Parents interested in kid RPGs before buying?

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Feb 23, 2017 6:24 am
I have GM'ed several "No Thank You Evil", "Hero Kids", and "Freeform Universal" games with kids ages 4-13. If anyone is interested, I'd be willing to GM a custom game demonstrating the systems if anyone is interested.
Granted HK and FU are free... but if anyone is curious about NTYE, let me know.
Last edited February 23, 2017 6:26 am
Feb 23, 2017 11:27 am
I just tried First Fable with my kid, another good system for young uns!
Feb 23, 2017 3:29 pm
I got a PM asking if a parent could let their child play a character, and they would just act as a transcriber for the PbP platform. What a great idea!

If anyone wants to include their kids in the game play (ages 4+), by all means! I might even see if I can figure out how to include my daughter (maybe directing one of the NPCs)...
Feb 23, 2017 4:12 pm
Sold! My daughter will love this. I'm sure she'd love any of the games suggested.
Feb 24, 2017 4:39 pm
What an awesome idea. Count my daughter in too!
Feb 25, 2017 4:25 pm
Awesome idea. I've been playing Tiny Horsies and No, Thank You, Evil! (comma placement my own) with my daughter, who is 10. I think that a year ago, I would have jumped at a Hero Kids game, but last night I was discussing moving our Tiny Horsies game to Ponyfinder (a Pathfinder derivative) or 5e. Probably 5e because it's such a simple system.
Feb 25, 2017 4:53 pm
I've got my daughter's character added to the game... Bill the Stealthy Ninja. We've got 3 other parents and their kids signed on, so we're all set.
After this round, I'll have a better idea how to GM on GP—and will be looking to offer similar opportunities to other parents, etc.
Happy gaming!
Mar 1, 2017 1:49 am
I'd be interested in giving hero kids a try. I bought it as part of a sale on drive thru rpg and haven't gotten around to playing it
Mar 1, 2017 2:02 am
WarDomo says:
I'd be interested in giving hero kids a try
Sweet. I'll offer up a Hero Kids adventure next. Gamers Plane isn't conducive to incorporating maps into gameplay, but, we can make due.
Mar 7, 2017 3:13 pm
I bought the full set of Hero Kids PDFs recently to try out with my 5y/o. Can't commit to being involved in the actual game but would love to hear any useful tips or advice that aren't covered in the HK book.
Mar 7, 2017 4:08 pm
This weekend, we rolled Ponyfinder characters. My daughter (10) seemed to grasp everything super fast, even though Pathfinder (which is the base system) is relatively crunchy.

I'm looking forward to some dungeon crawling with the family.
Mar 7, 2017 4:37 pm
Regarding Hero Kids

HK is great. Justin has created a LOT of adventure/supplemental content. His adventures all use maps and miniatures—which can require some time to set up. I usually don't use the maps.
Also, proof read the adventure from start to finish before running it. He has very explicit sections that the GM is supposed to say for each phase of the adventure. I think this is great for a parent, or older sibling, new to GMing. But, as I read the adventures, I make my own outline so I can use my own words/dialog for NPCs, etc.
Also, regarding character creation, I'd start with some of the pregen characters—especially with regards to the Special Attacks, Abilities, Inventory, and Skills.

It's very easy to connect the dots in Hero Kids. And, after you've done a few, you'll see where your hacks are needed, and it just gets better! Good luck.

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