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Jan 19, 2018 3:53 pm
Everard leads Ug (carrying Zenithral) and Alalla (carrying the unconscious woman) through the great hall of the Temple, Hrothgar by his side. They pass through to the back rooms, where Accalia has set up some clean beds and medical supplies. "Lay them down - carefully, now."

The war priest carefully inspects both of the wounded. He murmurs over Zenithral's body for a moment, and then puts a hand on the half-elf's shoulder, flooding him with a powerful healing spell (Zen is healed 13 points). Zenithral's eyes open, and he finds himself feeling significantly better. Everard moves on to the woman.

He quietly lays a hand on her head for a few minutes, then says, "Her wounds are completely healed, but her body and spirit are so overtaxed that she will be dead by morning. It is good that you brought her to me." Everard awkwardly kneels next to the bed and begins chanting. A golden nimbus of light surrounds him and the woman. Still chanting, Everard holds out a hand to Accalia, who hands him a large diamond. He closes his gauntleted fist around the magical component, and when he opens his hand the diamond is gone, replaced with shining motes of light that spin gently in the air. The light grows brighter, and then seeps into the woman. As the party watches, some color returns to her face.

When the spell is ended, Everard stiffly stands up, his own face looking tired. "I have done what I can for her tonight. What she most needs now is rest, and a good meal when she wakes. I will be able to do more tomorrow." He looks at Zenithral and says, "You may spend the night here, if you wish." He turns to the others. "If you will excuse me, now, I have had a long day. I have much to think about." He limps off to his own room, leaving Ug, Al, Zen, Hrothgar, and Accalia in the room.


Cure Wounds level 4 - (4d8+3)

(1711) + 3 = 13

Jan 19, 2018 6:06 pm
Alalla watches Everard go, then stares at the woman, looking drained. She ruffles her dreads and looks between the people in the room awkwardly. "I'm going to bed, unless anyone needs anything...?" When no one volunteers immediately she gives a sort of salute with her fingers and wanders towards the tavern.
Jan 19, 2018 9:53 pm
The heroes all manage to get a decent night's rest after their midnight adventures.
Everyone gets the benefit of a long rest.
Zenithral wakes up in the Temple sickroom and finds the woman's bed empty. He can hear voices arguing outside.

Ug wakes up to heavy knocks on his door at the Snowdrift Inn. He hears Hrothgar's voice, and he sounds upset. "Ug, wake up and open this door!"
Jan 20, 2018 2:50 am
Ug wakes up groggily to pounding on his door and Hrothgars booming voice. He sits up with a start, threatening the structure of his bed, and jumps up, hoping nobody else is in danger. Adjusting his loincloth he throws open the door.
Last edited January 20, 2018 2:51 am


Bed breaking saving throw - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Jan 20, 2018 3:18 am
Hrothgar stands there in the hall dressed in full armor, two men at his sides. He looks furious. "Ug, you are under arrest for trespassing, vandalism, theft, and arson." He glances past Ug to the shattered bed frame. "And you owe Quimby 20 gold for a new bed." He looks up and stares Ug in the eye. "You better come with us and answer some questions."
Jan 20, 2018 4:12 am
Completely at a loss Ug stares blanket at Hrothgar "mother would never approve of those things" he says in shock," Ug would never . . ." but he trails off as his memory fuzzes. He holds a hand to his head with a headache coming on. But he drops some gold into the broken bed and walks out with hrothgar.
Jan 20, 2018 4:30 am
Hrothgar takes Ug to a the 'jail' - a small wooden hut near his own home. "I wouldn't have believed it myself, but Pomab showed me those muddy tracks in his shop. And guess who in town has the only feet that size?" He opens the door and ushers Ug inside.

"Honestly, Ug. I know you and the Calishite don't get along - few people do with that Pomab - but stooping to such idiocy? Don't you know that real damage was done when you set that fire?" He shakes his head. "And as if you hadn't had enough to drink at Grisella's last night, then you had to steal some of the store's new stock of wine as well?"

He sighs. "I warned you and your friends when you came to Easthaven that this town is under my protection. That includes Pomab, whether we like him or not." He stops his tirade and looks at Ug. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
Jan 20, 2018 8:26 am
Ugs mind snaps into focus and he stops immediately, his massive form completely still, Hrotggars words finally catching up to him. "steal? Mighty hrothgar, ug did not do this thing! Ug would not do this thing!" he pounds his chest becoming animated. "ug believe pomab is ugly goblin backside loincloth rash, but Ug not steal and ug not make fire! Ug no need fire and ug no drink wine! Ug not fire smith or magic maker and mother always say wine is for tiny hairless gnomes! Ug drink beer! he says proudly, some of his memory coming back, "Ug saw fire and put out, that why hrothgar see feet! Ug swears on this thing!" ug takes a deep breath, and says firmly "ug swears by all good mothers everywhere, ug not do this thing."
Last edited January 20, 2018 9:24 am


Persuasion - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Advantage - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Jan 20, 2018 1:12 pm
Hrothgar is speechless for a moment as he considers the noble goliath's claims. "Very well," he says. "Let's get to the bottom of this right now." He gestures for Ug to follow. "We're going to see Pomab."

