Private meeting with Dr Matherson

Sep 17, 2017 12:49 pm
Following the discussion earlier in the day. Matherson invites Mathis to a rare treat, a chance to enter the basement.

The area is well lit and clean, though a strange mixture of scents, mainly mold and bleach, permeate the air.

Immediately to the right is a lobby area where scientists put on lab coats and wash their hands in a large circular sink. A large workspace is equipped with both scientific and medical tools. The rest of the basement is either clear or taken up with metal framed cells, each about six and a half feet tall, all covered with curtains. On the work area are a number of vivisected creatures that first you take for rats before you realise they are Zoogs. A human corpse lies on one table, wired up to medical equipment. It takes a moment to recognise the face, but you realise this is John Jeffrey, the Geology student that disappeared on the first expedition to Vermont.

On another table are the remains of the huge tentacled frog-like creature you fought in the woods, again, cut up for inspection.

As you are led past all this, you see three cells where the curtains are partially open. In the first sits a steel examination table, fitted with several leather restaints. An electrical generator sits on the floor nearby. The second cell contains people who appear to be studying two mummified bodies. Behind the scientists, who are gingerly removing dehydrated organs from the two corpses, lie eight (as yet untouched ) mummified bodies, each submerged in a tank of water. Matherson reaches to close the curtains and block them from your sight.
(Sanity roll for seeing this)
Sep 17, 2017 1:54 pm


Sanity - (1d100)

(54) = 54

Sep 17, 2017 1:59 pm
I can't find cthulu mythos on my sheet. I know I have points in it from before. Is out somewhere special I'm not seeing?
Sep 17, 2017 2:11 pm
You're right. It starts at 0 so do you want to trawl through the threads and find what you should be on or should I?
Sep 17, 2017 7:24 pm
Well shit. I'm sorry I thought I had done that. I can go through and find it.
Sep 17, 2017 7:30 pm
No worries, I'll leave it with you. Note also that for every point of Mythos you have, your Max Sanity goes down by 1
Sep 18, 2017 1:35 pm
After trolling the threads i found i had gained 3 points in other places. So those are being added to my sheet now. For sanity rolls, is it higher or lower than current sanity you have to roll to be ok? I think i remember it being lower. Assuming its lower, rolling for loss.


sanity loss - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Sep 18, 2017 1:42 pm
That puts me at a total of 4 points lost, making me at 50 of 94. How does one start to regain some sanity. (I haven't regained any this entire game.)
Sep 18, 2017 1:44 pm
Kaosanddoom says:
After trolling the threads i found i had gained 3 points in other places. So those are being added to my sheet now. For sanity rolls, is it higher or lower than current sanity you have to roll to be ok? I think i remember it being lower. Assuming its lower, rolling for loss.
In this case, like a skill roll, it's to roll under. The only time you need to roll over is when you are improving something.
Sep 18, 2017 1:49 pm
Well then i guessed right.

"Dr. Matherson, What are you doing with those bodies?"
Sep 18, 2017 1:55 pm
You regain sanity as a reward for defeating big bads or at the end of a scenario. You did get some back after Chapter 2.

You can also gain during downtime either through psychotherapy (as offered as an option during this period)

You can try self help - this involves spending time with an entry listed in your backstory. You have a greater chance if you choose your "key connection"

Increasing a skill to 90% - When you master a skill, you will get a sanity boost to show your increase confidence.

Your max sanity however does not improve, so the deeper you get into the Mythos, the closer you get to insanity.
Sep 18, 2017 1:58 pm
The remains were recently discovered in the Andes in a supposedly derelict mi-go base. We believe the mummies to be a yet unseen form of the mi-go, perhaps one designed to mimic human appearance.
Sep 18, 2017 2:00 pm
You pass a third cell that contains several items. Hunting spears, obsidian knives, gold jewellery and a greenish-black tablet, carved with curious symbols.
Sep 18, 2017 2:02 pm
I found the sanity loss record, that apparently i had forgotten about. I gained five points i forgot to put on my sheet. I am actually at 55 out of 94. My apologies.
"What are those doctor?"
Sep 18, 2017 7:25 pm
Mathis walks in and investigates the items.
Sep 18, 2017 7:41 pm
They were found with the mummies. We have a team of the country's best cryptographers being assembled to analyse the unknown language written on the stone.

Matherson leads you to an area containing a phonograph and chairs.

Have a seat.
Sep 18, 2017 7:42 pm
Any chance I would recognize a symbol or two from my study of the Mi-Go and the Men of Leng?

Either way Mathis goes where he is lead.
Sep 18, 2017 8:04 pm
You can make a Science Geology roll to id the material but it will be hard as you only glanced at a distance and no, you have no recognition with this language.
Sep 18, 2017 8:22 pm
My geology is 1%, but if it might be metal, that is 30%, lol


recognize material - (1d100)

(64) = 64

Sep 18, 2017 8:23 pm
You take a seat as instructed.

What you are about to hear is a recording of an interview I conducted with an alien. The recording was made on November 18th 1926. FOC agents had captured the mi-go two days earlier in the Himalayas. Very painful electric shocks were administered to the alien to induce it to speak.

Audio File
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