It turned around and started heading towards us after I talked to the stone eye. All it's done so far is get close to us and then stand and look at us. I'd rather not attack it and provoke the ire of the monster or the monster's master until we know that we have to. We know if there's someone living here on the island, we're gonna want to talk to them and get information from them - something that will probably be easier to do if we don't try to kill their 'pet'.
Having pulled Vhezyen from the ice, Leth decides it's best to leave his recovery in more capable hands than his, and turns to face the enormous dirt-ape. He sets an arrow on the string of his bow, but does not yet aim or shoot it at the monster.
"Hold." He says quietly to his companions.
"This creature may not mean us harm."
He speaks up, talking to the monster,
"Who sent you? Are you here to help us or harm us?"
Readying an action. If the dirt-ape attacks us, Leth will shoot it twice.
Last edited February 8, 2017 9:58 pm