New (experienced) gamer looking for D&D/PF/SWFFG

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Jun 16, 2017 4:56 pm
Hello everyone!

I'm a long time player suffering from a bit of a lull in my local gaming opportunities, and since I don't have sufficient time right now to develop a game to run, I thought I would give this a try! I first started tabletop gaming when D&D 3.5 came out way back when, and I've played some kind of RPG pretty consistently ever since. I'm a pretty proficient writer so the more roleplay-heavy slant of PbP is perfectly fine by me!

I'd categorize myself as mostly a concept gamer - I'm willing to sacrifice some level of mechanical functionality in service of roleplaying. I've been playing long enough I can usually drop into a game with little to no prep needed, even an existing game. Always happy to be a replacement player if one is needed!

The games I'm most familiar with are:
- D&D 3.5e
- D&D 5e
- Pathfinder
- Star Wars FFG

I was also involved in playtesting for the upcoming Star Trek Adventures game if anyone is kicking around ideas for that system.

Anyway that's a little bit about me. Any questions, feel free to drop me a line, and otherwise I look forward to meeting more of you soon!
Jun 16, 2017 7:27 pm
Welcome SplinteredSoul. I had attempted to rouse some playtesting interest for Star Trek, but my pitch failed to garner any takers. I have a love/hate relationship with ST so maybe thats a good thing, heh.
Jun 16, 2017 8:07 pm
Welcome! At least three of the four systems you described are run pretty regularly on here Check the Games Tavern for what people might be setting up.
Jun 16, 2017 10:06 pm
Welcome SplinteredSoul! As it was mentioned, the systems you're most interested in are popular around here, so I don't you'll have trouble finding a game. I'm sure we'll see some of the Star Trek game pop up too as people understand it better. Hope you have a great time here!
Jun 16, 2017 10:12 pm
Thanks to the second round of welcomes!! I've sent out a few feelers but I will continue to watch the Games Tavern for new postings as suggested!

Since a few people have mentioned it, I may be interested in GMing a Star Trek Adventures game at some point in the future - my time and other people's interest permitting of course. But I'm a long-time fan of that series so there's no shortage of ideas rattling around my brain. Full system is out in August, so I'll probably wait till then to revisit the topic unless anyone has interest in running through something that's still limited to the playtest material.
Jun 26, 2017 2:19 am
Hi and welcome! If you're interested in the SWRPG, I just started a new game you can join called Star Wars: The Crew

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