Hello from harlandski

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May 19, 2015 4:21 pm
Hello, I'm James. I go by the nick of harlandski, which is my surname with a Slavic-sounding ending added - long story.

I started playing rpgs when I was 12 and AD&D 2e had just come out. A bigger boy (aged 13) pushed the DMG into my hands with the words "Read this - you're the DM", and I've never looked back. In fact I'm still in one AD&D game, over Skype with people in disparate time zones if/when it's possible to get everyone together, ie once every six months or so, you get the picture...

These day I play either Savage Worlds (Runepunk) or Fate Accelerated Edition on fortnightly basis face-to-face, which is great though it's hard to wait two weeks for the next fix. I've also been experimenting with using rpgs in my English-as-a-foreign-language classes, which has been fun and possibly even useful for the students' English. I've also been DMing D&D 5e as a club for my students on a weekly basis, which was great, but it's the long summer vacation has started, and I'm looking for something to fill the gap...

Enter Gamers Plane! I found out about you via Twitter, and came here hoping to try out The Strange. Alas I was too late to get onto the current game, but would love to try out The Strange or Numenera, as I like the simplicity and player-centredness of the Cypher system and the settings are mind-blowing. I've never played by post before, and to be honest when I tried to get into it about three or four years ago I found the sites offering it too confusing. But on the Gamers Plane I get it, so here I am!
May 19, 2015 5:34 pm
Welcome James! Sounds like you're a teacher? That's awesome.

I'm a big fan of the Savage Worlds system, specially Deadlands. And its too bad the game you were after closed up, but you may wanna try sending a PM to the GM; they may be ok with another player. If not, start up a thread in the Gamers Tavern forum, and maybe there are other people who wanna join up!

Hopefully Gamers' Plane is a better site for you for play-by-post than your last experience, and I hope as you go through this site, you give me your feedback! I'm always trying to improve the site, so if you find stuff that's not quite right, I hope I can fix it. If nothing else, I'm trying to build GP from a community driven perspective, which seems to do better than other sites.
May 19, 2015 6:00 pm
Thanks Keleth. Yeah, I PMed the GM of that game straight away, but unless someone drops out, they're full. I'm now seeing about the DFRPG game.

I'll let you know about site feedback. So far things are super clear, especially with the Latest Games widget on the landing page. FAQ also clear, led me here... Looks like a great site so far, but I'll let you know if anything trips me up! :-)
May 19, 2015 7:47 pm
Hi James, glad to have you aboard. The Strange has so many great possibilities that I may indeed want to run a second one because it would be chaos to touch all the bases in one go. Give me a couple weeks to settle into a routine and we should be able to get another one going, probably with a smaller group of players (like, 3).
May 20, 2015 12:38 am
Welcome James. It always amazes me at how many games have been started since I joined, not too long ago. You will definitely get your chance to play.

See you around.
May 20, 2015 11:40 am
Thanks everyone for your warm welcome :-)

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