Swords of Justice 5e: Old Stories & Characters

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Nov 24, 2017 2:03 am
New Blood Needed!!

I am always looking for more players. I recently gained two players but lost two others for a grand total of 6 faithful posters and a couple of fly-by-nighters. I am willing to take brand new applications or people are still welcome to take on any one of these six long-standing (abandoned) characters:

1. Gawain Lathkule - level 7 human noble guildmaster's son - class: fighter/rogue or swashbuckler
2. Agate Glibgilt - level 8 gnomish adventurer/entertainer - class: thief/acrobat or something similar
3. Dar Hadrim - level 8 dwarven veteran soldier - class: champion/rogue
4. Chartreuse de Winter - level 7 human swashbuckler or battle master
5. Kip - a human level 7 druid
6. Michel duBeauchamp - level 7 human devotion paladin

This game has been running and evolving at Rondak's Portal for the past 15 years. I am in need of a player who is familiar with gaming PbP and is cool with the pace, reading, and writing involved (about 2 posts per week, but a fair amount of reading). The adventure is about to take on a more sandbox approach in the next few weeks. I am also debating whether to move this game from Rondak's Portal to this site.

Thanks for your input and interest!

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 2:05 am


Nov 24, 2017 4:42 am
That is amazing that you have a 15 year long PbP game. Kudos!
Nov 24, 2017 9:19 am
If you are moving to this site I'd be willing to take on any of the roles.
Nov 24, 2017 1:20 pm
I'm pretty sure I will need to. My current site is fading slowly into obscurity and the few players that remain there are mostly playing 3.5 exclusively.
Nov 24, 2017 1:23 pm
So, I think what I'm going to do is build a party here at GP and introduce them into Waterdeep. Meanwhile, at the other site, the larger party is coming to a major chapter ending. After that piece ends, there will be the option to call that "the end" or they can elect to jump over here with me and join with whomever I have recruited over here. Then, with a larger united party, we will begin "chapter 2" or "Book 2" in which I will introduce the sandbox-type game.

That's the plan so far.
Nov 24, 2017 1:25 pm
When I say "introduce them to Waterdeep" though, there will be significant events going on in which they will have a chance to influence the bigger story. It won't just be random encounters in the City of Splendours, but an actual piece of the larger conflict/story.
Nov 24, 2017 1:42 pm
This sounds fantastic, I'd love to be involved when you move over here. Can I just check; are the characters you mentioned above specifically for Rondak's Portal (and possibly moving over eventually), and you are recruiting brand new characters on GP?
Nov 24, 2017 7:38 pm
fluglichkeiten says:
This sounds fantastic, I'd love to be involved when you move over here. Can I just check; are the characters you mentioned above specifically for Rondak's Portal (and possibly moving over eventually), and you are recruiting brand new characters on GP?
No, I am recruiting players here to play here. They can either apply with a fresh character or grab one of my "well-developed, gently-used pre-gens." Then, eventually, I will invite my Rondak's party to switch over to this site and group everyone together. I am thinking most of them will come over, but there could be 1-3 that do not make the switch because they are "council members" on that site.

I hope this clarifies for you. :)
Nov 24, 2017 9:49 pm
Yeah, thanks. That’s what I thought you meant but I just wanted to be sure.


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