Burning Wheel Gold interest check-seeking startrGM

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Jul 17, 2017 1:47 am
In contact with 4thWorlder he says there are no restrictions on magic, faith, nobility, race, etc. it's whatever you want just prepared to be a hero!
Jul 17, 2017 1:57 am
I've never seen it in play, but I've seen many experienced players warning against overmixing races. I'm down to see how it plays out though.

also, before we dive too far into character creation, we should decide at least what kind of situation were looking at. a barbarian orc, a high lord, and pirates may be hard to justify as a party.

On that note, I've always wanted to try an orc.
Jul 17, 2017 2:08 am
Secret_Pornstache says:
I've never seen it in play, but I've seen many experienced players warning against overmixing races. I'm down to see how it plays out though.

also, before we dive too far into character creation, we should decide at least what kind of situation were looking at. a barbarian orc, a high lord, and pirates may be hard to justify as a party.

On that note, I've always wanted to try an orc.
Ooh, good to know. And user: DarkendFoil is my son. Interest took off when I shared what we were up to.
Jul 17, 2017 2:09 am
Haha alright fair point, I've actually decided to see if I can't do something with magic myself instead of hitting the seas. And I wonder, do orcs have the option to be civil with other races?
Jul 17, 2017 4:18 am
Secret_Pornstache says:
I've never seen it in play, but I've seen many experienced players warning against overmixing races. I'm down to see how it plays out though.

also, before we dive too far into character creation, we should decide at least what kind of situation were looking at. a barbarian orc, a high lord, and pirates may be hard to justify as a party.

On that note, I've always wanted to try an orc.
It's true that Elves and Dwarves are probably going to mechanically "out-weigh" Men when given the same LP count (dunno about Orcs). The different Stocks (not to mention any given LP) are not balanced against each other, that's not the kind of game BW is, and the fantasy races are just more focused, and generally just more fit for "traditional" heroic roles... But that's also not really how you advance in BW, in theory it should be ok so long as the campaign is played true to the ethos of BW and not like a more traditional system's campaign.

As for character creation, I think we should absolutely have a pretty good idea about what the campaign is about before making characters. The system is designed to work best when each PC is tied to the specific situation through concept (Belief), as well as to the other PCs.
Jul 17, 2017 4:53 am
So I had an idea for the situation/world, building on what has been said previously:
The setting is a coastal town in a land ruled by a brutal tyrant, maybe the tyrant is based out of this town or out of a distant capital. The characters would start off in jail, a jail where many kinds of criminals are kept--common smugglers and pirates, gamblers and thieves, those who have come trespassing from other lands and have been unjustly imprisoned, or even resistance fighters for a rebel force against the tyrant. What do you guys think?
Jul 17, 2017 5:01 pm
I think this is a fine addition.

However it's important in BW that not only do the PCs have a situation that brings them together - the "meet cute" so-to-speak - but also the PCs need to be intertwined (in cooperative AND conflicting ways) via Beliefs.

So, it's not enough that we all start in the same place/jail, or even that we are all imprisoned by the same tyrant - if we continue with that premise. We need to craft Beliefs that connect us directly to that storyline and each other in concrete pre-determined ways. Beliefs (along with Instincts and Traits) tell us what is important to our PCs and what their goals and rp will be geared toward in the game.

Does that make sense?

I'm just trying to get people to think about, basically, how important Beliefs are in the game. Which is very, Beliefs are very important. They are more "real" - more character defining and guiding - than alignment in systems that have that, and they are how your PC advances or grows and changes, mechanically and conceptually.
Jul 17, 2017 10:27 pm
Thumbs up to last few posts and see it's over in our game forum now.
Jul 17, 2017 10:35 pm
emsquared says:
I think this is a fine addition.

However it's important in BW that not only do the PCs have a situation that brings them together - the "meet cute" so-to-speak - but also the PCs need to be intertwined (in cooperative AND conflicting ways) via Beliefs.

So, it's not enough that we all start in the same place/jail, or even that we are all imprisoned by the same tyrant - if we continue with that premise. We need to craft Beliefs that connect us directly to that storyline and each other in concrete pre-determined ways. Beliefs (along with Instincts and Traits) tell us what is important to our PCs and what their goals and rp will be geared toward in the game.

Does that make sense?

I'm just trying to get people to think about, basically, how important Beliefs are in the game. Which is very, Beliefs are very important. They are more "real" - more character defining and guiding - than alignment in systems that have that, and they are how your PC advances or grows and changes, mechanically and conceptually.
Mind if I copy this over to game forum?
Last edited Jul 17, 2017 10:36 pm
Jul 17, 2017 11:19 pm
emsquared says:
I think this is a fine addition.

However it's important in BW that not only do the PCs have a situation that brings them together - the "meet cute" so-to-speak - but also the PCs need to be intertwined (in cooperative AND conflicting ways) via Beliefs.

So, it's not enough that we all start in the same place/jail, or even that we are all imprisoned by the same tyrant - if we continue with that premise. We need to craft Beliefs that connect us directly to that storyline and each other in concrete pre-determined ways. Beliefs (along with Instincts and Traits) tell us what is important to our PCs and what their goals and rp will be geared toward in the game.

Does that make sense?

I'm just trying to get people to think about, basically, how important Beliefs are in the game. Which is very, Beliefs are very important. They are more "real" - more character defining and guiding - than alignment in systems that have that, and they are how your PC advances or grows and changes, mechanically and conceptually.
And it does make sense. Reminds me of Diaspora and other Fate rpgs where you have to have an aspect or two related to other characters.
Jul 18, 2017 11:17 am
Sounds like we're getting closer. 4thWorlder, do you have any particular setting or theme you want to explore? I'm excited to start creating my character but would love some guidance before I start coming up with a concept.
Jul 18, 2017 12:58 pm
I think we're moving all discussion to the game forums, Mr_B.


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