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Dec 2, 2017 7:16 pm
Jerrod's Stone
Click here for video
You may have seen this video already, but now your characters know it too. Also, a summary by Everard.
This door leads beneath the temple to the site of Jerrod's Stone. It was sealed with glyphs of Tempus to prevent entry.

Jerrod was a shaman who lived long ago. He brought unity to the northern tribes and led them to victory against the army of Arakon, an evil wizard, at the cost of his life. Once Arakon saw his army routed by Jerrod and the northern tribes, he sought to bring the Hells to his aid. Arakon opened a gate to the lower planes.

It is said that Tempus himself appeared to Jerrod upon the battlefield. Jerrod believed Tempus was calling him to sacrifice himself for his people to ensure victory. And so he cast his body into the portal, his blood fusing it to stone. It lies entombed beneath the temple to this day.
Dec 8, 2017 1:29 am
The Tale of Aihonen and Icasaracht

Elisia-of-the-Sky's-Mirror sings this heroic, yet tragic story:

::Many reflections of the moon have come and gone since the day in which the one of the blood of Jho-nyn fell beneath the waters of the lake::

::He fought the last of the great white serpents that swam upon the northern winds, the queen mother Icasaracht, who now lies without life on the bed of the lake::

::A promise was made, and I must honor it::

::The one from whom Jho-nyn comes asked I see his blade returned to those of his blood if the queen serpent Icasaracht drank his life::

:: She did, but not before he dealt her a mortal blow::

::From the depths of the lake, I have brought the fire-shaped steel that ended her life::

::It is intended that it be belonging of Jho-nyn now::
Jan 14, 2018 10:58 pm
The Elven Retreat

Erevain tells Alalla why elves are on the decline these days.

"There are many elves who believe that our time in this land has come to an end. The remains of our ancient cities dot the land, either lying in ruins or buried beneath human improvements. Twenty years ago the leaders of the elven people decreed that we should leave and make our way to Evermeet to live with our gods. Not all of us agree with that sentiment."
Mar 4, 2018 10:09 pm
Kuldahar and the Balance

Arundel explains some of Kuldahar's history and significance:

"This is a special place, one where the Balance can be felt tangibly. This is what the Druids of Kuldahar hold sacred and have worked to preserve for generations. Is all around us. It *is* us.

Balance is the harmony that is achieved when man and nature learn to coexist, no longer contending one with another, but coming together as two parts of a whole.

Balance is the belief that this town is built upon... the very reason for its existence. Druids of Silvanus, the Oakfather, have tended this shrine since the beginning. For hundreds of years, we have striven to achiever the ideal balance between man and nature.

When settlers finally came to this pass, it was the Archdruid Tolben, my predecessor, who laid the foundation for the relationship that led to the birth of this community.

The Great Oak. The massive tree that stands above us... around us. It is a holy shrine to Silvanus, for it was he who planted its seed when Faerun was first born. It is a testament to the raw power of nature, a monument to its ability to thrive in the face of adversity.

Thanks to Tolben, the Great Oak we Druids called the Kuldahar, and the town that has come to be known by the same name, have become a monument of even greater significance... a monument to the balance.

Tolben was the catalyst for the transformation of the shrine from a sacred grove to a thriving community in which man and nature exist as one. At first, settlers were kept away from this site. The druids of old saw outsiders as an affront to the sanctity of the tree and its sphere of benign influence.

They erected thorny brambles to keep intruders out, and used their powered to frighten away the men and women that came to build homes in a place they felt was... obviously so close to the gods.

It wasn't until the succession of Archdruid Tolben that things changed. Unlike his predecessors, he believed that the settlement of the valley was not only inevitable, but it was actually the will of Silvanus.

He also believed that we had been wrong in keeping the settlers away, and that the Oak Father had intended people to share in the miracle of the Great Oak from the beginning.

When Tolben finally became Archdruid, he formed a plan to fulfill the destiny of this sacred site by bringing about a union between the Great Oak shrine and the settlers.

It was this union that the Archdruid Tolben believed would achieve the harmony that we had been striving for for generations... the harmony between man and nature. As it stands, Kuldahar is a monument to this vision.

The tree and town exist in a natural symbiosis where it is next to impossible to tell where one leaves off and the other begins. But now, the balance is threatened.

I fear that if we do not soon discover the source of these disturbances, then all that we have worked for will be destroyed."
Mar 10, 2018 2:02 am
Orrick's Research

Orrick the Grey, the local wizard in Kuldahar, tells of his reason for being in the region.

"My studies revolve around the arcane lore that deals specifically with the creation of mythals. A mythal is a powerful elven enchantment that is essentially a weave of protective magic that can be cast over a vast area. I've discovered numerous historical accounts of elven mages laying such mythals over an entire city.

The details of the accounts are vague at best. The mages of the old elven kingdoms vanished long ago... retreating to the safety and isolation of the isle of Evermeet. It seems that all their written knowledge of mythal enchantments has vanished with them. For over a decade, I have traveled the realms, searching for the remnants of this forgotten lore. That is what brought me to Kuldahar.

