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Jan 20, 2018 8:36 pm
Ug smiles confidently as the two men size each other up. The priest was much older but extremely fit and quite stocky. He moved slowly at first favoring his right leg but Ug was wary, no way this man had lasted and trained this long without turning that weakness into a strength. Ug nodded and let the priest lunge first. The temple wanted a show, a show they would get.

The priest lunged reaching for one of Ugs legs. The old man was quick, but The Barbarian sidestepped gracefully and used his opponents momentum to almost throw him into his comrades. The crowd jeered and the priest laughed lunging in again. Ug slapped his hands away and lowers his shoulder into the charge. The priest grunted as the two bodies collided, with the Goliath easily being the larger. The priest bounced off stumbling and almost losing his footing. The jeers were deafening now.

The priest nodded in respect to Ug and then rubbed his shoulder wincing. As ug nodded his head in return the old man pounced with speed defying his age and injuries. There was no limp or favoring, and a faint glow seemed to shine within the eyes of the follower of Tempus. It was a radiant speed granted by a Devine and Ug caught it!

The mighty Goliath grabbed the priest by the waist, and in a fluid motion hefted the man into the air. The priest flailed and struggled against the iron grasp of the barbarian. Maneuvering his grip, Ug, Son of Nancy, raised the glowing priest of Tempus high above his head as a salute to their god and to his mother, and with a roar of triumph, he slammed the priest down onto the temple floor.
Last edited January 20, 2018 8:58 pm
Jan 20, 2018 8:53 pm
Sprawled and winded the priests chuckles between gasps. He holds a hand up to ug who grasps with a smile and hoists the old priest to his feet. They then both burst into hearty laughter as they turn and bow to the raucous crowd of brethren around them.
Jan 20, 2018 10:20 pm
Halla stands up on her own, much steadier now, and walks through the Temple. As she and Zenithral enter the great hall they witness the end of the wrestling match and the ensuing cheers.

Ug's challenger raises his arms high above his head and sings:

"Across the hall my body was drug.
All hail, all hail, to the man they call Ug!

Zenithral also notices Maverick lurking in a dark corner.
Jan 21, 2018 12:01 am
Ug notices zenithral and the woman they rescued."If you think Ug is strong warrior, see his friend the elf zenithral!" Ug yells proudly of his friend, "Faced down frost giant and two boulders to save his dying lady friend!" he says to a loud cheer followed by priests singing :

"his love for others is stronger than self
All hail, all hail, to zenni the elf"
Last edited January 21, 2018 1:24 am
Jan 21, 2018 2:33 am
Zenithral's face goes red. "Yes, let us go find Hrothgar," he says to Halla, quickening his pace.
Last edited January 21, 2018 2:33 am
Jan 21, 2018 3:24 am
Halla raises an eyebrow at the outburst, then makes her way outside, Zenithral in tow. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, as though drinking in the crisp morning. "Ah, fresh air. 'Twas difficult to breathe within with all that self-righteousness crowding the air."

She opens her eyes and looks questioningly at Zenithral. "Well, Zenni, which way to Hrothgar?"
Jan 21, 2018 3:28 am
Rolling his eyes Maverick follows as Zenithral and Ug pay him no notice although risking his very being coming into the temple. he does however decide to ease drop on the conversations taking place before him
Last edited January 21, 2018 3:29 am
Jan 21, 2018 3:29 am
Just then, Hrothgar himself approaches stepping through the snow. Behind him, Accalia wears a sour expression at the sight of her two charges out of the sickroom. "Master Liadon, Mistress Halla, you both appear far better this morning than last night." He then addresses Halla. "You wished to speak with me?"

Halla gravely meets Hrothgar's eyes. "I bear an important message from the Archdruid of Kuldahar."

Hrothgar's eyes widen, and he unconsciously glances towards the distant Spine of the World. "Come. We should discuss this someplace private. Accalia, send for Everard and tell him to come to my home as soon as possible." Accalia hardly looks pleased at being used as an errand runner yet again, but sensing the importance of the situation hurries to do as bidden.

