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Jan 20, 2018 4:18 pm
The watching priests applaud the impressive show of biceps, and the challenger is as enthusiastic as the rest of them. "How about a wrestling match, giant? First one to touch something besides feet to the floor loses."


Priest athletics check! - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Jan 20, 2018 4:30 pm
"For mama!" Ug cries in agreement throwing his hands in the air. The surrounding priests make a circle and the cheering begins.
Jan 20, 2018 5:05 pm
Zenithal holds his hand out and the mug of cold water floats into his hand. He takes a swig and splashes the rest on his face, shocking him to lucidity. He slowly rises and carefully walks towards the voices, legs protesting. "Pardon the interruption, but is there a problem here?" he asks, leaning on the doorframe for support.
Last edited January 20, 2018 5:05 pm
Jan 20, 2018 5:07 pm


Athletics - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Inspiratiob - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Jan 20, 2018 5:21 pm
Zenithral finds Accalia standing in the hallways with arms folded, staring down the woman from last night. The woman - standing shakily but resolutely - is saying, "I did not come all this way to delay my task any longer, priest." There is a slight tone of condescension in the way she says the word. "I must speak with Hrothgar immediately."

The woman turns to look back at Zenithral. She looks remarkably better than when he found her bleeding in the snow, though she still has bags under her eyes. "Ah, my savior wakes. Please, tell this unreasonable woman that I appreciate the aid, but I need not be coddled any longer in this...lovely place."
Jan 20, 2018 5:31 pm
Zenithal hesitates, looking the woman over. "Well, you need not be coddled, but you do still need to recover. Accalia, my dear, would you please bring Hrothgar here posthaste?" he straightens himself and looks at Accalia very seriously, trusting his instincts. "Her message is of the upmost importance and may very well hold the fate of many lives. He needs to hear it."


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Jan 20, 2018 5:34 pm
Accalia looks back and forth between the two with a frosty stare, then relents. "Very well, Zenithral. But you make sure she eats properly. It would be a shame if she choked before delivering her message." She turns and hurries off.
Jan 20, 2018 5:37 pm
"Well done... Zenithral," the woman says. "Now if you don't mind, I would like to be off before that woman returns." She begins walking down the hall with one hand on the wall for support, but stumbles. "Drat... Would you be a dear and help me to Hrothgar's?" she asks Zen.
Jan 20, 2018 5:47 pm
Zenithral tilts his head quizzically. "What good would be going to Hrothgar's if she's going to bring him here? I still have no idea why you were being hunted by a giant, but I trust whatever it is, your message won't be corrupted by speaking it in a temple. Come. Let us both have something to eat," he says gesturing back into the sickroom and moving forward to help her.


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Jan 20, 2018 5:47 pm
Maverick eyes the boot and see that no preist seems to be paying attention to the sirfvneblin so he casually walks up to the boot and casts identify on the peculiar object as he picks it up
Last edited January 20, 2018 5:48 pm
Jan 20, 2018 5:56 pm
With all the priests distracted by the ongoing wrestling match, Maverick communes with the boot. Apparently, it used to belong to Arakon, the archwizard who once threatened all of the North, and is now here as a trophy of war. At some point during the turmoil of the last battle, with planar gates opening and closing in ways they were not meant to, this boot was imbued with a strange pocket dimension. It is likely that these priests remain unaware of this magical ability.
It basically functions as a Bag of Holding, but the opening is restricted to the size of the boot.
Jan 20, 2018 6:00 pm
The woman rolls her eyes, but lets Zenithral lead her back to the room. Apparently the suggestion of food really is appealing, because she clears her own tray in minutes. As they eat, she glances over at Zenithral and says, "I was told that I have you to thank for getting me here alive. As for the giant, I did not know what manner of enemy pursued me after I made it through the Kuldahar Pass, but with all the trouble I had making it that far I knew that something must be close behind."
Jan 20, 2018 6:01 pm
Maverick puts it in his backpack as everyone continues to be distracted then quickly moves on to find the party and the women from last night
Last edited January 20, 2018 6:03 pm
Jan 20, 2018 6:03 pm
Father Tulfgyr awakes with a snort seeing the sun is already in the sky I missed sunrise! now ill have to do my morning rituals twice tomorrow! looking at his fully clothed body boots and all maybe not ill go see how to town is doing they must be so frightened of recent events. Father Tulfgyr heads to the town square to help people with their morning chores and the such. Remembering the night before Father Tulfgyr remembers that he has chores of his own such as replacing his dwarven holy liquids and medical supplies.
Father Tulfgyr is going to first restock then serve the town by helping with groceries, making house visits(medical) giving sermons etc
Jan 20, 2018 6:12 pm
For obtaining a magical item, Maverick earns the party 100 XP! 5,240 XP
Jan 20, 2018 6:41 pm
Zenithal eats slowly and deliberately, staring at the doorway, but often glancing at the woman. "I'm the one who found you, but if it weren't for my companions, and some divine intervention, he adds silently, "we'd both be dead. Now, before you tell me why an enemy was pursuing you through the Kuldahar Pass, you know my name, but I still don't know yours," he says before taking a small bite, leaving the statement hanging for her to answer.


History (Recall information about the Kuldahar Pass) - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jan 20, 2018 6:42 pm


religion check - (1D20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Jan 20, 2018 7:08 pm
Zenithral knows that there are two main routes past the Spine of the World into Icewind Dale. He likely took the far western way when he arrived in Icewind Dale, coming north from Luskan along the Sword Coast.

He has heard of the other route, which is through Kuldahar Pass east of Easthaven. It is much less often used, and much harder a journey, but it is an important way in and out of the Dale.

The woman wolfs down her own bread and cheese. "I am called Halla. As for why I was repeatedly attacked on my way here, that seems to be the nature of monsters - goblins, orcs, and the like." She brushes the crumbs off of her clothes and stands. "And because the message I bear seems to be important. Now if you don't mind, I am through being held in this Temple. Either come with me, or don't."
Jan 20, 2018 7:21 pm
Father Tulfgyr does his best to help out the townsfolk this morning. Most of them are grateful, as he helps prepare fishing boats, carry laundry, and being an all-around good guy. Unfortunately, most of them do not seem to care to listen to sermons. One man, however, does seem to need medical assistance.

Old Jed is passed out in another fisherman's boat, surrounded by half a dozen empty bottles of wine.
Jan 20, 2018 8:28 pm
"A pleasure to meet you Halla." Zenithal says with a slight bow. "You've eaten and you've rested. There's not much reason for me to stop you, so I suppose I shall accompany you." He rubs the knots out of the muscles in his legs then stands, wincing slightly before walking over to her, ready to help her up if she wants it.
Last edited January 20, 2018 8:31 pm
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