A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Three

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Aug 22, 2017 1:09 am
when I get to my pc tomorrow I'll put an answer together
Aug 22, 2017 2:30 pm
"We discovered that the MI-GO were involved in the events taking place in the quiet rural town. And they were none to happy about it as it seems. From what I can tell there is some kind of rare metal up there that they need. Our expedition up there uncovered some of it, as well as lore about things they would rather not have known. So they abducted the majority of the students, replaced their brains with agent brains, and sent them back to the school to destroy the science center and the library. The science center was targeted for its discovery of the rare metal, and the library due to the restricted section having books that have the MI-GO and their relationships recorded in them. One of the MI-GO agents came to my rescue along with some of my companions when I was captured.
However when I was captured I was able to steal this."

Mathis shows his MI-GO artifact, being very careful to be clear that he is being non threatening or attacking anything.

"I am fairly certain it is one of their weapons. It will deliver a nasty shock. Anyway, they kidnapped and attacked to try and cover up the discovery of themselves and their precious metal. That's all i know for sure."
Aug 22, 2017 10:55 pm
"Fascinating," the man says, carefully inspecting the strange, clearly alien device, "And if I understand correctly, Mr Steele, you are the remaining 'sane' member of the original team. I gather a number of your people have checked into Arkham Asylum following their experiences."

He nods, not waiting for an answer.

"I want to employ you to join a group of FOC scientists and security personnel that I am sending back to Vermont to study the Mi-Go presence there. You, Mr Steele, know the area and people and have something none of my men have - experience direct of the mi-go and their human agents. There should be very little danger in this outing as my team will be well armed and equipped and another team, comprised of ex-soldiers, are to be stationed nearby. This second team will be in constant contact with your group via radio and could be at your location in minutes if necessary. I'll smooth your absence over with the University. You might to need to extend your study time after the expedition, but a little money their way will smooth the tracks and of course you will be well compensated personally."
Aug 22, 2017 11:09 pm
Chuck, standing outside the car, puts up his hands, "You'll forgive me, Mr Abelard, but I'm out. I have a deadline to get my studies finished by, I can do this at such a crucial time."

"Me too," says Alma sadly, "Now more than ever am I needed at the hospital. I simply can't rush off the Vermont."
Aug 22, 2017 11:12 pm
Abelard nods in acceptance at the two deciding to leave, "I completely understand. You will be returned to the campus immediately."

The Scotsman helps Alma out, you all say your goodbyes and she and Chuck head off to the plane, leaving Evie, Mathis, Father Bill and Clive.

"It's no matter. I have more employees that will join you on the trip. What say the rest of you?"
Aug 22, 2017 11:24 pm
"I am in. I have some things I will need if I an to return though.
I'll make my list and provide it to you."
Aug 23, 2017 8:39 pm
Excellent. I trust your companions are interested as they have not yet got up to leave. I have also managed to get in touch with Father Simon Brubaker, another from the original expedition. The church have allowed him to return and aid you, he awaits you at my Detroit offices. You will spend a couple of weeks there as my guests, preparing and resting before the trip. I will provide everything you require.
Aug 23, 2017 8:41 pm
"I accept these terms. Let's go and prepare."
Aug 24, 2017 4:28 pm
Mathis begins writing his list to give to the new benefactor.

The librarian at the university must be asked if he wants protection for himself and the restricted section of the library.
I need access to additional Mi-Go study materials.
I will need to completely overhaul my camping equipment.
I will need a tranquilizer gun and darts.
A good pair of binoculars
An elephant rifle and ammunition

"I think this should do most of what I need."
Aug 25, 2017 11:11 pm
William's head is spinning. He tries to hide a bottle of pills he fumbles with and attempts to swallow a few as Abelard speaks.
He just gives a nodding response when the man looks his way to confirm if Bill will go.
Bill thinks, Sounds like we will have an army backing us up against these things. Finally. It isn't the authorities I was hoping for, but at least I don't have to explain to them what we are up against.

Bill tries to look in at Mathis's list.
Mathis sure as hell knows what he needs. He said he was an archeologist study I think? Maybe from the last time out there he had an idea on what to bring if he had another opportunity.

William makes a list based on things he read in some pulp comics and other ads. His imagination carries away. He imagines himself a doughboy fighting aliens in Europe.

Shelter Half w pegs
Springfield M1903 .30 Caliber Rifle
Maps of the area in Vermont
Kerosene Lantern
Zippo Lighter
Trench Coat
Sturdy Boots Size 12

He tears the page out he wrote on and hands it over as he imagines bugles sounding in the background.
"Let's get these bastards"
Aug 27, 2017 5:18 pm
Clive looks around. I am most definitely in. He looks at Bill I agree...let's go get these bastards.
Aug 28, 2017 5:00 pm
Evie hangs back for most of the conversation. She really isn't sure what to say; it's strange, to see someone she's only read about in the most tragic and pitiful terms become a mysterious benefactor. But then, everything as of late has been strange.

"I'll go," she says hesitantly. "But could I give you the list later? I'm... I'd have to think it over."
Aug 28, 2017 5:52 pm
"You'll have a couple of weeks preparation, so no need for a list right now, but all these things you've requested will be fine."
Aug 28, 2017 6:15 pm
"Very well, let's go. Just as well the other's left, it would be rather cramped in this car."

The rest of you take a seat and the Scotsman, Murdoch drives you to the Detroit offices of FOC, a large six-story brick building, which from the outside looks nothing more than a large bank. The car pulls round the back of the building to a small, guarded and private underground garage. From there you all enter a lift and are led out on the fifth floor, where each of you has your own room. Selena introduces you to her own assistant, a young woman by the name of Margaret Collins. She will be among the team joining you on the trip and will act as your liaison.
Your rooms each contain a brand new wardrobe of expensive clothes. Next to each bed is a button for summoning a servant, should you require anything.

There are rules while you stay here, you are not permitted to place telephone calls, post letters or leave the building without Abelard's permission and even then, not without an armed escort. You are told that this slight inconvenience is because Abelard believes he has been under surveillance by "agents of the enemy"
Aug 28, 2017 6:39 pm
Mathis is also reunited with Father Simon Brubaker, former student of Misk U, who was also present in Vermont, who is also coming along on the return trip.
Aug 28, 2017 6:43 pm
Mathis will request any study materials about the Mi-Go present here. If i am to fight them i must understand them.
Aug 28, 2017 7:21 pm
We have one thing better. During your preperation time you will have access to Doctor Sarah Matherson. She is one of the experts on the Mi Go and probably understands more about the creatures than anyone in this facility, if not the country. She will be among the team that accompanies you but you have plenty of time to learn from her, if that is how you would like to spend your time.
Aug 28, 2017 7:34 pm
"Excellent. I would like to meet her as soon as possible."
Aug 28, 2017 7:41 pm
Certainly, she'll be ready for you tomorrow. In the meantime, get yourselves settled. Margaret here will follow up on any further requests. I have also assigned Lou over there as your personal security. He will be on guard on this floor and will also accompany you and the team as your personal protection.

A large security guard nods a greeting.
New players, you're up...
Aug 28, 2017 8:35 pm
A hulk of a man in the uniform of FOC security personnel nods at you from the back. He's in incredible shape for a man in his forties, or any age for that matter. His imposing build is contrasted by kind eyes and a genuinely warm smile. "Hello, everyone!"
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