Mar 4, 2017 12:46 pm
Hey there,
My name's Sarah and I've been playing video games since before I can remember. I used to be interested in tabletops but a traumatic experience at a gaming store as a kid put me off for years. I tried again last year and found that the gaming community is actually a really friendly place, I've been running and playing games online ever since and haven't looked back! I've played Fate, nWoD, DnD5e and am currently really getting into Pathfinder. I love trying out new systems but I don't get as much time these days to play anymore. I saw a post on the Facebook One Shot Group recommending this site and, well, here I am!
Looking forward to slaying monsters and rescuing innocents (or slaying innocents and rescuing monsters) here!
My name's Sarah and I've been playing video games since before I can remember. I used to be interested in tabletops but a traumatic experience at a gaming store as a kid put me off for years. I tried again last year and found that the gaming community is actually a really friendly place, I've been running and playing games online ever since and haven't looked back! I've played Fate, nWoD, DnD5e and am currently really getting into Pathfinder. I love trying out new systems but I don't get as much time these days to play anymore. I saw a post on the Facebook One Shot Group recommending this site and, well, here I am!
Looking forward to slaying monsters and rescuing innocents (or slaying innocents and rescuing monsters) here!