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Nov 27, 2017 4:49 am
Father Tulfgyr asks Ug to wait outside so he can help him bury the kitty
Nov 27, 2017 5:04 am
"Ug friend deserve better than that"Ug growls menacingly, but he takes a step back. Ug glares one last time at the pitiful merchant and then turns and winks at Father Tulfgyr. He then lumbers outside, being sure to shake the shop with each step. As he sits out front awaiting Father Tulfgyr, he collects some beetle slime from off his beefy chest and writes With it on the merchant's front door with his finger UG WAS HERE.
Last edited November 27, 2017 5:22 am
Nov 27, 2017 5:26 am
Father Tulfgyr finds a chair and puts it across from Pomab. Waiting a few moments before speaking Pomab third cousin of Pasha.... is this what you truly want," Tulfgyr says in a soothing voice holding the helm to the light inspecting it "I know why Ug came in here but I had no part in bringing him here. I do not want to hurt you nor do I want to steal from you either" Father Tulfgyr says in his most convincing voice "If you want to give me the helm that is fine but I will not I cannot force you too. The morninglord has plans for this realm and that includeds you. the people need you to see them through this lasting winter will you help me help them? Father Tulfgyr finishes with a passion in his eye


arcana check - (1d20)

(20) = 20

befriending pomab - (1D20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Nov 27, 2017 5:28 am
BUTTS but nice but BUTTS
Nov 27, 2017 5:35 am
Alalla nods. "I'd be happy to provide assistance. I met a few people last night I think would be able to recruit to help me look into this matter. Now I apologize for the quick visit," she says, using her glaive staff to help pull herself to a stand, "but I feel that this is something that I should do as soon as possible. I truly would like to hear some stories associated with your treasures, sometime. Before I go, is there anything else I should know about this caravan? Do you know who was leading it, or where it was last seen? What direction do you expect it to come from?"
Nov 27, 2017 1:42 pm
Tulfgyr - although you have not been trained in as much arcane knowledge as you have divine, you can definitely tell that this helmet is magical. It was not, in fact, made by dwarves at all.
Check out the Identify thread for details.
Nov 27, 2017 1:47 pm
"Your words fall short of your actions, dwarf. Rob me in my own shop! Hrothgar will hear about this. Take the helmet. I want nothing to do with it anymore."
Nov 27, 2017 1:51 pm
"Excellent!" Hrothgar says. "Leave town by way of the southeast bridge and scout the hills south of Lac Dinneshere - between Easthaven and Caer-Dineval. Caravans always stick close to the shoreline this time of year. I don't know who was leading it, but I hope they're alright. Good luck."
Nov 27, 2017 7:40 pm
Cold and confused at the footprints, Zenithral decides to head back to the village and speak with Hrothgar.

Honestly, what kind of person goes out in this weather barefoot? he thinks to himself. Bugbears? Barbarians? They either came in by boat or they swam. Unlikely that they swam, especially in this climate, but anything is possible...

His clothing suddenly become cold, the warming effect of prestidigitation wearing off. Had he been out for a whole hour? Fishermen were already getting on their boats and heading out to fish, including that gnome from the night before, he noted, squinting towards Maverick and Jhonen in the distance. Zenithral suddenly realized how hungry he was. The tavern had probably cleared up by now, and he could probably get himself a hearty breakfast before talking to Hrothgar.
How big are the footprints? Average human size? Slightly bigger? Fairly large?
Last edited November 27, 2017 7:44 pm
Nov 27, 2017 8:05 pm
As Zenithral makes it back into town and heads towards the Winter's Cradle, he notices Ug drawing something on a shop door.
The footprints seem to be human-sized, but the shapes are slightly different than what you'd expect from a normal barefoot print - for barefoot human, anyway.
Nov 27, 2017 9:42 pm
Zenithral believes the goliath to be good-natured and dismisses him, intent on filling his stomach. He enters the Winter's Cradle, observes the scene, finds Grisella and orders a meal if he can.
Nov 27, 2017 10:19 pm
Zenithral enters the tavern to see Grisella wiping her eyes and fussing with some cups. The room is in remarkably better condition than when he saw it last. When Grisella notices Zenithral she quickly attends to him, and soon enough the half-elf is served a hot meal of beef stew.
Nov 27, 2017 11:35 pm
"Splendid! Thank you my dear," Zenithral exclaims gratefully upon receiving the soup. He pays Grisella, then asks, "Might I ask what is troubling you so?"
Last edited November 27, 2017 11:35 pm
Nov 28, 2017 12:01 am
While waiting for Father Tulfgyr to exit the emporium, Ug passes the time looking around at any passersby and perhaps for any sign of another kitty for Grisella.


Perception roll - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Nov 28, 2017 12:34 am
Grisella explains Mr. Tibbles' poor fate, ending with "But those two kind men, the Father and Ug, they've been such a great help to me. I hope they stick around town for a while. Well, Master Zen, enjoy the rest of your day." She clears away the dishes and heads for the kitchen.
Nov 28, 2017 12:36 am
Ug fails to see any kitties, but he does notice several children playing with a squirrel. Well, the children seem to be playing. With sticks. The squirrel isn't moving much.
Nov 28, 2017 12:54 am
Maverick contemplates Jhonen carefully "I understand entirely, I grew up in a land were nightmares walk during the waking hours. stopping to think for another moment the gnome finally asks "when did these hellish visions start? and what was happening or happened in your life during this time? "I know it sounds silly but it is at least a start to any answers i may be able to supply" the gnome begins struggling with a fishing pole and line while he waits for Jhonen to respond
Nov 28, 2017 1:00 am
Ug sighs and pulls himself up. He mutters to himself something about bleeding hearts of the humanity uniting to save fuzzy animals and decides to sssist the endangerd squirrel. He wags a massive finger at the children and then tries to revive the squirrel.
Last edited November 28, 2017 1:15 am


Animal handling - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Nov 28, 2017 1:15 am
Jhonen looks at Maverick, confused. "Well, I don't know that I'd call them hellish. They're just kind of weird." He scratches his chin. "So in my dreams... well, there's a woman... and don't give me that eye, it's not like you think... she walks upon the surface of the lake as if it were flagstones instead of waves. She doesn't say anything, just sings - beautiful songs, but I can't understand a word." His gaze goes out over the water and he begins to trail off... "If truth be told, friend, I... th... dang it, there's no sense to it!" He moves suddenly, almost standing and nearly upsetting the small boat. "Those dreams are eating at me like a starving wolf! I can barely hold a daily thought in my head before the memory of the dreams hounds it's way back in there." Jhonen settles down again with a sigh. "I... by the Hells, I don't know how much more of this I can take."
Nov 28, 2017 1:27 am
The children scamper off at the goliath's chastisement, but hide behind some crates to watch him with wide eyes. It takes Ug only a quick examination to see that the squirrel has an injured leg, but was playing dead hoping the children would leave it alone. Sensing the goliath's kind nature (inherited from his mother, no doubt) the squirrel looks up at him with pleading eyes, as if saying "Please don't leave me out here with them!"
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