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Nov 28, 2017 6:36 am
Zenithral passes through the village on his way out to patrol, when a man comes running up to him, frantic and out of breath. Zenithral recognizes him as Apsel the scrimshander. "Friend!" he says, gasping for air, "Oh, thank the gods. I could really... use... some help!" He begins tugging on Zenithral's arm. "A wolf somehow got into my workshop and it's tearing the place apart. Vicious, white thing - big wolf! It attacked me as I was opening the shop this morning. I was late getting started today, because of the feast, you see - anyway I was so startled at the sight of the beast that I accidentally broke the key off in the lock while trying to get away. Now I can't even get back in." He looks at Zenithral and exclaims, "Well? Are you going to help me?"
Nov 28, 2017 12:42 pm
Ug, overcome with joy for the healing of Father Fuzzy, gave a mighty hug to all in vacinity. With tears still in his eyes thanked Father Tulfgyr exclaiming "You would make GREAT mother!" He then accompanied Father Tulfgyr to Hrothgar's.
Last edited November 28, 2017 1:33 pm
Nov 28, 2017 1:44 pm
Also, Father Tulfgyr's first knock happens to be at the home of one of the devotees who works in the Temple of Tempus - the Lord of Battles - in town, and the quick message turns into a mutually enriching discussion of Faerun's pantheon, and how the people of Icewind Dale need the gods more than ever. Her name is Accalia, and she invites Tulfgyr to come by the Temple for prayer.
Nov 28, 2017 4:00 pm
"Er," Zenithral says. He glances away towards Hrothgar's then looks back to Apsel. "Of course, my good man," he says, smoothly shrugging his bow off his shoulder and into his hand. "Lead the way. How big, exactly, is this wolf? You have windows, I presume?
Last edited November 28, 2017 4:03 pm
Nov 28, 2017 4:15 pm
"Thank you, Zeninander!" Apsel says, then looks at Zenithral ruefully. "I keep the windows boarded up, just in case Old Jed tries to find where I keep my wine stash. He's not above pinching bottles. Borrowing without asking, terrible habit. We try to keep any temptations out of sight." He frowns. "The wolf is big! Bigger than any wolf I've seen. And such a white coat! I'm not sure how it got in there, to be honest. Anyway, if you kill it that pelt is bound to be valuable."
Nov 28, 2017 4:36 pm
I was waiting to see if Tulfgyr would keep the magic helmet, and since he has... 100 XP to each character for finding the first magic item! 1,290 XP?
Nov 28, 2017 4:52 pm
1290 XP, yeah, That's correct.
"I see. Of course, you keep the windows boarded up... Zenithral says to Apsel rubbing his chin. "Well, I'm not exactly a locksmith, so we may need some help before I can take down the wolf. Hm...I wonder if that gnome, Maverick, may be of assistance. Gnomes can often be skilled tinkerers. Not all of them, of course, but it's worth a shot. If not, we'll see about having the goliath Ug help us. Zenithral leaves out that he plans on getting Ug to smash his way in if all else fails. He turns and waves his hand.
"Come now. Or stay here. Whatever suits your fancy.

Zenithral walks briskly back to the Winter's Cradle, enters, and finds Maverick. Maverick, my good man! he says, arms outstretched in greeting. My good friend Apsel here has a problem. He has quite a large wolf trapped in his shop making a mess of things, but the key has been damaged, and the windows are boarded up. Do you happen to be skilled in working with small mechanical devices like such locks?
Last edited November 28, 2017 4:54 pm
Nov 28, 2017 5:23 pm
Apsel at first looks distraught at Zenithral's movement away from the shop, but decides that he trusts the half-elf. Still, he can't help worrying and grumbling under his breath, "Blasted wolf! Who knows what damage that thing is doing to my scrimshaw. And my tools! Oh, maybe if I hadn't spent so long at that feast last night I might have been able to prevent this..." He follows along and stares hopefully at Maverick.
Nov 28, 2017 5:56 pm
Maverick looks up at the half-elf with what seemed to be a distraught man in tow. Maverick, my good man! Zenithral says, arms outstretched in greeting, although he didn't believe the gesture was genuine. My good friend Apsel here has a problem. He has quite a large wolf trapped in his shop making a mess of things, but the key has been damaged, and the windows are boarded up. Do you happen to be skilled in working with small mechanical devices like such locks?[/quote]. The gnome looks over to focus on the man situated behind Zenithral. "unfortunately unlike my overworld cousins, I am not proficient in tinkering. However, i can summon my familiar to check out the situation then depending i can melt the lock with an acid splash to open the door he looks between the two men trying to determine if they would accept his offer
Nov 28, 2017 6:05 pm
It was I who kept Apsel up, wasn't it?, Zenithral thinks to himself. Hm. Well, let's get this over with.