When they arrive at the Emporium, Hrothgar marches straight up to Pomab (who sneers at the sight of Ug) and says, "What is going on here, Pomab? On your word I arrested Ug, but on hearing his side of the story I believe him not guilty of these charges - at least not all of them. What really happened last night?"
Jan 20, 2018 1:18 pm
Pomab's face pales a little at the direct confrontation, but then reddens as he finds his nerve. "You tell me, Hrothgar! I already gave you my story." Seeing Hrothgar's expression he adds, "He might not have started the fire, but he startled me. Because he was ON MY PROPERTY after hours. And if he did not steal the wine, then who did?"

Pomab straightens up with his nose in the air. "Some policing force you are in this frozen hellscape of a town, Hrothgar. I will continue to press charges as long as the wine is missing. Or would you prefer NOT to have access to the supplies I ordered?" He glares at Ug with open hostility.
Jan 20, 2018 1:35 pm
Hrothgar puts his face right up to Pomab's. "I know you did not just threaten to withhold supplies from the town. Not when I'm the only one within hundreds of miles who gives a care about your sorry hide." Not backing up at all, the grizzled old adventurer says, "We will find who is responsible for taking your wine, but until then Ug walks free."

Hrothgar turns away and looks at Ug. "You are free to go about your morning, Ug. But if you remember anything else about last night, anything or anyone you might have seen, you know where to find me."
Jan 20, 2018 1:46 pm
"ug did not do this thing!" ug bellows, "ug does not like lying scum! Ug did not steal, and ug did not light fire, ug saved fire and pomab and supplies!" he glares down at the Weasley cremling "you lie and blame me for fire, who lit fire uglyface?"

Ug turns to hrothgar, "check for magic on fire and know ug did not do this thing. Ug prove he is liar, Ug will find thief, and Ug will want apology from motherless scum sucking pig!" he gestures at pomab with a massive finger.

Ug casts his eyes round about searching for any evidence of the whiny winer's wine theft.
Last edited January 20, 2018 1:47 pm


Eye casting perception - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Jan 20, 2018 2:03 pm
"I have no skill in the arcane arts, Ug. How would I know if the fire was set by magic?" Hrothgar shrugs and walks out.

Ug is unable to see any sign of what might have happened to the wine, but he does see his own messy tracks about the place.
Jan 20, 2018 2:07 pm
Ug glares at pomab until pomab looks away. Before leaving, and without pomab seeing, ug leaves an eerie note written in the ash


Ug then heads to the temple to try check on Z and enlist his help if he is up for it.
Last edited January 20, 2018 2:32 pm


Slight of havd - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Jan 20, 2018 3:51 pm
Zenithral sits up and immediately regrets the decision as he suddenly becomes very dizzy, head pounding. How long have I been out? He remembers something about the woman being in the other bed...Where was she now? She was in far worse condition that he was, wasn't she? Zenithral blinked. She wasn't... "No, no, no..." He swings his legs off the bed and stands—then topples back onto the bed. Oh bother...I'm a mess...I think I just need some water and breakfast or something...
Last edited January 20, 2018 3:55 pm
Jan 20, 2018 3:52 pm
Pomab eventually turns back to his tasks with a *harrumph*.

Ug enters the Temple and passes a handful of priests engaged in various priestly duties - which for acolytes of Tempus includes as much sparring as anything else. Many of these priests show signs of old injuries similar to Everard's. One of them calls out to Ug, "Ho there, large one! Care for a friendly match? None of these schoolboys knows one end of a weapon from the other, and I prayed Tempus would send me a worthy opponent!" This brings a chorus of jeers from the other priests, but it all seems in good spirit.
Jan 20, 2018 3:59 pm
Maverick wakes at the sound of someone smashing at a door down the hall but decides after the adventure last night if someone really needed him they could come and find him. Getting up he pulls out some spellbooks flipping through some note to try and refesh some of his spells after such a poor performance last night. The gnome after scribbling down and muttering some spells (just short of activating them) decides to visit the temple to see if he can enlist the help if his party to fulfill his patrons bidding despite the feelig that entertaining such a holy place might cause him to burst into flame
Last edited January 20, 2018 4:02 pm
Jan 20, 2018 4:00 pm
As he has a chance to look around, Zenithral sees a tray of bread and cheese set on a small table next to his bed, with a mug of ice-cold water next to it.

The voices sound louder as the argument outside gets more heated. Zenithral identifies one of the voices as Accalia's. "Look, I know you want to leave but you are still not well. Get back in bed and have something to eat. Everard will be by to check on you and then you can be about your business."
Jan 20, 2018 4:12 pm
Maverick cautiously puts a toe over the threshold of the Temple, but feels no impending sense of spontaneous combustion. In the great hall he finds the same scene as Ug, but his attention is drawn towards one of the pedestals lining the walls. While most of the other small shrines display weapons and armor, this particular one shows a single leather boot, scarred about the sides as if by fire. To Maverick's eyes, the boot seems to emit black smoke.
Jan 20, 2018 4:14 pm
Ug smiles jovial and clasps the priests hand firmly "Friends it is!" he shouts to the chorus of cheers around them.

"hand weapons or handweapons?" ug says with confidence, he flexes for the crowd.
Last edited January 20, 2018 4:14 pm


Strength - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

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