Private meeting with Dr Matherson

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Sep 18, 2017 8:32 pm
Mathis intently listens to the recording, several times.
i did myself as well, lol. its hard to understand. Thank you for the transcript.
"They are from Yuggoth. A ninth planet, in our solar system? And they cannot consume food? I wonder if the metal we keep hearing about is a source of food for them? Or maybe they get food from the ground, like a plant? Did you learn any more in the autopsy?"
Sep 18, 2017 9:15 pm
There is a clearer version that someone did, but given the recording device, I prefer this version.
Having listened to the whole thing, the disturbing sounds requires another Sanity roll
Sep 18, 2017 9:17 pm


Sanity - (1d100)

(6) = 6

Sep 18, 2017 9:18 pm
Sorry about double post
Sep 18, 2017 9:23 pm
I had considered that. It never ate anything offered to it and it died before we could get it something it could consume. It's the only one we've caught alive. We learned nothing from autopsy, it dissolved before we could discover anything other than the colour changing.
What I did learn is that these things do not show up on film. We tried to film the interview and it appeared as if I was talking to myself.
Sep 18, 2017 9:24 pm
Kaosanddoom says:
0 sanity loss
Sep 19, 2017 4:26 pm
"So it won't show up on camera? I wonder if it's body absorbs the light rays that interact with the film. And how long did you have it in captivity? How long did it go without food?"
Sep 19, 2017 4:31 pm
"And doctor, with your permission, could we go get a look at those bodies? If they are a type of Mi-Go perhaps there are clues there. Maybe it will point me in the direction of knowing what to look for when we go back to cobbs corner."
Sep 19, 2017 9:34 pm
The creature was here for no more than 24 hours and in that time it ate nothing, but it would have taken some time to transport it from the Himalayas.

As for the bodies, out of the question, I'm afraid. We have our people working on them and we should not risk contamination from additional, forgive me, untrained, personnel. Not to mention, this area is restricted. I'm not entirely sure Abelard would be happy I've brought you down here, but given your personal experience with these things I had to share that interview with you. That'll be as far as I can show you though. Please keep what you've learned here to yourself.
Sep 19, 2017 9:52 pm
"absolutely, and thank you for showing me."

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