A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Three

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Nov 5, 2017 1:06 pm
Humphrey identifies that these are actually heavily weathered deer tracks, nothing unnatural about them at all. The tracks disappear shortly beyond the clearing.

Examining the area, there appears to be no other evidence as to what happened here.
Nov 5, 2017 2:11 pm
"given my experience with the migo it's highly unlikely that the ritual was performed here. They were most likely abducted and then dumped here after. At least that's what they kinda did last time. Abducted every one. But they put new brains in instead of just dumping them."
Nov 5, 2017 2:34 pm
Lou scans the area warily.


Spot hidden 70% - (1d100)

(10) = 10

Nov 5, 2017 6:58 pm
Lou finds nothing else of interest.
Nov 5, 2017 7:33 pm
Clive looks at the others. Should we check out the second site? It's down not to far away from the police station.
Nov 5, 2017 10:03 pm
Clive takes out the map and starts walking to the second site. He turns and looks at Mathis. We'll need some of your tracking skills to find the place. Bill and I were completely flummoxed when we got near before we came up to find you all.
Nov 6, 2017 12:58 am
Mathis leads the group to the next sight.


Track - (1d100)

(64) = 64

Nov 6, 2017 7:22 am
The trip to the south end of town is just over a mile. With Mathis limping, this takes a while to get to. Getting to the spot the others found earlier, it's a point where the southern end of Rue Roy reaches the woods. There is no path here. Mathis searches for tracks for ten minutes, but finds nothing.
Nov 6, 2017 3:52 pm
Searching for another ten minutes


track - (1d100)

(25) = 25

Nov 6, 2017 7:47 pm
Bill follows the deer tracks a hundred meters anyways. what sort of feet did those monsters have again?"


Natural wonder (long shot at 5%) - (1D100)

(92) = 92

Nov 6, 2017 9:23 pm
Is Bill staying while the others head to the other site?
Nov 9, 2017 9:24 pm
"I'll catch up. Right behind you I promise"
was the last thing Bill ever said.
Nov 10, 2017 2:34 pm
"No. We stick together." Lou says, brow furrowed.
Nov 10, 2017 9:34 pm
"Well wait one moment then." Bill disappears following the tracks.
Nov 10, 2017 10:27 pm
Humphrey nods at Lou's suggestion, calling after Bill. "I would trust Lou with my own well-being. If he says stick together, let us!"
Nov 10, 2017 10:34 pm
Bill follows the tracks but they soon become indistinguishable and finds nothing else.
Nov 10, 2017 11:08 pm
Bill returns quickly "Thanks for waiting"
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