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Nov 26, 2017 2:55 am
Startled by the crash of the goliath and then assulted with a cold draft of air Maverick wakes with a start. "By the lords of the underdark what happened" he says before falling from the chandelier with a shout. Luckily his fall was broken by a few of the pubs patrons who were not so kind for being woken up in such a manner.
Nov 26, 2017 2:56 am
healing hands is not a spell lol
Nov 26, 2017 4:08 am
The man straightens as divine magic flows through him. He shakes his head slightly in surprise, and then the scowl returns as he looks down at Father Tulfgyr. "Hmph! Your poor attempt at sarcasm is an obvious sign of your lowly birth. I am Pomab Ak'amhir. Royal Diplomat Envoy of Calimshan and Appointed Overseer of the Northern Caravan Trade Routes! I'll have you know that I am third cousin to the Pasha himself! Not to mention a royal courtier in good standing." He tosses a condescending glance towards Ug and sneers. "All of you northerners are the same to me. Smelly and barbaric."
Nov 26, 2017 4:18 am
As Zenithral wanders the outskirts of town, he feels the relentless biting cold gusts that give Icewind Dale its name. Still, for all its rugged tundra there is something special about this place. Perhaps it is the lake? There is a a beauty to the dark waters that some might find compelling. Coming down to the northwest shore of the lake, just outside of town, Zenithral finds some puzzling footprints.
Nov 26, 2017 4:27 am
"And you are talking to a servant of the lord of morning and from the south no less", Tulfgyr laughs shrugging off the pompous fool. ,"and because you are very obviously hung over I will not hold it against you whether or not Ug does" Tulfgyr says as he subtly places himself between Ug and the envoy. "I would suggest you move on before one of these barbarians decided she doesn't like you" Tulfgyr says as he points to some rough men in the corner.
Nov 26, 2017 4:33 am
Ug pushes himself up, and awkwardly stands ready to defend his honor against the short ugly Pomab. Upon noticing his own manly-ale mixed aroma, however, he simply shrugs his massive shoulders in defeat, pats Father Tulfgyr on the shoulder, and heads to the back kitchen to see if grisella wished any help tidying up for breakfast.
Last edited November 26, 2017 4:52 am
Nov 26, 2017 4:43 am
Zenithral, not even sure why he's so interested by these footprints, decides to follow them. If the footsteps lead out of the main village, he casts prestidigitation to warm up his bow and takes a moment to string it. Feeling the frost start to bite, he casts it again to warm up his clothing.
Last edited November 26, 2017 6:08 am


Survival (if needed to follow the footprints) - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Nov 26, 2017 6:31 am
Pomab does not appear to be the least bit impressed by Father Tulfgyr's generosity. He sniffs. "I would not expect someone of *your* station to understand such matters." With a roll of his eyes turns again towards the tavern door. "You don't even remember where that cat went. At least that beast had the sense not to stick around this inbred crowd. Now, if you don't mind... I'm going back to my bed - I mean shop..." He walks out the door.
Nov 26, 2017 6:32 am
Zenithral - The footprints are on the shoreline just outside of town. The tracks are a bit muddled, but they appear to have come from the water up onto the shore. Whoever it was paused there for some time, perhaps as long as five or six hours, and then returned along the same path back - apparently - into the dark waters of Lac Dinneshere. Due to the double-crossing of the path, it takes Zenithral an hour of careful searching before he finds an important detail... a clear print of a heel, a foot pad, and five toes. Whoever made these tracks did so barefoot at night.
Nov 26, 2017 6:40 am
In the kitchen, Grisella is trying her best to hide her concern for her missing kitty by scrubbing away at some dishes. "Thank you, Ug," she says, and hands him a towel to start drying.
Nov 26, 2017 6:43 am
Meanwhile, the now-conscious patrons are nearly all awake and making their way to the doors. Except for one wizened old fisherman who rubs his eyes and peers blearily at the gnome sitting on his lap. "Erm... g'mornin' matey?"
Nov 26, 2017 1:39 pm
Now more fully awake, Ug decides the best way to help the downcast barmaid is to help father tulfgur find the missing kitty. He strives to clean up the mess of a bar while searching for clues as to the whereabouts of mr. tibbles. Perhaps, along with the dwarf's prayers they might find something.
Last edited November 26, 2017 1:56 pm


Roll athletics in cleaning the tavern - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Roll perception in looking for clues - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Nov 26, 2017 4:20 pm
In an incredibly martial display of prowess, Ug is a blur of broom, mop, and dishes. In ten minutes the common room is spotless. But what else could be expected of a man who had spent years washing his own mother's dishes? Mother would be so proud!

