Oct 18, 2017 6:36 pm
Need one or two players for an ongoing dedicated homebrewed setting D&D 5E campaign. I am the DM and post almost daily from Monday to Friday. Focus is on fun and RP but plenty of battles and loot as well. Current PCs are level 4 and the party consists of a Dwarf Runeseeker, Dwarf Chaos Paladin, Gnome Wizard and Human Druid. Within reason I would allow most homebrewed races and classes beyond the official published ones. There is a quick overview of the world in the forums and I would always being willing to answer any questions. Also important to note the game isn't a one shot or a short module, but instead an open ended adventure to cover characters advancing through all levels. Hope to hear from you!
Last edited Oct 18, 2017 6:37 pm