He hesitates a moment, then looks at Zenithral. "I would very much appreciate your presence there as well, soldier. Please find Mistress Alalla and bring her as well."
Jan 21, 2018 3:50 am
Running back into the Temple, Accalia nearly trips over the inconspicuous deep gnome. "My apologies, gnome," she says, and hurries on her way.
Jan 21, 2018 8:05 am
Father Tulfgyr goes to Pomabs store. Knocking first Tulfgyr heads in "Pomab you wouldn't know how I could get my hands on some two by fours?" Tulfgyr says as he browses the stock
Jan 22, 2018 4:09 am
Pomab is currently on hands and knees scrubbing at a conspicuous stain on the floor of his shop. Without even looking up he responds, "Does this establishment look like a lumber yard to you, dwarf? Why don't you go dunk your head in the lake. Maybe you'll find some driftwood suitable for your purposes."
Jan 22, 2018 4:27 am
With claps on his back from the priests, ug notices the gnome in the corner. Remembering why he came to the temple in the first. place, ug salutes to the priests and hurries to maverick

"maverick good friend, Ug needs special help!"

He rehearses the situation, his recollections from the previous night, and his complete loathing hatred for pomab and all that the merchant represents. He requests his help in discovering the thief and proving pomab is a lying sack of cow dung.

Knowing the gnomes mischievous nature Ug also brings him in on Ugs plan to make pomab think a god named moop is angry at him
Last edited January 22, 2018 4:36 am
Jan 22, 2018 7:32 pm
Ug heads to pomabs once more, hopefully with maverick in tow. He avoids Pomabs glare as he enters and slaps tulfgyr on the back.

"what is dwarf friend doing in pomab hellscape?" he says with a laugh
Jan 22, 2018 10:12 pm
Zenithral nods to Hrothgar in acknowledgment. "I'll go see if I can find her." He quickly turns to go to the Snowdrift Inn, hoping to avoid being called "Zenni" again. He addresses whoever's in the front room. "Excuse me, do you know if Miss Alalla has left yet, and if not, which room is hers?"
Last edited January 22, 2018 10:12 pm
Jan 22, 2018 10:34 pm
Alalla overhears Zenithral's query as she thumps down the stairs, glaive in hand with her chain mail under her coat. She didn't expect to need either, but she hadn't expected to need them the night before.
"Good morning, Zenithral. You're looking much better. Any news about that woman you rescued?"
Jan 22, 2018 10:47 pm
Maverick gladly agrees already schemeing what he would say to the shopkeeper not just to help his friend out but to convince him of a vengeful god named... Moop. The gnome then remembers the encounter with his own patron last night and turns to ug inquiring "If I help you with this can you be the muscle for an expedition I need to go on?"
Last edited January 22, 2018 10:49 pm
Jan 22, 2018 10:59 pm
"Ah, there she is." Zenithral bows slightly. "Good morning. She's doing much better as well. Her name is Halla. Hrothgar asked me to find you. He wishes to speak to the three of us, presumably about the message she brings."
Jan 22, 2018 11:11 pm
Alalla raises her eyebrows. "Interesting. Lead the way."
Doot doot doot... aaaand we're there!
Jan 22, 2018 11:44 pm
When Zenithral and Alalla arrive at Hrothgar's house they find him pacing excitedly about his main room, weaving between the various bits of old adventuring gear laying around. Halla is perched comfortably on one of the chairs, drinking a glass of water and idly fiddling with her wooden oak leaf necklace.
Jan 22, 2018 11:45 pm
Everard arrives a moment later, the wooden floor creaking under the weight of his heavy armor. "Glory, Hrothgar. When will you clean this place up? One of these days you will trip on your own nostalgia and break your neck." He gives a nod to Zenithral and Alalla, then settles down in a sturdy armchair. "I see the young lady is in better condition today. What is this message that is so important?"
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