Join the Game: Big Blue Feud

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Feb 24, 2017 1:32 am
This game is for people that would like to see how No Thank You Evil plays. Parents are welcome to create a character WITH their kid(s) and get the shared experience.

I'm not exactly sure HOW to recruit for the game—on an earlier post there was interested expressed. After I created the game, I couldn't find it in the games forum... unless I scrolled to the bottom... I'm new. Is that how it works?

Also, some games have a red lined cube, others are dark. And some games have a black "document/attachment" looking icon before the title, what's that?

Here's a link to the game:Big Blue Feud
Feb 24, 2017 1:43 am
I really wish I had the time to focus on learning a new system! This is one I've considered running with my son off and on.

Red-lined cubes are for threads/forums with new posts that you haven't seen yet.
Non-lined cubes are for threads/forums that you are "all caught up" on.
The black/red attachment icon is a link to the first unread post for you in that thread (so if there are 12 new posts, it puts you at the first one of those, rather than the very end of the thread).
If you see a red down arrow next to a thread's page list it takes you to the last post in that thread.

Feb 24, 2017 4:14 am
Thanks Drama—
The adventure I'm running will be, by its very nature, easy to participate in. I hope you and your son can join us!
Feb 24, 2017 12:23 pm
Joined! I've let my daughter know so that she can think up some ideas.

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