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Jan 24, 2018 1:01 am
"Mah beard!" Old Jed sits up so fast some of the drool pooling around his lips finds its way to Ug's chest and freezes there. His eyes widen, and then he lifts both hands up to his head and groans. "Oooh... oooh, but I think the Snapple Gob got me, friend. Imma goner... Not even a butt-winged angel-man couldda save me now... oh... sweet mudder of Ug... Ug?" He looks up, bleary-eyed.
Jan 24, 2018 1:21 am
Well it might be interesting for you to know that the gods of Father Tulfgyr and Everard helped save your life," Zenithral replied to Halla. "Without their gifts of healing, you and I would both be dead. I most definitely agree that the gods are inconsistent, but if their inconsistency still gives people some degree of hope and they save a few lives, I think that gives them at least some merit. He pauses as they reach the Snowdrift Inn, face suddenly somber. "At the same time, however, I've seen the some gods do just the opposite."

Zenithal says nothing more until after they enter and get her a room. He begins heading up the stairs, then sighs and turns around. "I'll do my best to get to the bottom of this; to put an end to all this suffering. Something my grandmother taught me to fight for; the teachings of Ilmater." He turns and continues up the stairs to his room.
Jan 24, 2018 1:33 am
"People...Friends of the Easthaven I'd like to thank you for helping me and helping Lathander with this shrine," Tulfgyr says pointing to the small shrine with a backdrop made from bright bleached driftwood weaved together into a swirl with the wood that becomes progressively darker the farther out from the center framed by a little alcove for the incense holder, graven images, and sacrifices/tithes.", This wood like our souls are reborn in his light and driven in his purpose. Let us rejoice in this new dawn together as friends and family." Tulfgyr says opening his old arms wide.
Jan 24, 2018 1:40 am
Halla pauses, unsure what to think of that. After a moment she says, "Well, you should like Kuldahar then. There is a temple to the Crying God there." She turns to go to her room, but says over her shoulder, "Thank you, Zenithral. For saving me, and for agreeing to help."
Jan 24, 2018 1:46 am
The crowd of townsfolk cheers for Tulfgyr and Lathander for a few minutes, and then the villagers each leave a few coppers. Apsel places a small scrimshaw plaque with a sunrise carved into it. As they all turn to head back to their things, Accalia steps up beside Tulfgyr and whispers, "It is good for them to have something to believe in. We at the Temple do little proselytizing, and even so these people need something happier than battles and war to think about."
Jan 24, 2018 1:48 am
Maverick wanders the shop looking at the oddities stacked all over the shelves to see if he could find any useful magical objects through the smell of fire magic while he was already here "I learned magic during my limited time in the floating wizard collage. he says with a longing in his eyes you should see the library there it’s magnificent... but you say something visited you? can you describe the encounter?"
Last edited January 24, 2018 1:49 am
Jan 24, 2018 2:22 am
Pomab's eyes shine as he listens to Maverick. "The power magic grants... it is marvelous, is it not?" Maverick can find no sign of magic items among the shops baubles, but he does think that Pomab himself may have some about his person - likely wands.

"There was a terrible voice - and an awful song. If it really was a god, it was not one who ever took voice lessons. Why, it sounded like a drunken... hmm. What are you looking for, little gnome?"
Jan 24, 2018 2:45 am
oh just some magical nick nacks that may or may not be useful usually you can make dyes out of the magical essence of lesser items or more rare ink on items harder to find... a bad habit of mine really. Maverick says absentmindedly as he turns away from the shelves after failing to find anything did this voice state a name or a purpose? im sure i could help you out better if i could research or know the cause of such a visitation he says with a smile ’what story can i pretend to research for a vengful god named moop’ he thinks you seem quite enamoured by magic and you seem to possess some or at least items that allow it
Jan 24, 2018 3:05 am
"I know a few tricks," Pomab admits, "but it is not nearly enough. I do not have the time or resources to devote myself to proper study of the Art."