While exploring the fabled ruins of Myth Drannor, I came across an old, tattered manuscript buried amid the rubble of an abandoned library. The manuscript made several references to an elven outpost located somewhere within the Spine of the World Mountains. Naturally, I came here to find the settlement. Thus far, I have been unable to locate it."
Mar 29, 2018 10:31 pm

Auril is an evil god of winter, storm, and nature's wrath. Along with Malar, Umberlee, and Talos she is one of the Deities of Fury. In some legends she is suspected to also be the Queen of Air and Darkness, a sinister archfey. She is reputed to be vain, fickle, and expects her worshippers to venerate her out of fear.
Apr 1, 2018 3:26 am
Kresselack's Relics

Kresselack called his greatsword Ascension, as it was his weapon of choice when facing other rulers in single combat - always to the death, and always with the promise that if he was defeated, his victor would claim Kresselack's entire kingdom. He never lost.

He rarely used the weapon during large battles, often preferring instead to lead from astride one of his prized wyvern steeds. Rumors at the time claimed that when the Black Wolf wielded Ascension, he would fight more ferociously than ever - even to the point of harming his own soldiers. This led to the mighty sword bearing another name among the common people: Grudgement.

The Arachnid's Face
There was a point in time when nearly all of the North fell under Kresselack's rule. He made many enemies. Even the drow feared that he might try to expand his rule beneath Toril's surface and into the Underdark. The Arachnid's Facewas torn from the face of a drow assassin who nearly accomplished her task, managing to overcome every guard, trap, and obstacle in her way, only to be killed by the Black Wolf himself on his balcony. It is said that whoever wears the mask cannot be hindered or restrained by any substance magical or mundane. Kresselack often loaned the mask out to his own assassins to ensure they would reach whatever target he assigned them.

The Doomhorn
The Doomhorn. Few people looking at this instrument would guess that it is in reality a piece of siege equipment. Kresselack avoided many prolonged assaults on fortified keeps and castles by sounding this horn at the front gate - and obliterating said gate as surely as a battering ram pushed by giants. Among the ranks of his soldiers, it was commonly called the "Boomhorn".
May 5, 2018 3:08 pm
Kresselack and the Crown of Horns

Kresselack the Black Wolf tells this tale to the party in response to their asking what had become of their missing companion, Maverick.

"As a young man, I was a conqueror. I ravaged the lands and brought all who opposed me under my rule. I built a kingdom on the corpses of my enemies, and I reveled in the glories of war.

However, in time my sword grew heavy, my aim less true, and I realized I was growing old. For the first time in my life, I knew fear...

Realizing that death would some day claim me, I returned to my homeland. For months I pondered what course I should pursue in my remaining years.

I thought of my kingdom and all that I had fought to create, but it was meaningless to me. A kingdom lasts a lifetime, but death lasts an eternity.

My priests told me of a rite that would ensure a worthy life for me after death. All I needed was to use certain relic of power my armies had looted during the years of war. The Crown of Horns had the power to grant me my desire. I decided to forsake all that I had wrought in life for a place in the afterlife...

I ordered this tomb built in utmost secrecy and squandered the fortunes of my kingdom in doing so. Upon its completion, I traveled here with my most faithful followers to survey the work.

Finding all in order, I donned the Crown. I slew the workers and buried them in the Vale outside. My faithful followers I sacrificed to become... the guardians of this tomb.

Finally, I sacrificed myself to my god, hoping to stand at his side in the land of the dead. Little did I know that my actions would bind me to these halls for eternity, cursed to remain with the people I had sacrificed, most of them broken and mindless monsters.

The Crown was taken from me shortly after by an agent of Myrkul. Years later, Zipporah arrived bearing only the stone of the Crown's band, saying that she had been ordered to keep it safe here until someone came to collect it. I suppose that she was waiting for your friend."
May 26, 2018 6:13 pm
The Heartstone Gem

A tale told by Kresselack of an artifact of great power.

"In my years of life I made the entire North tremble with the might of my armies. But there was one place that I never managed to carve out for my kingdom. This Great Oak you speak of, it is tended by an order of woodland priests, yes? It surprises me that there is now a town there, for there was none in my day. The druids there feared the touch of civilization. They kept my soldiers out with hedges of thorn and bramble, impenetrable mazes of leaf and beast. They somehow always knew when I was coming. Rumors spoke of an artifact the druids had, a primordial stone capable of divining secrets unknown to the world. The Heartstone Gem, it was called.

If this Gem remains in the possession of the druids, I am sure it could be used to find the enemy that eludes you. That is all I have to say on the matter."


Ras remembers his Uncle Oswald mentioning something about the Gem as well.

"...Anywho, the druids split into two groups, and the ones who left Kuldahar took one of the druid circle's greatest treasures with them - the Heartstone Gem. The remaining druids were quite sore about that..."