"Excellent!" Zenithral says to Maverick. "That sounds far better than getting Ug to smash down the door, wouldn't you say, Apsel? Let's be off then," he says quickly before Apsel can answer.
Last edited November 28, 2017 6:08 pm
Nov 28, 2017 6:31 pm
Apsel is practically hopping up and down with anxiety. "I don't care! Break it down if you have to. I'm sure it will be nothing compared to the damage that monster inside is capable of."
Nov 28, 2017 7:22 pm
Maverick follows Apsel and Zenithral back to the shop were he reaches behind his luscious beard and produces a bat "ha ha! i bet i got you guys!" he says with a mischievous twinkle in his eye "i don't actually keep this guy in my beard, i just pulled him from his pocket dimension" the svirfneblin pauses for a moment trying to remember why he needed his familiar. His eyes light up as he recalls the situation he is in before absentmindedly speaking "this is my familiar, he should be small enough to get within the shop assuming there is a small opening he can use which would be the preferable option for you I'm sure" Maverick says is as he looks up at Apsel "But if there is no entrance for him I should be able to melt a hole big enough for him to enter through in order to assess the best plan of action to deal with this wolf" the gnome thinks about place a comforting hand on Apsel, but realizes that the only place he could reach without causing embarrassment for the both of them was Apsels knee, and decides against the gesture.
Last edited November 28, 2017 7:24 pm
Nov 28, 2017 8:03 pm
"Quite the trick indeed!" Zenithral says to Maverick, raising an eyebrow. I'm sure your beard would make a wonderful home either way. At any rate, perhaps you just break the lock and open the door, and I shoot the wolf?" Zenithral suggests as they approach the shop.
How close is Apsel's shop to Hrothgar's? What about where Alalla is?
Last edited November 28, 2017 8:03 pm
Nov 28, 2017 8:09 pm
Maverick did indeed 'get' Apsel with his pocket dimension beard trick. The scrimshander jumps with a start, and then says, "Please, I have had enough surprises for one day. Won't you just please take care of this problem?" He thinks for a moment, then says, "I'm not sure how the wolf got in there. The door was locked just the way I left it when I came to open shop. It must have gotten in somehow, an opening somewhere. But at this point, I just want the abominable beast gone! Do what you have to, please."
Nov 28, 2017 8:13 pm
Easthaven is quite small, so it would likely only take a few minutes to fetch anyone else. Hrothgar's house is a few houses north, on the far side of the Temple of Tempus. Alalla is a little farther away, farther east on the other side of where all the fishing boats are moored. Still, getting her attention would only be a matter of minutes.
Nov 28, 2017 8:31 pm
"Work on that lock, send your familiar to search for another way in, and I'll fetch...Ug," Zenithral tells Maverick. He would rather have a fellow guard like Allala, but he realized he had no idea where she actually was. "And Father Tulfgyr I suppose. I'm a 'brave and cunning elf', of course," he says echoing Maverick's well-founded, satirical comments from the night before. "But I fear this wolf may be more than just your average beast if it's as big and white as you say, Apsel.

With that, Zenithral jogs off to Hrothgar's, where Ug and Father Tulfgyr were last headed to.
Last edited November 28, 2017 8:35 pm
Nov 28, 2017 8:35 pm
Maverick nods to Zenithral "Go find the others while I work on figuring out the logistics" but decides not to waste any more time with trying to find an additional entrance for the bat to enter as each passing moment Apsel looks increasingly more worried. the gnome watches the half-elf leave before turning to Apsel "Apsel I am going to melt the lock with acid splash, when this happens I need you to brace the door with me as my familiar enters and tells me where the wolf is. When I receive that information I will tell you what it looks like. When Zenithral comes back with help we can open the door and hopefully surprise the creature in order to have the upper hand and minimize any additional damage this encounter may cause" Maverick then turns to the bat sitting in his hands and begins to communicate telepathically with it "I'm sure you heard what I just said, but i need you to go in there and tell me what state the shops in and where the wolf is. If you're good you can hangout with me outside your pocket dimension." he then looks up at the door. Placing the familiar in his left hand Maverick places the other over the lock on the door and casts acid splash. He motions for Apsel to lean up against the door and places the bat at the entrance of the new hole. Maverick watches as his familiar disappears into the darkened circle before also leaning against the door.
Last edited November 28, 2017 8:51 pm
Nov 28, 2017 9:02 pm
Al hides the blush at Erevain's compliment (though it is not nearly so obvious through on dark cheeks as she fears it must be) by looking down and unsheathing her glaive blade, and affixing it to the top of its staff.
That done and breathing steadied, "Get a hold of yourself girl. It's just another competition," she levels her weapon at Erevain in turn. "When you're ready." She says aloud.
Nov 28, 2017 9:22 pm
Walking out of Hrothgar's door, Ug is somewhat torn. It was refreshing that ugly Pomab is unde stress from the missing caravan, but Ug also had a special affection for this town and its people. if the people of Easthaven needed help he would gladly lend his assistance. Speaking of assistance, he sees Zenithral coming their way . . .
Last edited November 28, 2017 9:27 pm
Nov 28, 2017 9:35 pm
"Ug, my good man!" Zenithral yells out from a distance while jogging nearer. "We have a giant wolf that needs apprehending! Or eliminating, rather. Either way, Maverick and I could use your assistance." Calm and collected, he slows down near Ug and looks past him. "And the Father if he's also willing."
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