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Nov 25, 2017 3:55 pm
Easthaven has never experienced such a party - in both senses of the word! This is a night the small fishing village will speak of for decades to come, though the details will change with every telling. What exactly happened that night?
Put your feast experience here, and you have Inspiration to use later! (Let's try to keep this thread to one or two posts each.)
Nov 25, 2017 4:24 pm
Father Tulfgyr rises from the mess of bodies on the floor like a lone survivor "by my beard" he gasps in amazement as the deeds of last night come back to him in a swirl of emotion. Father Tulfgyr then looking down at his beard Exclaims "My beard!" seeing that he has a serious case of the bed beard. Father Tulfgyr quickly crawls over the bodies into a corner and begins his morning regime of one thousand brush strokes and an ancient braiding technique taught to him by father and his father before him etc... all the while muttering "Ug that magnificent man". the soothing rhythm of the strokes draws Tulfgyr into the memories of the past as he begins to relive the night before.
Nov 25, 2017 4:40 pm
A few minutes after Ug enters the kitchen, Zenithral stands and begins stepping towards the door. "This has been truly enlightening, engaging, and all, but I believe I must be..." He trails off as the first scent of Ug's cooking reaches him.


Wisdom saving throw to resist irresistible good food - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Nov 25, 2017 4:43 pm
"...staying." He finishes, pulling up a chair. "Perhaps I have underestimated this 'fish pond.' Hrothgar has need of us tomorrow, so now I've nothing to worry about tonight!"

Through the night, Zenithral makes friends with as many people as he can, his negative demeanor from earlier seeming to have evaporated. Stacking metal mugs on a table, he stands across the room and tries to peg the top one with an arrow, lets people make bets, and gives a few people a scare with some stray shots later in the night.
Last edited November 25, 2017 4:50 pm
Nov 25, 2017 5:51 pm
As Ug lay sprawled face down across the entire bar top he continues to relive his favorite part of the feast, standing atop a table with head in the rafters, leading a chorus of dwarves in a new boisterous drinking verse,

"If only her ale could fill every mug,
"All HAIL, all HAIL,
"to the mother of Ug!"
Last edited November 25, 2017 6:15 pm
Nov 25, 2017 6:24 pm
Maverick opts to stay on counters and table tops of the tavern as it becomes increasingly more crowded. Big folk gatherings have a nasty habit of not seeing small folk and a party like this deserves to be enjoyed instead of constantly dodging a swarm of legs. Maverick spends the night telling tales of his upbringing in the underdark to curious villagers who are fascinated and entranced with the bazaar world below them. The svirfneblin enjoys the villagers company and Ugs incredible cooking untill the gnome eventually falls into a food imduced coma for the night
Last edited November 25, 2017 6:27 pm
Nov 25, 2017 9:48 pm
Great stuff! Zenithral, let's see a persuasion check to see what friends you might have made.
Nov 25, 2017 11:47 pm
Zenithral dines, but doesn't drink all that much. Regardless of the friends he makes, he goes to the Snowdrift Inn for the night. Assuming the workers at the Snowdrift Inn didn't make their way here too, that is.


Persuasion, to make friends - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Nov 26, 2017 12:51 am
Taverns with plenty of good food and happy people are the best places for Alalla to ply another of her trades: performing! She used the dart board for trick throws with her hand axes, performed complicated but beautiful drills with her glaive (bladeless, to prevent accidents in the tight quarters), and challenged other patrons to good-natured duels, defeating them all with techniques frillier and more interesting than strictly necessary. It was hard for those she trounced to a upset about it, when the gold they lost to her was used to buy rounds for her onlookers more often than not. Al left the bar earlier than most- when your trade is combat you have to stay rested and keen- but she still had plenty of time that night to eat her weight in Ug's glorious family recipes, put a few extra coins in her pocket,and earn some goodwill in the town.
Last edited November 26, 2017 12:54 am
Nov 26, 2017 3:50 am
Father Tulfgyr - For that single evening the tavern's rules about children being allowed in the common room were revoked, and so the dozen or so children in the village were there feasting alongside the rest of the townsfolk (though of course they were only given water to drink. They did, however, find a terrible amount of enjoyment skipping around Father Tulfgyr and tugging at his beard. The dwarf, so soaked through with Ug's mother's ale, could put up little resistance to their hit and run tactics until the children were ushered off to bed by the other adults. On her wait out, one small girl stood up on her tiptoes to give the old dwarf a goodnight kiss on the cheek and thank him for playing.
Nov 26, 2017 3:51 am
Zenithral - Zenithral's polite words won him the friendship of Apsel, a local scrimshander - an artisan specializing in carving the prized bones (or scrimshaw) of the knucklehead trout in Lac Dinneshere into figurines and jewelry to be sold for quality prices. Apsel promised the half-elf a discount if he ever wished to make a purchase.
Nov 26, 2017 3:58 am
Ug - Master Chef and Brewer indeed! For giving the town this gift, his apron is indeed framed and hung with reverence. Extra provisions and tips are they least the townsfolk are willing to do for you.
If you don't already have it, you gain the Folk Hero feature "Rustic Hospitality" in addition to whatever background feature you already have.
Nov 26, 2017 3:59 am
Alalla - Al had a great run in a corner of the tavern where tables were cleared to make room for an arena of sorts. She took on all comers with little effort - knucklehead fishermen that they were. Except for one. After watching Al for a few rounds, an elf stepped into the ring. His elven agility and grace made him a competent foe, and at times the two combatants seemed to be dancing rather than fighting. In the end, however, he did not move quite fast enough. Flat on his back, he ruefully complimented Al on her prowess and asked if she would spar again with him again in the morning. His name was Erevain.
Nov 26, 2017 4:00 am
Maverick - The svirfneblin's tales of shadows, darkness, and magic attracted the most superstitious of townsfolk to his table. One man in particular, by the name of Jhonen, asked a few questions about spirits and dreams until he drew too many eyes and turned away, embarrassed. Still, he snuck furtive glances towards Maverick's table for another hour before disappearing into the night.

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