Though I reserve the right to say "nah".
Of course. I'd just pick another card to replace each you turn down.
Card tags:
Adversarial: PCs have a history that pits them against each other.
Anywhere: Prompt doesn’t directly involve a setting element. Incorporate one that fits, if you can.
Co-Op: PCs have a history that shows off how amazing or competent they are.
Drama: There’s dramatic history or complex tension between PCs.
Everyone: After drawing the prompt, every player answers it in turn. The player who drew this then goes again.
Everyone–Together: is as an Everyone prompt, but the players come up with a single answer together.
Open: Player chooses the elements for this prompt themselves, and can’t say "no one."
Solo: Prompt doesn’t directly tie to another PC.
If you want, vote one or two out.
Let me know if everyone else is interested.
Last edited May 2, 2015 11:05 pm