looks like I've executed their leader so the kobolds retreat.
Dec 21, 2016 12:47 am
As the blow hits, the half-dragon slumps to the ground. The kobolds and human raiders stare in shock, and slowly they begin their slow retreat, leaving you alone on the field with the 'dead body' of their leader.
Dec 21, 2016 12:54 am
Bughu watches the raiders leave. As the last disappear from view, he turns to Oridun and says, "Help me get it inside." He picks up and secures his longbow, then flips the body over and hooks his arms under Langderosa's shoulders to pull the half-dragon towards the keep.
I fully acknowledge that Bughu was damned lucky to survive that. Down to 6/13 HP.
Last edited December 21, 2016 12:54 am
Dec 21, 2016 12:58 am
Lad, that was some fine shooting. I help Bughu gather Langderosa up.
Is the dragon still circling overhead?
Dec 21, 2016 1:02 am
Bughu grunts in response, but Oridun can see the adrenaline rush subsiding in his eyes, and the sobering thought of how fortunate the human was in surviving the duel.
Dec 21, 2016 8:57 pm
As the raiders begin to leave, the dragon circles over the keep once more, taking a chance to strafe low and release its killing breath. You hear a chorus of screams ring out from within and the dragon then flies off into the distance before finally disappearing from view.
Dec 21, 2016 8:59 pm
Those of you still inside see pure chaos as the dragon comes low and releases its power. People rush about and scream all over the place, all trying to flee the killing breath. Luckily, after one single breath, the dragon leaves and people soon calm down. Among the defenders on the wall, you see a single halfling, sword drawn as if he's ready to take the dragon on single-handedly.
BullOctorok, that would be you ;)
Dec 21, 2016 9:22 pm
That halfling is either courageous or crazy. Either can make for a capable warrior. Best get inside and see if we can help the wounded.
Dec 21, 2016 10:17 pm
Bughu drags Langderosa's body into the keep. "Captain!" he calls out, for the keep master. He ignores the wounded within the fortress for something he feels is a little more important right now.
Dec 21, 2016 10:21 pm
Erich jogs over to where Bughu is dragging Langderosa. Stooping down he takes one of the arms and helps finish the drag.

His eyes pause slightly on the scales covering the unconscious person. Erich's hand unintentionally rubs at his own forearm.

Scaly, like me. Certainly more dragon than my blood has, but still...
Dec 22, 2016 3:01 am
Jon hops up into a crenel and strikes a thoughtful, defiant pose as he watches the dragon fly away. Drawing a deep breath, he wonders if his heart rate will ever go back to normal. He sheaths his sword and steps back down, pacing around to calm himself a bit before going down to bear witness to the aftermath.
Dec 22, 2016 8:29 pm
You are able to drag the half-dragon into a room out of sight of the general populace. Somehow, Jon gets caught up in your wake and ends up in there with you.

Governor Nighthill and Escobert follow you into the room and close the door behind you, looks of blank amazement on their faces.

"By Moradin's hairy butt cheeks, boy, I've never seen anyone fight like that before!" Escobert says, dropping all pretense of being proper.

"Thank you so much for your service here," Nighthill says, looking at each of you in turn, "You'd best get some rest while you can, just in case they come back."

Moments later, Perses stumbles his way in, hair in disarray and a grimace of pain plastered on his face, "It looks like I won't be traveling with you any further for now... got on the wrong end of a dragon's breath," he says with a cough as he sits on a rickety chair in the corner.
You get a long rest now
Dec 22, 2016 8:41 pm
"Here is your prisoner," grunts Bughu, feeling the ache of the entire night creeping in. "I assume it is a leader, based on our conversation." He drops Langderosa to the floor and leaves the half-dragon in Escobert's care.

Bughu approaches Perses and warrior-clasps the tiefling's arm with a nod, a silent appreciation of the paladin's contributions. He then finds a quiet corner to tally his remaining ammunition and find some sleep.
Dec 22, 2016 8:45 pm
Jon cannot help but notice the great scaly dragon-man being surreptitiously dragged away by an interesting-looking group. Rationalizing that he always tends to just get in the way when it comes to first aid or rescue and repair efforts anyway, he slips in after them.
Dec 22, 2016 8:45 pm
Going to see to the wounded villagers, then sleep.
Dec 23, 2016 7:27 pm
Escobert calls in a group of guards and has them take the half-dragon away, then he notices Jon sitting in a chair, "And who are you then?"

Oridun sees that more people are scared than truly hurt, but he is able to do some good for the people, who cheer him wherever he goes.
Dec 23, 2016 7:46 pm
Jon gets up. "Jon Beetles, hero of my people. How do you do." He extends his hand to Escobert. "I watched the dragon attack from the ramparts. What a thing! Horrific. Never seen anything like it. Anyway, it would be my pleasure to offer my help in any way that I can."
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