Anyone for D&D Basic: The Keepers?

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  • Moldvay? How Basic! Nay!
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Dec 22, 2016 1:52 am
Alas, we have two. May not be enough to start a campaign, perhaps a crawl?
Dec 22, 2016 2:44 am
I'd start the game and see who decides to join, sometimes people don't post their interest and will just apply anyway once it's started
Dec 22, 2016 3:43 am
I'm in but I've never played it before so I'll probably need some help
Dec 22, 2016 3:45 am
I've never played basic, but I'll give it a go if you'll have me.
Dec 22, 2016 4:25 am
It has been so long for all of us, that it will seem like a novice run for all of us. I know, that we for one, played from the cuff. We had one but one rule. If it did not fit in the brain, we ignored it. I never even heard of encumbrance until I started playing computer games.

DM Cuff, that's me.

Here ya go.

D&D Basic: The Keepers
Last edited December 22, 2016 4:27 am
Dec 22, 2016 4:56 am
Already applied! I'm in! Do you know how different the rules we will use differ from the 1978 Holmes edition of Basic? That's the one I saved from my origin story.
Dec 22, 2016 2:07 pm
With my game it isn't really going to matter. Any discrepancies can be ironed out by story or what have you. But I found a treatise on the subject.

Differences between early D&D's

Here is what I can tell you by using this as a quote. I say which one I go with where it is pertinent.
Rules differences:

Holmes presents the game as rules to be followed. Moldvay presents the game as guidelines to be considered. MOLDVAY
Holmes has initiative in order of dexterity (high to low). Moldvay has players roll group initiative. MOLDVAY
Combat in Holmes is based on OD&D, which was based on Chainmail (more wargamey). The weapons all do 1d6 damage. Moldvay gives weapons individual damage ratings. MOLDVAY
The spell Magic Missile requires a to-hit roll in Holmes, but not in Moldvay. MOLDVAY
Holmes offers dozens of spells (level 1-3). Moldvay cuts this spell list a lot (from 18 to 3 3rd level spells, for instance).
In Holmes, not all ability scores have modifiers. Moldvay makes every ability count and provides bonus charts for each one, and most fall into the same seven bands (-3 to +3). MOLDVAY
There are differences in advancement for classes. Elves in Holmes need far more XP to advance than in Moldvay. MOLDVAY
Holmes has no surprise rules. Moldvay does, but they're essentially brought back in from OD&D.
Moldvay adds monster morale. HOLMES
Moldvay adds automatic hits on a 20 and automatic misses on a 1. MOLDVAY
Holmes carries forward the OD&D class name "Fighting Man." Moldvay shortened that to "Fighter" (probably copying Gygax in AD&D).
For me rules to be considered is supreme, if it don't fit in my head I don't use it. I probably won't use it if I have to look in the book. One of the reasons why I left AD&D.
Last edited December 22, 2016 2:15 pm
Jan 27, 2017 6:09 pm
Hi there everyone! I was looking for some mystara/karameikos game, better some BECMI game. How different would this ruleset be if you have any idea? I would say not too much but i might be wrong, anyway if you're still looking I would be happy yo join!
Last edited January 28, 2017 10:22 am
Feb 1, 2017 7:03 pm
I think I got one of you there and the other?
Mar 11, 2017 4:31 am
Im super green when it comes to dnd, this would be my first game but super keen to play if you would have me mate
Last edited March 11, 2017 4:36 am

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