FOC Knowledge

Oct 28, 2017 11:23 am
As a fairly senior researcher in the FOC Cryptozoology dept, you have knowledge of certain things. You are bound by a strict NDA and sharing of classified information with the group is at the discrection of your senior supervisor, Dr Sarah Matheson.
Oct 28, 2017 11:34 am
The Mi-Go

• The mi-go are aliens and not native to the Earth
• Outside the lab and particularly in the presence of Mr Abelard, they are known simply as The
• They possibly come from somewhere referred to as "Yuggoth "
• Physically, they appear to be a strange fusion of flesh and fungus, able to change their skin color at will
• Some have wings and are able to fly
• They communicate by producing a buzzing, insect-like voice
• The aliens are looking for something on Earth, perhaps minerals or metals, as they are most glimpsed in remote mountainous areas
• They are also interested in human brains, as corpses have been found with their brains completely and surgically removed Some form of brain transplantation technology appears to be in evidence
• They have some form of mind control and can recruit humans to do their bidding
• The aliens utilize tools and strange, deadly weapons

You are aware that one was captured alive and never had a chance to see it. You are aware that Matheson communicated and interviewed it and you have heard a recording of it.

The recording was made on November 18th 1926. FOC agents had captured the mi-go two days earlier in the Himalayas. Very painful electric shocks were administered to the alien to induce it to speak.

Audio File
Oct 28, 2017 11:35 am
You have also seen a transcript of the recording. Note that of the students, only Mathis has been given this information.
Oct 28, 2017 2:36 pm
The Zoog

• Small, rodent-like creatures with tentacled snouts concealing rows of small, very sharp teeth.
• The creatures live in mossy burrows and tree-trunks
• Appear to consume mostly fungi
• Zoogs are cunning, nasty, mischievous, intelligent and ever-vigilant for easy prey.
• A large group were discovered in a wood in Vermont and samples of the creatures along with descriptions of behaviour observed were brought back by FOC operatives.
• Have been seen carrying rudimentary weapons, showing some level of intelligence.
• The Zoog were encountered by Mathis Steele and his fellow students in Vermont and they are fully aware of their existence.

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