Old Schooler, rules lite preferred.

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Nov 29, 2016 1:36 am
I am looking to play an classic fantasy adventure in the rules-lite category. I am very interested in trying out Labyrinth Lord or some other of the old school clones. Dungeon world and its old school clone, world of dungeons is highly interested. I will say I am a bit burned as a GM but can be an ardent player.
Nov 30, 2016 1:05 am
Downloaded and very curious, what's DS's spark or schtick? IE Core mechanic?

And where is the 20 page version, prefer that to 172 pages.
Last edited Nov 30, 2016 1:09 am
Nov 30, 2016 2:18 am
The 20 page version is the old 3.5 edition. the 172 (actually smaller than that because they fucked up the page numbering at some point) is the newer 4th edition. Trust me, even at 168-ish pages, the 4th edition should satisfy your rules-lite itch quite easily.

The core mechanic is that most rolls have a check target number (CTN) composed of one Attribute + one trait + various bonuses or penalties, and you need to roll equal or less that that on your d20 to succeed. However, here's the twist, you still want to roll closest to your CTN as your result will determine many things, such as the damage inflicted in an attack, the amount of HP healed with a healing spell, that amount of damage you avoid with a Defense roll, and so on...

There are a few other details, but this is pretty much like 80%+ of the rules right there...
Last edited Nov 30, 2016 2:19 am
Nov 30, 2016 2:59 am
Curious, got a link to the game?
Nov 30, 2016 3:06 am
You mean the 3.5 version? Because I already linked you the 4th edition.
Nov 30, 2016 3:07 am
Yeah, I got that I meant the game you are running. And besides you got a 3.5 version anyway?
Nov 30, 2016 3:09 am
Oh, I'm not running a game. Although, I guess I could start one, some of the games I'm in are pretty slow...
And yes, there's the 3.5 version, it's a lot more rough around the edges...
Nov 30, 2016 5:38 am
No pressure, I was just curious. But do let me know.
Dec 1, 2016 3:29 pm
If I release anything, it will be after the holidays as I expect things to slow down during the holidays.
On the upside, this will give me time to translate official German supplements (which have already been translated to French) to give more options to players...
Dec 1, 2016 3:31 pm
You speak French and German. As a former language teacher, I am most impressed!

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