He walks over to an armor rack and straightens a few leather straps. "It called itself Moop, Lord of the Flame, or some such nonsense."
Jan 24, 2018 4:42 am
Taking the time to properly bless the shrine Tulfgyr then takes the coins and puts them in a special compartment of his robes as not to confuse them with the rest of his money. Father Tulfgyr then searches for al
Jan 24, 2018 4:44 am
im assuming it’s ok for Tulfgyr to take the money if it isn’t he leaves it and I’ll edit the post
Jan 24, 2018 5:45 am
"Wait, Ug!" Al jogs after him, but the Goliath was on a mission and would not be swayed. She watches in amusement as Ug rouses the drunk, somewhat curious despite herself.
Jan 24, 2018 12:44 pm
Father Tulfgyr can see Alalla heading towards the docks. Probably the whole town heard Ug wake up Old Jed.
And it's fine that Tulfgyr has the shrine money
Jan 24, 2018 3:45 pm
Now who am I going to recruit? Zenithal pondered the question as he packed his things in his room. Alalla's bound to ask Ug, Maverick, and Tulfgyr, so who else? She dueled several people that night of the feast. There was one who was rather impressive...Erevain? Ah, yes, I shall ask him to join the cause. Zenithral asks at the front desk of his whereabouts then seeks him out.
Last edited January 24, 2018 3:45 pm
Jan 24, 2018 4:02 pm
Quimby, ever the jovial inkeeper, directs Zenithral to Erevain's room with smile full of square teeth.

Zen finds the door propped open, with the elven warrior sitting quietly at a small desk by the window, writing in a leather-bound book - a journal of some sort, perhaps. He notices Zenithral and closes the book, then stands and greets the half-elf in Elvish. "Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo." (A star shines on the hour of our meeting.) Erevain bows formally, then continues in Elvish, "It is good to see one of our kind here. How can I be of assistance to you, friend?"
Jan 24, 2018 5:49 pm
Zenithral replies in Elvish. "Well, you see, my good man, Hrothgar is recruiting those trained in combat on an expedition to defend the people of the land and put an end to the monstrous uprisings that have been becoming evermore frequent." He gestures towards Erevain. "You are skilled in the sword, if my memory serves me correctly. How would you like to put your prowess towards such a noble cause?"


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Jan 24, 2018 6:02 pm
"Ah... well." Erevain shrugs. "I have already served time on such escapades. I was with the Greycloaks in Evereska for a few decades. I am sure whatever the problem is will be seen to by heroes such as yourself."

He pulls out his journal again, but pauses. "Just out of curiousity, where will this expedition be headed?"
Jan 24, 2018 8:36 pm
The sight of Jed even more zonked than normal, Ug couldn't help not laughing. "Jed you beautiful ugly cow! Ug actually happy it was you!" Jed mumbled softly as he held his head before falling back into the boat unconscious. Ug wanted more than ever to left up the small boat and drunk and carry them in triumph to pomab's, but the craft was heavier than it looked. Ug settled for something else.

The growing crowd of townsfolk began to laugh as Ug pulled the boat onto the shore and began to drag it, (Jed, bottles, and all) across the town. He sees Al and winks at her, "come! Ug has caught an idiot!"
Last edited January 25, 2018 12:52 am


Strength check - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Jan 24, 2018 9:28 pm
As Ug drags the boat through town, he notices it get slightly heavier. When he looks back, he finds several children have hopped inside, waving their arms in the air and singing:

"Old Jed is a drunk so we ride in his boat.
All hail, all hail to the plastered old goat!"

When Ug arrives at Pomab's Emporium, he finds that the the trip was quite hard on the boat's hull. It... might no longer be lakeworthy.
Jan 24, 2018 10:17 pm
Maverick nods to pomab I’ll see what i find... the name rings a bell from a book i read and should have somewhere in my collection. I may need to leave town for a while but i hope you have no more visitation or you may be in serious trouble as he finishes theres a strange grinding noise ouside like somethings being dragged. looking out the shops window maverick see Ug pullig old jed and some childrenan what used to be a boat.
Maverick is going to spend his spare time make aged and convincing looking pages to add to one of his history books filled with lore about a god of flames named moop to show pomab
Last edited January 24, 2018 10:17 pm
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