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Nov 28, 2017 1:50 am
Maverick holds onto the boat wide-eyed as it rocks precariously by Jhonens the sudden movement. The gnome takes a minute after the boat settles to think if he knows any stories similar to the dream Jhonen is describing. He tried to read up on this region before his travels to Icewind Dale.
Last edited November 28, 2017 2:11 am


For recall or knowlage of any stories - (history mod) - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Nov 28, 2017 2:08 am
Ug snuzzles the creature and begins to carry him gingerly back to the tavern, the tiny creature fitting perfectly in one of his palms.. if a kitty could be a good pet a fuzzy squirrel could too. Will just have to see what Grisella says. He walks in and notices the barmaid talking with Zenithral and walks over to their table, fuzzy squirrel in hand, and a huge grin on his face.
Last edited November 28, 2017 2:10 am
Nov 28, 2017 2:16 am
"I am deeply sorry for your loss, my dear. That sounds quite atrocious. Though delicious stew I must say! You have my gratitude." Zenithral says to Grisella.

Master Zen? Zenithral thinks as Grisella walks away to clear plates. That's a new one.

Ug walks in, grinning and holding what seems to be a new fuzzy friend. Zenithral raises an eyebrow. "What do you have there, my dear man? Is that a squirrel?"
Last edited November 28, 2017 2:19 am
Nov 28, 2017 2:18 am
Maverick is at first puzzled by the tale. Of course there are stories of sirens and devilish sea spirits that lead sailors to their watery deaths, but so far Jhonen has shown no sign of actually wanting to enter the water - though who knows what these dreams will drive him to if left unchecked. Your gut instinct - which is rarely wrong about these things - is to watch the lake at night while Jhonen attempts to sleep.

One thing is for certain: something supernatural or magical is causing these dreams, and Jhonen will find little rest until the matter is resolved.
Nov 28, 2017 2:27 am
After pondering Maverick assures Jhonen that he will get to the bottom of these dreams. Changing the subject Maverick asks for Jhonens help with some fishing. After spending the morning fishing the Svirfneblin inquires if it would be possible to be returned to shore for lunch in the early afternoon.


Fishing success? - (Athletics) - (1d20-1)

(13) - 1 = 12

Nov 28, 2017 2:36 am
Alalla shakes Hrothgar's hand and leaves his home. She pauses outside for a moment to stomp her feet in her boots and get used to the cold. Where to next? The tavern was very close by and she would probably find some of her potential comrades there. Or she could see if Erevain was still waiting for her. She brushes the thought away. She should attend to business in the tavern. But if she went there, she should probably order something to eat. Erevain had offered her breakfast...
"No sense buying food when some has been offered for free." That decided, she heads east, to where Erevain told her the bridge was where he would be waiting. She resists the urge to mess with her locks and makes sure to walk at a reasonable pace, so as not to seem too eager. "I can be eager if I want to. I was invited. Why shouldn't I be eager for free food and good sport?" She asks herself with irritation. She keeps one hand on her glaive and the other firmly in her pockets and continues her deliberate pace, nonetheless.
Last edited November 28, 2017 2:42 am
Nov 28, 2017 2:51 am
While Maverick has a think, Jhonen finally sets about getting his work done. First he untangles the knots Maverick had made in his line, and then starts baiting the hooks. Some people use nets, but Jhonen enjoys sitting and waiting for nibbles. More time to look at the water this way... "Wha... no, gnome. The way you're flailing that pole around the only thing you're going to catch is me! Here, try it like this..."

By the end of the morning trip, Maverick managed to catch a significant amount of lakeweed, an extremely soggy old boot, the boat, and one knucklehead trout (worth 5 gold if sold to a scrimshander). The gnome and the fisherman make it safely back to shore.
Nov 28, 2017 3:09 am
Alalla makes her way to the southeast part of Easthaven and sees a wide bridge crossing a narrow stretch of water. The bridge itself has a certain rustic charm, with a gentle arc to the wooden floorboards and railings, set over slowly moving water, with the backdrop of the snowy tundra on one side and Lac Dinneshere on the other... and there on the bridge is the elf from the previous night, blade drawn and working slowly through sword forms.

Even from a distance Erevain cuts a nice figure. His elven frame is slender, but not skinny by any means. He moves with near perfect balance, shifting his weight this way and that as his sword parries the blows of invisible enemies in slow motion.

