New Guy walks into a party...

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Sep 24, 2017 6:50 pm
I first feel in love with rp when a friend ran a 3.5 dnd campaign. I played until 4th came out and shifted over World of Darkness. Stayed in the land of vampires and werewolves for 10 years. WoD is my favorite system. Then when 5e came out and a group of friends dragged me back. I am up to trying new systems. Cipher system looks really interesting I bought most of the books only to find no interest in my friends. Now I am moving to another town and have zero time for a group. Hoping that pbp can keep my interest, and I am always up to meeting new people.
Sep 24, 2017 8:05 pm
Welcome! World of Darkness has always been a favorite of mine, especially Masquerade.

We have quite a few 5e groups that I've seen, but I mostly stick to Pathfinder these days. We're glad to have you!
Sep 24, 2017 10:16 pm
Welcome Ronin_under_the_bridge. I must say that you have excellent taste in RPGs, haha.
Sep 25, 2017 1:45 am
Welcome! I'm also a WoD fan.
Sep 25, 2017 2:52 am
Welcome Ronin_under_the_bridge! I do have to do more work to get WoD more solidly rounded on GP, but that's a different discussion, heh. That aside, Cypher games are popular here, but just be mindful that specially if you're new to PbP with live RPG experience: it's much slower. A lot of people get really frustrated with that, but if you can get past that part, it's a great experience!
Sep 25, 2017 3:29 am
Thank you everybody for the welcomes :)
Sep 26, 2017 7:27 pm
Keleth says:
Welcome Ronin_under_the_bridge! I do have to do more work to get WoD more solidly rounded on GP, but that's a different discussion, heh. That aside, Cypher games are popular here, but just be mindful that specially if you're new to PbP with live RPG experience: it's much slower. A lot of people get really frustrated with that, but if you can get past that part, it's a great experience!
You were not kidding. The wait for joining a game seems glacier, but where there is a will there is a way :)
Sep 26, 2017 8:15 pm
I don't know about anyone else, but i have a certain "rotation" of sites that I visit everyday. Some sites that I visit 2 or 3 or 10 times a day. Because the content interests me and or I just want to stay up on whatever is going on there.

Gamersplane has become one of these sites for me (one of the 10 times a day probably :P).

Just incorporate it into your daily rotation if you have one. Allow the email notifications on the threads you post in, and really it just becomes a part of your daily habit. Not an excruciating exercise in patience. Just your next lunch.

It'll happen. Maybe in a week. Maybe in a month. But life goes on and GP is here, and all is to the good.
Sep 27, 2017 12:46 pm
Ronin_under_the_bridge says:
Keleth says:
Welcome Ronin_under_the_bridge! I do have to do more work to get WoD more solidly rounded on GP, but that's a different discussion, heh. That aside, Cypher games are popular here, but just be mindful that specially if you're new to PbP with live RPG experience: it's much slower. A lot of people get really frustrated with that, but if you can get past that part, it's a great experience!
You were not kidding. The wait for joining a game seems glacier, but where there is a will there is a way :)
I as actually referring to the game pacing, but that particular problem may be because we're in one of our player surges right now. I've noticed that cycles tend to occur, where there are a bunch of new players, then a bunch of new games start and fill, then new players join, heh.
Sep 27, 2017 5:27 pm
emsquared says:
I don't know about anyone else, but i have a certain "rotation" of sites that I visit everyday. Some sites that I visit 2 or 3 or 10 times a day. Because the content interests me and or I just want to stay up on whatever is going on there.

Gamersplane has become one of these sites for me (one of the 10 times a day probably :P).

Just incorporate it into your daily rotation if you have one. Allow the email notifications on the threads you post in, and really it just becomes a part of your daily habit. Not an excruciating exercise in patience. Just your next lunch.

It'll happen. Maybe in a week. Maybe in a month. But life goes on and GP is here, and all is to the good.
Can you give me a few good sites for pbp? Thank you.
Last edited September 27, 2017 5:28 pm
Sep 27, 2017 5:39 pm
This is the only PBP site I use. I've used a few others in the past and simply can't recommend them, based on what I found to be either a lacking community and/or just less functionality.

My rotation of sites is like io9, various rpg forums, Reddit, G+, Facebook, Gamersplane, etc.
Oct 1, 2017 2:45 am
Hello all. I thank you for the welcomes. I was wondering if there is a beginners learning aid for pbp? I am hoping so, because I was accepted into two games and have zero clues on how to proceed.

Thank you
Oct 1, 2017 2:57 am
Ronin_under_the_bridge says:
Hello all. I thank you for the welcomes. I was wondering if there is a beginners learning aid for pbp? I am hoping so, because I was accepted into two games and have zero clues on how to proceed.

Thank you
This is definitely something we need to work on. We need to put together a guideline of what to expect from PbP, how to play on GP, and how it's different from RL games. I think for now, there are a number of new player friendly games and GMs who are happy to walk people through the process.

Some early covers:
- Once you're in a game, you can make a character from the "Characters" page accessible from the top menu. Make a character of the types accepted into your game (this is shown on the Game Details page), and once you've created it, go back to your game's Details page, and you should see it as an option to submit
- In the game, everything happens in the game forum. You can find it easily in the bottom menu of any game. GMs often separate content into OOC threads and game threads. You'll find this out by reading what your GM puts up.
- From there, it's RP! Post in your game threads, where you have the option to post as yourself or as your character (which shows your character's avatar in addition to your own). If you need to make any rolls, use the Advance post feature, which has a section at the bottom letting you add rolls to your post.

I think those are the major talking points!
Oct 1, 2017 3:02 am
Ronin_under_the_bridge says:
Hello all. I thank you for the welcomes. I was wondering if there is a beginners learning aid for pbp? I am hoping so, because I was accepted into two games and have zero clues on how to proceed.

Thank you
If you want some info on how to navigate and how to do certain things on GP, try the New Member Guide :)
Oct 1, 2017 3:04 am
Naatkinson says:
Ronin_under_the_bridge says:
Hello all. I thank you for the welcomes. I was wondering if there is a beginners learning aid for pbp? I am hoping so, because I was accepted into two games and have zero clues on how to proceed.

Thank you
If you want some info on how to navigate and how to do certain things on GP, try the New Member Guide :)
Thank you.
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