[Interest Check] Star Trek Adventures?

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Oct 14, 2017 10:11 pm
Space. The Final Frontier. These are the chronicles of the starship Excalibur. Her Mission: Explore The unexplored, to seek out new life, new cultures, To be the sword and shield as well as the hawk and the dove. To go where none have gone before.

I’m gauging interest for running a Star Trek game using Star Trek Adventures from Modiphius as the ruleset.

The game would be set in 2350, aboard the Ambassador-Class USS Excalibur. This is during the "Lost Years" which would place it just after Yesterday’s Enterprise, Kittomer Massacre, and the Setlik III massacre. Some potential Cardassian, Klingon (maybe Romulan) encounters, along with other unexplored parts of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. :)

I would be using a mix of missions from These Are The Voyages Book, old FASA stuff, and my own designs.

Anyone out there interested? :)

Last edited Oct 14, 2017 10:14 pm
Oct 16, 2017 9:29 pm
Totally interested. I queried playtesting the game last year here, but received insufficient interest-feedback. Plus with The Orville, and to a lesser extent, ST: Discovery, going, my Star Trek enthusiasm dreams are relit.
Oct 16, 2017 10:11 pm
Awesome. I'd jump at this if I wasn't already overextended.
Oct 16, 2017 10:20 pm
I'm still waiting on a copy of rules, but would be interested in learning the system.
Oct 17, 2017 2:05 am
I did a test run with Azira during the beta. I think the system has potential, but I'd encourage thinking through some of the mechanics around extended tasks / discoveries / etc. that flows a lot less smoothly in PbP than it would at the table (at the table, rolling is relatively quick and straightforward, in PbP a lot of dice mechanics makes the game really bog down).

I'd love to watch -- especially if you find PbP tweaks of the ruleset. This is a system I'd like to run one day myself, but I need to spend a bunch more time thinking about what will make it work better before I do.
Oct 17, 2017 1:08 pm
Wow... lol I blink, wake up and some responses...

Sounds like it might be worth it to set up the game and forum. I haven’t had a chance to play even face to face so I know there might be a few bumps along the way with understanding of rules, making things flow smoothly, etc. if folks will bear with me i’ll work to make it fun. :)

I haven’t seen the Orville yet, but Discovery and this game itself have gotten my Trek interests flowing again.
Oct 17, 2017 5:24 pm
I would also be very interested in playing. As long as me being brand new to Gamers Plane, STA, and the fact that I'm more of a casual Star Trek fan won't get in the way :) I'd have to read up on my Star Trek timelines and history.

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