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Nov 24, 2017 4:08 pm
This time, having garnered the attention of most of the tavern, the goliath raises both mugs high into the air - dangerously close to the wooden ceiling - and throws his head back, opening his mouth impossibly wide. He doesn't even pause for breathing or proper swallowing, just opens his throat and takes it all in. For a moment the crowd is silent, and all can hear the ale sloshing through his cavernous innards like water through an underground stream. The roar of applause that follows startles a cat napping in the corner, and it scurries down into the cellar.
Nov 24, 2017 4:32 pm
Much more pleased with his last effort of drinking, Ug let's out a hearty laugh and slams his mugs down making the wooden table creak in protest. He bellows for another round. As the barmaid sets down the tankards the Goliath picks up maverick the gnome with one hand, sets him on the table, pushes two mugs before him, and smiles. "I will be happy for adventure with you small brother, but first you must grow taller. Drink with me and and then we will visit ghosts and frozen hellscape."

He then nods respectfully at Zenithral, "and Ug be much pleased to have have elf friend with bow. Not just ghosts in ruins."
Last edited November 24, 2017 6:03 pm
Nov 24, 2017 5:07 pm
"Capable half-elf, actually," Zenithar says, as the goliath picks Maverick up. "But I'm not looking for glory. I'd much rather be back defending Bryn Shander, actually. Just who is this patron god of yours, anyway? Not the blessed god of belching, I hope," he says raising an eyebrow towards Father Tulfgyr.
Nov 24, 2017 5:16 pm
A gust of frigid air sweeps from the doorway through the common room as a tall man enters the Winter's Cradle. Beneath his thick cloak you see splint armor and a pair of well-polished swords. There are hard lines on his face and streaks of gray in his hair, but these are the only notable indicators of advancing age as he confidently crosses the tavern floor. The other patrons in the tavern give him a friendly wave and go back to their drinks.

The man greets the party with a warm smile and says, "What's this? New faces in town, eh? Well met, strangers. The name is Hrothgar, originally of Hillsfar, but now, after years of traveling up, down, and under Faerun, I am content to call this town my home. Who might you be?"
Nov 24, 2017 5:38 pm
"Whoa there big guy!" Maveric exclaims as he's manhandled by the goliath, but gratefully takes the ale before him after being set down and smiles widely at Ug "a little warmth and height would be nice". the Gnome downs his drink before adressing the half-elf "Myrkul" Maveric says with smirk and a flourish of his hands "also known as The Lord of Bones." he finishes just as the doors open, dramatically sending a chill through thr room.
Last edited November 24, 2017 5:54 pm
Nov 24, 2017 11:58 pm
Zenithral glances behind him, sizing up the newcomer and admiring his equipment. He sips his drink and gives no immediate reply, waiting for the others to introduce themselves.
Nov 25, 2017 12:06 am
Alalla looks takes advantage of the newcomer's appearance to dodge the questions posed to her. "Alalla, or Al if you prefer. In from Targos, for a time. Have a seat, and share some ale? What do you know about trade in the area? Are things going well?"
Nov 25, 2017 1:06 am
Ug tilts his chair back and cheerfully spreads his hands out wide, one still holding a tankard, "we are friends and Ug sharing drink! If you be good friend you can drink with us!" Then he adds with a horrified expression, "Unless stranger hrothgar does not drink!?"

He leans to maverick and whispers, "mother always tell Ug, do not trust stranger with funny name who can not drink"
Last edited November 25, 2017 1:33 am
Nov 25, 2017 1:33 am
"This Belching god you speak of is Lathander: The MorningLord, The Father of Renewel" Father Tulfgyr says with hidden wrath"and I would have you show some respect" The father finishes more calmly almost genuinely asking Zenithral. Turning towards the stranger Father Tulfgyr stands and introduces himself "I am Father Tulfgyr Servant of Lathander and the gods where I am from and who I was is of no significance" Now speaking louder to the whole tavern "Lathander Has seen fit to renew this land in his image. With his light this land will be reborn in a new era of peace, prosperity, and atonement", Father Tulfgyr raises a mug,"rejoice for the long night is over"
Last edited November 25, 2017 1:35 am