Alalla notices a few village women stopping their chores to watch Erevain as well, and one of them turns to her and says with a knowing wink, "Well now, warrior. Looks like there's a woman under that armor after all!" She nods at Erevain appreciatively and then walks away, cackling to herself.
Nov 28, 2017 3:18 am
Slightly embarrassed by his short comings in the area of fishing Maverick nodded his head at Jhonen thanking him for his patience and kindness, also remembering to re-ensure the man that he would find the cause of these dreams. Maverick then turns and hurries to the tavern in hopes to find something warm to eat and company that would make him feel intellectually superior once more. Easily finding the tavern, the gnome takes a seat with several of the people that he came antiquated with the night before.
Nov 28, 2017 3:28 am
The woman's comment startles Al, distracted as she is by Erevain's 'forms.' Her cheeks flush and in a moment of panic she almost turns on her heel to head back the way she came. But she had been spotted. To leave would be cowardice, and cowardice she would not abide.
"I hope you haven't been out in this cold for too long!" She calls to Erevain, fiercely ignoring any other bystanders or passers-by. "I had some business to attend to this morning, or I would have been by sooner."
"Stupid girl, didn't you want to keep from seeming too eager?" Her bitter voice spoke in her head.
"I told you, I'm allowed to be eager if I want to!" She retorts. She swallows hard as she approaches and resolves to keep better hold of her tongue, anyway.
Nov 28, 2017 3:31 am
"Is new friend Fuzzy! Ha!" Ug cried. He looked down fondly at the tiny squirrel nestled in his palm. "Ug save him from horrible tiny monsters with sticks. Fuzzy need new home." He glances at Grisella, "Maybe be new kitty?"
Last edited November 28, 2017 3:37 am
Nov 28, 2017 3:43 am
Grisella walks up to check on the party and offer drinks and food to the newcomers, but jumps a little when she notices the squirrel at the table. Her expression quickly softens, however when she takes a second look at the little beast. "What an adorable little pet you have there, Ug. Seeing the thing takes me back to the old days, when I was just a little girl without a care in the world." She smiles at the memory. "I grew up down south, in Baldur's Gate, where there were so many trees. Squirrels were plentiful there. I'm not sure that I've noticed one in Ten Towns before, but maybe I just never really paid attention." She reaches out and strokes the furry creature's tail. "What's this? What happened to his leg?"
Nov 28, 2017 3:57 am
"Fuzzy," Zenithral repeats. "An appropriate name I suppose. Mmm, yes," he says examining it. "It seems it's injured its leg there." Zenithral pauses. Perhaps, I could...no. Tulfgyr, the worshiper of...Lathander, was it? Yes, he could help, I'm sure. "If not a bit of time, he begins again, "I'm sure it's nothing the Father couldn't handle. His type is usually quite adept in the healing arts."
Last edited November 28, 2017 3:58 am
Nov 28, 2017 4:09 am
Startled out of his concentration by Alalla's sudden presence, Erevain nearly drops his sword. He quickly recovers, and turns to look at her with a wide smile that reaches his green eyes. "Well met and fair morning to you, Alalla," he says with a small, yet elegant, bow. He gestures somewhat sheepishly towards his sword. "I am afraid I began without you - to my eternal shame, I was uncertain whether you would come, but I must admit that your arrival much brightens this overcast day." He lets the grin fall away, though there is still a twinkle in his eye. The sword comes up in a salute, and then Erevain falls into a combat stance, shining blade tip pointed towards Al. "Shall we begin?"
Nov 28, 2017 4:14 am
"Oh, I don't know," Grisella says, fretting with her apron strings. "The good Father could heal this poor creature, I'm sure. But he has done so much for me today already, and I would hate to tire him. He must be getting on in years, surely!" She bends down to pet the squirrel some more. "Fuzzy? He is that. I would have named him Mr. Nibbles..." She gets a sad look in her eye, but shakes it away. "Fuzzy it is! I wonder if he would like some crackers." She hurries away in search of squirrel treats.
Nov 28, 2017 5:10 am
Father Tulfgyr Turns outside and makes his way to Ug through the bitter cold " Ug! ...Ug! I'm so sorry that took so long but we have to stop by Hrothgars! Father Tulfgyr says exasperated with worry still holding the helm. Noticing the small squirrel Father Tulfgyr scoops it up into his hands and holds it close before giving it back to Grisella. Hoping Ug follows Father Tulfgyr rushes out the door hurrying towards Hrothgars house. Knocking on a wrong door Father Tulfgyr gives a quick message about the Morninglord before he makes his way to the house of Hrothgar and knocks on the door.
Last edited November 28, 2017 5:34 am


Effects of the quick lesson - (1D20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Cure wounds - (1D8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Nov 28, 2017 5:32 am
Zenithral mentally sighs and shrugs. He notices Maverick and feigns a pleasant smile at the gnome. He looks back up at Grisella and Ug. "Thank you again, Grisella for the meal, and thank you again, Ug, for last night's meal," he says with a curt nod. "I'll be off. I've business to attend to," Zenithral stands and heads for the door as Father Tulfgyr bursts in. Zenithral mentally sighs again, debating whether to join him to Hrothgar's or wait.

Zenithral finds himself patrolling the village again.
Unless Ug, Maverick, or someone else addresses him.
Last edited November 28, 2017 5:45 am


Deception (For pleasant smile) - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Nov 28, 2017 5:39 am
Not that the squirrel needs it but I guess for my sake cure wounds does an extra 3 points because of the deciple of life thing [ health spells do 2 plus spell level]
Last edited November 28, 2017 5:42 am
Nov 28, 2017 6:17 am
No squirrel has ever been filled with such vitality! As healing magic sweeps over the animal, it finds itself intrigued by the doctrine of the Morninglord and becomes the first squirrel convert. As a true believer in Lathander, it will now chatter to anyone it meets about the miracle of its healed leg. Of course, they probably won't understand what it's saying unless they speak whatever language squirrels speak, but Father Fuzzy is not discouraged. He is determined to bring as much light and happiness to Grisella as a squirrel could bring to a barkeep.
100 XP to each hero for helping Grisella find her car and work through her grief. 1,190 total XP now?
Nov 28, 2017 6:24 am
Hrothgar answers the door and invites Father Tulfgyr (and Ug if he's there) in and after some small talk says, "Well if you two are looking for something to do, you should consider speaking with that warrior from Targos, Alalla. She's organizing a party to go search for a missing caravan. I swear, if we don't find it soon Pomab is going to explode like a wizard's fireball. Truth is, Easthaven needs to know the fate of that caravan as soon as possible, or else we risk not getting another before the snows come."
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