Not new to gaming, but I'm new here! :)

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Mar 19, 2015 4:31 pm
Hello! I'm here because I was looking to get into a game of DND 5e. I actually DM 5e for some buddies of mine, but I would really like to play as well.


I've been playing MTG since RtR. I have an Aurelia edh deck and a jeskai standard deck. Derevi is my pet card, hence my username.

I've been getting into WH40k and I like it a lot. I have a small force of IG/Astra Militarum and a equally sized Chaos Space Marine list. I'd like to get into warmachine but there just isn't money to do it. :p

I DM 5e, I've DM'd 4e in the past, I'd like to try dungeon world/Shadowrun and my friend is trying to get me into Dark Heresy. I love boardgames too.

I think that's about it for the games I play outside of PC stuff. Skyrim is king for me VG wise.

Aside from that, I'm 18, about to graduate highschool and head off to college. I look forward to meeting all of you!
Mar 19, 2015 4:56 pm
Hey BirdWizard, thanks for joining us! Seems like your gaming experience is pretty varied, and hopefully you can find a group in college to help you expand that out more!
Mar 19, 2015 5:12 pm
Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope to! :)
Mar 19, 2015 5:17 pm
Hi BirdWizard, and welcome!
Mar 19, 2015 6:17 pm
Welcome, Birdwizard! May death to the Emperor come swiftly! Curious what brand of chaos your claim to fame is hmmmm?
Mar 19, 2015 7:41 pm
Papa Nurgle, of course! ALL PRAISE THE PLAGUE FATHER!
Mar 19, 2015 7:48 pm
Grandfather Nurgle is the happiest of all the Chaos gods, aside Malal, but we don't talk about that one, sshh.
I'm a fan of Chaos Undivided, or at least, all the Chaos, all the time! Do you play Death Guard or just kinda whatever warband fits with your flavor of Nurgle?
Mar 19, 2015 8:25 pm
Death Guard technically, although the only models I have right now are the ones out of the Dark Vengeance kit. They're fine models for any warband though. I would love to have a huge force once I have the disposable income, but right now the hobby is kind of expensive. They're a nice force for the kitchen table though. :p
Mar 19, 2015 8:45 pm
Ah, i have 0 minis from Dark Vengence. I haven't really played since 4th edition, though i have a TON of stuff for a full Salamanders fighting force that needs to be assembled and painted.
The new models are beautifully well done compared to the older ones, but it is super expensive now, and the newer rules make me want to burn GW in a fit of hatred for the neckbeard in charge... i think i just nerd raged.. dammit Matt Ward!
Mar 19, 2015 8:58 pm
And now I wanna play Warhammer again... its been years, and I like that kind of tactical strategy (I'm a big X-Wing fan right now... preordered Armada months ago). I never owned pieces of my own, but played using a digital, online resource who's use was offically decried by Games Workshop. I totally... uh... don't have that program on my computer anymore...
Mar 19, 2015 10:32 pm
BirdWizard says:
Aside from that, I'm 18...

Er, I mean, welcome aboard!! :-)
Mar 20, 2015 12:04 am
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!!!!!!!!! That is all. I love me some 40k Chaos Marines. I'm building a homebrew warband to go against my friend's Dark Angels crew and we're looking at setting up a story-driven blog chronicling the battles between our armies in some homebrew sector of space. Fighting over artifacts and such. Just a little fun expansion to our games.
Mar 20, 2015 4:54 am
FUS RO DAH! Dovahkin FTW! I wish I knew more about those other games, but Skyrim is pretty much sacrosanct to me. Smutty Lydia fanfics are the name of the game, baby.
Mar 20, 2015 5:22 am
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I run skyrim with like 80 mods then ;p
KennyGardnerIII says:
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!!!!!!!!! That is all. I love me some 40k Chaos Marines. I'm building a homebrew warband to go against my friend's Dark Angels crew and we're looking at setting up a story-driven blog chronicling the battles between our armies in some homebrew sector of space. Fighting over artifacts and such. Just a little fun expansion to our games.
My buddy has a Tau army and he wants to do something narrative based with my IG crew, but I just don't think I'm coming up with anything unique enough for them to fight over. Your blog sounds really cool, a lot of people like to keep the game kinda beardy and leave the fluff in it's own box, but it's way cooler IMO when the two are combined and one influences the other.
Mar 20, 2015 3:53 pm
The Tau are trying to convert the IG who are resisting, with force. Perhaps.
Mar 26, 2015 11:20 am
Tyranids (or your favourite bad guys xeno of choice) are approaching a sector containing both Tau and Imperial settlements, the Tau know the only way to defeat them are if they team up with IG, but the IG refuse to ally with xenos. Thus, the Tau are forced to attack the IG to capture resources to help the defence against the Tyranids. Likewise the IG realise they have no hope against the invaders so are trying to capture Tau spacecraft or something to help with the evacuation.
Mar 27, 2015 2:43 am
That only slightly falls apart at the end, IG wouldn't touch Xenos tech, that's heresy and would be met with an exterminatus of the sector, probably ;D
Mar 27, 2015 8:27 am
True. Maybe the IG just don't believe the Tyranids are actually approaching (xeno trickery!) and just want the Tau to bugger off.

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