At the end, with fewer distractions in the room, both Ug and Father Tulfgyr notice something out of place - the cellar door seems to have been left carelessly ajar, as though someone had forgotten to close it securely.
Nov 26, 2017 4:57 pm
Father Tulfgyr investigates the cellar door cautiously
you know in case of owl bears or something
Nov 26, 2017 5:07 pm
As father Tulfgyr begins to walk over to the cellar door he contemplates reversing the magic he cast on the man because of his attitude. Tulfgyr decideds against it knowing that the harder the metal the more heat you must apply. Father Tulfgyr decideds that when he has a spare moment in this town he will visit Pomab third cousin to Pasha and try to soften his heart and soul. "Maybe I can take Zenithral with me. I'd take care two birds with one stone." Tulfgyr mumbles to himself
Last edited November 26, 2017 5:11 pm
Nov 26, 2017 5:07 pm
Ug raises an eyebrow at Father Tulfgyr and voices aloud "Here kitty, kitty, kitty?"

He crouches low and slowly descends down the cellar steps.
Last edited November 26, 2017 5:10 pm
Nov 26, 2017 5:36 pm
In the Snowdrift Inn, Alalla finishes dressing and spends some time in front of a small mirror to do some minor maintenance on her dreadlocks. When she finishes smoothing out any odd lumps and distributing a small amount of oil throughout her hair, she puts on her weapons belt and checks that her hand axes and glaive blade are all sheathed securely. The weapons remind her of her success the night before, and her spar with the elf Erevain. She thought on the battle, and the elf's graceful movements, fondly, and as she reaches for her coat she notices a small tin that had fallen from her pack. She picks it up and finds herself drawn again to her mirror, where she examines her complexion. A little face cream could help hide the green tone that lies under the deep brown of her skin, she thinks. Immediately annoyed with herself, she moves to put the tin back in her pack but hesitates at the last second, torn. She grumbles and pulls the lid off the tin, and rubs a small amount of the brown cream over her face and neck before throwing it roughly into her pack, grumbling unintelligible insults at herself, all elves ever born, knucklehead trout, and the first knucklehead to decide to fish them. She grabs her coat, the staff of her glaive, and rushes out the door on her way to look for Hrothgar's house. If she ran into a certain elf as she went about handling business, then... "Then I'll kick his behind in the arena." She grumbles under her breath.
Nov 26, 2017 6:20 pm
As Ug and Father Tulfgyr creep down the cellar stairs, they hear faint skittering and scraping. A little farther down, the recognize the coppery smell of fresh blood. Finally, upon reaching the bottom, they see a fairly generic cellar. Dirt floors, crates, barrels, shelves of assorted goods along the walls... and a red, greasy smear that streaks along the ground to disappear behind some shelves. The scraping noise grows louder.
Nov 26, 2017 6:40 pm
Finding a clean spoon Maverick fixes his luscious moustache back to the curls he so proudly sports. Running his fingers through his beard a few times he heads put to find the mysterious man named he thought was named 'josh' or 'jhon'... something like that, th gnome confident he would remember it eventually. The dreams of which the man spoke of last night had peaked his interest and wanted to learn more away from the prying eyes of the other towns folk. Maverick departed from the small tavern after grabing a quick ale to warm him before setting out in the bitter cold of what he assumed was the morning
Nov 26, 2017 6:44 pm
In the main room of the Snowdrift Inn, Alalla is greeted by the innkeeper, Quimby. "Good morning, Miss Alalla!" the portly man says cheerfully. "Sleep well, did you? Of course, of course. Finest rooms in Easthaven!" As Al moves towards the door outside, Quimby shifts his wide girth and sits up in his seat by the fire. "Ah, yes. I almost forgot! I have a letter here for you. Master Erevain Blacksheaf left it for you on his way out this morning." He pulls an envelope out of his front pocket and holds it out to her.
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