Savage Worlds Interest

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Sep 7, 2017 8:25 pm
Someone messaged me about a game so I'm looking for interest in starting up an Agents of Oblivion game (Think MiB meets, Warehouse 13 meets, X-Files meets, Supernatural (maybe?) meets, Dreden Files meets, Constantine). Also I was thinking of the holiday season approaching and running another one shot involving some Holiday Themed D-List Super Villains from last year's one shot. Thoughts? Interests?
Last edited Sep 7, 2017 8:25 pm
Sep 8, 2017 12:11 am
Heard a lot of things about Savage Worlds. I'd be tempted to try, but I'm not entirely sure my first experience with the system should be AoO. Nothing against the genre, it sounds nice actually, but for a multi-genre system, I'd be interested in trying something more familiar like med-fan, superheroes, cyberpunk, space, old west, etc.
Sep 8, 2017 1:34 pm
AoO hits a bit of everything (it's kind of like that game Smash Up to me), for my face to face group on break for the summer I have a half fox demon (it's skinning really), a girl that's unsure if she's a homunculus/golem (maybe not the original possibly a clone), and a guy who originally was trying to make contact with aliens (he's found he can video chat with some during an investigation and one knew his great uncle which blew his mind and made him a little nervous).

Ran the first half of a game for some non gamers with booze involved and had an angry female driver with a spirit beast (armadillo), international thief turned 'good guy' repo which pays better then stealing, a Cthulhu professor, an Amish carpenter with Devine powers, a casino tech/hacker, and an ER doctor.

Evernight and Hellfrost I think fall into Fantasy or maybe Sherwood. Supers has a setting, and cyperpunk either goes Savage Rifts or Interface Zero (this one's more like Shadowrun), Space it pretty broad and goes from space opera to Space Marines, old west with the weird is interesting but really easy to kill players I think (Starving to death has actually been how characters have had their PCs die).

The Super Villian one shot might be up your ally. But if you don't like playing a bad guy I wouldn't apply.

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