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Jan 26, 2018 1:42 pm
Ug breaks into a massive smile and grabs the older warrior in a Goliath sized bear hug. He lifted the man, plate and all, a foot off the ground, thanking him for his help. "Ha! Of course Ug help! Hrothgar mighty friend with greatest mother!" Ug sets him down and bounds off for the tavern to drink in praise of hrothgar.

"Though he is old, he is Greatest by far!"
All hail! All hail! The mighty hrothgar!
Last edited January 26, 2018 1:48 pm
Jan 26, 2018 3:44 pm
Alalla finds Hrothgar and Ug just in time to witness the bear hug and watch Ug bounce away. "I assume he's coming on the trip?" She asks Hrothgar. "I've recruited Father Tulfgyr as well. Have you seen Maverick? I thought he might want to come along. Beyond him, I'm not sure who else would be interested beyond those already on board."
Last edited January 26, 2018 3:45 pm
Jan 26, 2018 3:53 pm
Maverick heads out of pomabs shop to go find Ug and follows the trail of wood splinters untill the gnome comes upon the remains of the boat along which is accompanied by Alalla and Hothgar. "I would say good morning but this day hasn’t warranted such a greeting. he says looking between the two people. I am looking for Ug, he has agreed in return for my help over the fiasco at pomabs to be a bit of mucle for me at the vale of shadows but i suppose more broadly for the upcoming adventure we’re going on
Last edited January 26, 2018 3:56 pm
Jan 26, 2018 6:39 pm
"Vale of Shadows, huh? Sounds fun." Al remarks sarcastically to Maverick. "I'm glad you'll be joining us to Kuldahar." She turns to Hrothgar again. "Anything else to be done before we head out? I'm eager to be on the move again."
Jan 26, 2018 6:42 pm
Hrothgar wears a shocked expression as he looks between Alalla, Maverick, and Ug's retreating figure. "You're telling me that Ug was already going on the expedition." He glances again at Ug, who is disappearing into the Winter's Cradle Tavern. "And now he's going to go drink more." Hrothgar curses and starts after Ug.

"Now hold on there, Ug!" Hrothgar says. "Don't tell me you're going to go celebrate with a few mugs of Grisella's best - not when you have no gold. And not when you've left this mess all over town." He gestures out the door of the tavern to all the boat wreckage scattered around. "Clean it up. And tell Jhonen that you're buying him a new boat."

Hrothgar turns away and mutters, "Call me old one more time... I'm not that old..."
Jan 26, 2018 8:55 pm
Ug runs back and apologizes, muttering how his mother taught him beer money is separate from other money, and that he had promised to join the gnome in the undead veil, not joining the entire expedition. But then he smiles again, and hoists a child onto his shoulders as he and the children clean up the mess together.
Last edited January 26, 2018 8:55 pm
Jan 27, 2018 4:28 am
Father Tulfgyr heads to the inn to tie up one final loose end. "Erevain hurry up and pack your bag the party is leaving soon...Alalla and I need your help" Tulfgyr says as he knocks on his door "Also you're my patient and I need you nearby with me"


persuasion - (1D20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

medicine?? maybe?? yeah?? - (1D20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Jan 27, 2018 6:23 am
Father Tulfgyr knocks on the door a few times, but there is no answer. Eventually Quimby calls up the stairs, "Master Erevain's not here anymore, Father. He's left! Gave me this note. Told me to give it to Mistress Alalla, but you're friends with her, aren't you? Why don't you give it to her."
Jan 27, 2018 4:32 pm
Over the course of a couple days to get the expedition organized, word of the proposed venture spreads through the town. Among the people marshaling to help there are a few who stand out:

Accalia claims that the Order of the Broken Blade will not leave its post at the Temple of Tempus, but she herself feels the need to aid the expedition. When asked what Everard thinks about her going, her face hardens and she says that she can make her own decisions.

Hildreth, a dwarf from Clan Battlehammer, is passing through the town when she hears of the expedition. Hrothgar happily accepts her offer of service.

The most surprising offer of help comes from Jhonen. Leaving his wrecked fishing boat behind and carrying with him the remains of an ancient shattered sword, he admits that Father Tulfgyr's words about rebirth and purpose struck him deeply. He asks anyone he can to train him as a warrior.

With help from Everard's potent healing spells, Halla quickly recovers from her scrape with death and insists on traveling with the expedition.

In his note to Alalla (though anyone asking Hrothgar would also hear it from him), Erevain explains that he volunteered to journey on to Kuldahar ahead of the expedition to let the endangered town know that help is on the way. He strikes out alone the same day that Zenithral informs him about the expedition.

All told, there are about two dozen men and women who depart from Easthaven on the expedition.

(At some point before leaving, Hrothgar forces Pomab to address the town and admit his issues. There is appropriate booing.)
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