Lost Horizons: Apocalypse World

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Aug 4, 2017 3:50 am
KaynSD says:
I need projects to work on aside from work out what's going wrong with the elevated railway system. Who has what going wrong with their stuff?
I'm pretty sure Bozo's family who run one of the small protection gangs have got it in for me, and have put out word that they've barter ajangle for someone who brings me in.

Little Toni's been asking for some more stories on the news about Mister Twilight. Apparently all the kidlets like to look out for him rolling down the sides of buildings.

Plus, I think everyone's always hanging out for news of Before, and Why, and there are stories that there are people in sealed-up vaults under the Mist, which have never seen daylight. They're all pale and clammy like ledgefish, and people say they can operate all the machines to clear the Mist.
Aug 4, 2017 11:20 am
BlueEyedPaladin says:
Little Toni's been asking for some more stories on the news about Mister Twilight. Apparently all the kidlets like to look out for him rolling down the sides of buildings.
The hard part is tracking him when half the time hes out its the middle of the night, damned if anyone knows how he avoids the mist in that pitch black. One time Old Saul thought it would be a hoot to try and chase his light out into the city one time, "how hard could it be if that kid can make it?", he was lucky the mist hit his hair before his lungs, still hasn't grown back fully.
KaynSD says:
Oh jeez. I need projects to work on aside from work out what's going wrong with the elevated railway system. Who has what going wrong with their stuff?
Twilight doesn't have much, but he does swing by when the tide gets low and picks up some a scrap for his board or gun and he always asks what Lattice found on her trips, like hes expecting something but whatever it is she hasn't seen it yet.

There's a betting pool going on recently about who's leaving all the tags and painted symbols around the city, strong moneys on Sorrows Gang pulling some wackjob ritual or one of the Scavengers marking out their finds in a hidden code, some have put long odds on Twilight or Lattice, two of the only people mad enough to go it alone in through the city. No one expects to find out any time soon but people put a few cards in every so often, its almost up to a full deck.
Aug 4, 2017 8:08 pm
Since neutral turf is getting scarce in the city, Lattice's workshop is going to be at least physically close to Pop's place. Hi neighbour! Lattice is the person you call when you want something sealed against the Mist, and is slowly reclaiming a department store as her workspace, dipping in places well below what any sane person should consider safe. Facilities include a full hacker space of machine tools, sewing machines and reams of fabric, partially working white goods, shattered children's toys, and about eight years worth of plastic bags. While there's an elevated train stop really close to it, it also has it's own subway stop and some storm tunnels that link it to the city, which she's gearing up to go brave as part of her major long term project; getting the transit system unified and repaired. Her project today however (as part of character creation I've got to define one) is to work out how to make the mycoprotein vat she's been tinkering with to go full scale so that it can hypothetically feed a chunk of the city; a project she's been keeping quiet to anyone aside from, well the other player characters who've found out about it in some way or another.

Think I've done enough for Worldbuilding; as a player I've probably given Rindel way more than they bargained with for this game. But I'll leave just this one in-character reaction to something else in this thread...
Barglbroth says:
There's a betting pool going on recently about who's leaving all the tags and painted symbols around the city... some have put long odds on Twilight or Lattice
"What symbols? I've seen no symbols. Every week someone asks me about these tags and when they've tried to show me one of them there's been nothing there. One time there wasn't even a WALL there. Getting real sick of this joke you all seem to be in on..."
Last edited August 4, 2017 8:12 pm
Aug 4, 2017 10:08 pm
I have no words to express my joy sufficiently at all the toys you lot have given me to play with. I am loving this already, and we haven't even started yet! I'm pulling together my resources, and we're gonna have the main gamespace set up by tonight. Thank you all for your contributions, and I hope I can make this absolutely awesome for you all.
Aug 5, 2017 3:34 pm
I just found the thread on reddit, is it still posibble to get in on this? I love PBTA systems. If so, what playbooks haven't been claimed?
Aug 5, 2017 4:04 pm
Yup, there's still room. The playbooks taken are the Battlebabe, Brainer, The News, Savvyhead, Maestro D', and Gunlugger. Feel free to use any other playbook you like other than the landfall marine.
Aug 5, 2017 7:46 pm
I'd like to throw in a weird outcast type, either the quarantine or child-thing. Leaning a little more towards child-thing right now. Open to suggestions if anyone feels one or the other would work better with everything already set up.
Aug 5, 2017 8:23 pm
nawberries says:
I'd like to throw in a weird outcast type, either the quarantine or child-thing. Leaning a little more towards child-thing right now. Open to suggestions if anyone feels one or the other would work better with everything already set up.
Both of those shatter the world by their presence. Personally not gigantic objections over them, but we're going to very quickly work out where your Q's vault is and why it's only opened twenty years later rather than fifty, or whether anything we've made is directly connected to the Wolves that are after your C-Thing. Any ideas?
Aug 5, 2017 9:50 pm
True, I didn't think about the timeline being pushed up. That would change the quarantine to be less interesting I think. I'll go with CT and look more into what these wolves will become.
Aug 5, 2017 10:32 pm
nawberries says:
True, I didn't think about the timeline being pushed up. That would change the quarantine to be less interesting I think. I'll go with CT and look more into what these wolves will become.
Then again, I certainly don't mind being the one who found the quarantine in their vault and let them out of the freezer well before their expiration date...
Last edited August 5, 2017 10:33 pm
Aug 5, 2017 11:49 pm
Looks like I only get to come up with the Wolves appearance and powers, everthing else is up to Rindel... but you guys can choose to be Wolves during Hx.
In my lair, I have a hand crank radio to listen to the News; either "a way into ancient underground vaults, cavernous, echoing, and endless" or "a way into a terrifying place of death,where countless skeletons lie" either one of these could be safe passage through the mist to something below; and lastly probably the options for food or water.
Aug 6, 2017 12:19 pm
I don't think I've seen any details about a Brainer... who's playing that? And who is the character? (Just curious)

Edit: I've re-read the earlier posts, I somehow didn't pay attention to jkl123's posts! Never mind! :)
...and I'm supposed to have +1 Sharp!
Last edited August 6, 2017 12:24 pm
Aug 7, 2017 11:09 pm
It looks like we have a good idea of our world and a good cast of characters. I know we've done some pre-worldbuilding stuff that we all like which Rindel can use to set up his questions and provide ideas for fronts, etc. Are we ready to start a Hx/worldbuilding thread? Just a reminder for those unfamiliar with Gamersplane; When you create your character you can also create an avatar for that character. I highly recommend you do this because when you post in-game you can set it to post as Pops, not Zoomzilla, for example. This makes it much easier to understand who the characters are and refer to them by name.
Aug 7, 2017 11:32 pm
Yup. Rindel's building all that up in the game specific forum threads right now. :D
Aug 12, 2017 11:53 am
I'm getting antsy- it's been 4 1/2 days since our last post, don't want to lose momentum!
Anyone have any extra world building or extra ideas? Any new characters we need to know?
Aug 12, 2017 12:11 pm
BlueEyedPaladin says:
I'm getting antsy- it's been 4 1/2 days since our last post, don't want to lose momentum!
Anyone have any extra world building or extra ideas? Any new characters we need to know?
Rindel created the game, which means there's a whole separate forum now. We're already doing HX and posting character sheets! :P


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