Inspiring the tavern - (1D20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Nov 25, 2017 1:34 am
apparently the people of easthaven don't want no gods
Nov 25, 2017 2:07 am
Father Tulfgyr stands shakily and delivers a slurred - yet exuberant - blessing upon Easthaven. The last sentence is nearly unintelligible, but from the sheer fervor in his eyes and emotion in his voice he does arouse a handful cheers from the patrons (many of whom are nearly so lost in their drinks as the dwarf cleric).
Nov 25, 2017 2:13 am
Hrothgar steps forward to steady the old priest and settle him safely back into his chair. "Indeed, Father, we could certainly use the hope of brighter days ahead."

That done, he addresses the group once again. "Well then, welcome to Easthaven. First off I would offer you this small piece of advice: while you're in my town, you'd do well to be on your best behavior." He puts his hands firmly on the table. "These folk are under my protection, and anyone who would seek to do harm to them in any way shall answer to me." He says this grimly, looking each of you in the eye.

Then the smile returns, and he pulls up a chair and thanks Grisella for a mug, and then looks to Alalla and says, "I certainly would like to talk about the state of the region and the trade routes, but this may not be the best place for that. I'm sure you've each had a long journey, and you'll find there is no better way to shake off the cold of the road than by downing a few mugs of Grisella's best. Please, tell me more about yourselves!"
Nov 25, 2017 2:26 am
"Imma great old dwarfie dwarf" Father Tulfgyr mumbles as his eyes roll back into his head and a thunderous snore emerges from his bosom like a Triumphant dragon announcing its victory over its foes to the entirety of his domain.
Nov 25, 2017 2:40 am
"I am the spectacular Maverick! A scholar at heart no longer by profession" the Svirfneblin states proudly. Turning to Ug Maverick wispers "I'll keep an eye on this stranger for us big guy" proceeding to wink and the goliath before turning back to the conversation at hand
Last edited November 25, 2017 2:51 am
Nov 25, 2017 2:58 am
Nov 25, 2017 4:16 am
Ug contines to lean back precariously in his chair which strains under his massive weight of 327lbs. "I am Ug of Dorn, mighty friend and warrior, and master chef and brewer! Must always be thankful of good axe, ale, friends, and mothers! He toasts to himself throwing back one more tankard as his chair lets out a terrible crack!
Last edited November 25, 2017 4:24 am


Does the chair survive his monstrous weight? - (1d20-4)

(7) - 4 = 3

Nov 25, 2017 4:30 am
Zenithral lets a few awkward moments pass after Ug's chair cracks, then stands. He turns to Hrothgar and gives him a crisp salute. "Zenithral Liadon, arcane archer of Bryn Shander, at your service," he says, the smug condescension suddenly gone from his voice.
Last edited November 25, 2017 4:48 am
Nov 25, 2017 4:37 am
The mortal chair holds up as well as a purple rock swims in a blue ocean. The tavern erupts in laughter as the chair shatters, and Ug ends up on his ample rear. "For that, Master Chef and Brewer, you're cooking dinner tonight!" exclaims Grisella through tears of laughter.
Nov 25, 2017 4:47 am
Hrothgar listens respectfully to the svirfneblin's introduction, and then says in rough Undercommon, "Welcome, Stone Brother."

Then he looks up at Zenithral thoughtfully, then offers a nod and motions for the half-elf to sit. "Good to have you here, friend. We could certainly use a man of your caliber here. But won't Bryn Shander miss you at your post?"
Nov 25, 2017 4:51 am
Hearing the commotion around him and the word "dinner" Father Tulfgyr snaps out of his drunken stupor full of energy and clarity"Bread! I need food for my beer and beer for my food!" Father Tulfgyr laughs as he turns to Hrothgar "drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea even for a dwarf. You say you are the protector of this town? If that is the whole truth then you are doing the work of the gods" Father Tulfgyr ends on a serious note. father Tulfgyr stands and asks a passerby where the appropriate place to empty oneself is and sets off.
Last edited November 25, 2017 4:57 am
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