Ras found this passage in one of Arundel's old journals. It was written by the Archdruid Tolben many years ago:

I firmly believe that it is through community that we find our truest potential realized. What would the bees accomplish with no hive to unify them? The bees would fail, and the flowers would follow, and the world would be less. How can we believe that we are not to be involved with the world? Imagine, if you will, what we could accomplish with such a noble and wise collaborator as Larrel of the elves? That is one true soul who is both honorable and capable. Look at all that his people have accomplished with the dwarves of Dorn's Deep! Larrel himself used our greatest artifact, the Heartstone Gem, and worked with it wonders that impressed us all. Let all come and grow in the shade of Kuldahar, and together we will learn of the greatness within each.
Jun 17, 2018 5:28 am
Silver Dragons

The party has met Aerihykloarara, and learned a few things about silver dragons.

While they share much of the majesty and power of the evil, chromatic variety, metallic dragons are noble and good creatures. Silver dragons are no exception, and in fact are often much happier around humanoids than their own kin. Like other metallic dragons, they can change their form at will to become any kind of humanoid, and often live alongside humans and others for years, all the while hiding their true identities.

Silver dragons are extremely curious about people and social relationships. They enjoy learning about cultures and traditions of the smaller folk. These dragons, like other metallics, are able to recognize and analyze bloodlines by scent - a fascinating tool that allowable silver dragons to study humanoids over generations.

While they are often about their own business, they often take time to aid other creatures involved in quests of good and noble purpose.

Aeri herself seems to be particularly eccentric. At the moment nobody can really be sure why she wanted a kiss from Ras.
Jun 30, 2018 2:52 pm
Sseth and the Yuan-ti

While speaking to the snake people in the Temple of the Forgotten God, Nessa remembers something she once learned about the god Sseth.

Also known as the Sibilant Death, Sseth is one of the three main gods of the Yuan-ti - an ancient race of humanoids who decided to reach a more perfect state of being by making themselves more physically snakelike through rituals and human sacrifice.

Sseth is a mysterious deity, and encourages his followers to work subtly in their goals: manipulation over confrontation, the whisper over the fang, and subterfuge over battle spells. Like Sseth himself, his devotees strive to know their foes, think ahead, and plan forward.

While little is known about Sseth or the Yuan-ti today, in ancient history the snake people were said to have sprawling empires that covered the land, enslaving all other races. It would seem likely that whatever actions the Yuan-ti take today are to slowly gain influence and power, in order to one day rise up again over the inferior 'meat' that now has run of the land.
Jul 21, 2018 4:12 pm
Mutant Trolls

Trolls are most famed for their rapid regeneration, having the ability even to regrow missing limbs. This same healing brings back trolls from the brink of death, and unless fire or acid is used to kill them they will rise again to continue the fight, driven on by insatiable hunger.

It is not uncommon for the regeneration process to cause the trolls to heal in strange ways. Mutant trolls sporting an extra arm, leg, or even head have been reported. Some trolls that 'die' in unusual ways rise with their bodies horribly changed by what killed them. Poison, necromantic energies, even mental pain can all cause a troll to mutate into a more powerful version of itself.
Sep 12, 2018 1:26 am

Also known as devils, Baatezu are a type of fiend that inhabits the Nine Hells of Baator. They are tyrannical soul mongers who make dark deals with mortals, corrupting and ensnaring them. Despite their evil nature, they are known to abide by the deals they make, following the letter of the law with exactness.

Given their lawful nature, they find themselves at odds with the utter chaos of the Tanar'ri - the demons of the Abyss. The conflict between Baatezu and Tanar'ri is called the Blood War. Little is known about it.
Sep 18, 2018 2:37 am
The Blood War

Most people intuitively understand the cosmic struggle of good versus evil. That which is evil seeks to corrupt and destroy, to accumulate personal gain at the cost of others, and to pull down that which is good. And that which is good promotes harmony and freedom and the betterment of all. Right? These two opposing forces supposedly pull people to one side or the other in an endless battle of morals and ethics. Without good, nothing would stand in the way of evil annihilating everything of value in the world.

This is true... kind of.

Far less well-known and incredibly more misunderstood is a war just as ancient, and for more turbulent: Tanar'ri versus Baatezu, or demon versus devil.

The demons spawn from the Abyss, a wound of churning chaos, a maelstrom of evil that spits out terrible monstrosities that are indeed intent on watching the cosmos burn. Most of these Tanar'ri understand nothing beyond their desire to destroy and consume until only they remain. Certain powerful beings are able to marshal the hordes of Tanar'ri and send them forth, but there is one point at which all Tanar'ri must cross in order to wreck havoc on the rest of the planes that span the multiverse... the Nine Hells of Baator.

By happenstance or design, the realm of the Baatezu stands between the Abyss and the rest of the cosmos. A realm of strict law and tyranny, the Hells are home to the devils who suffer no opposition to their schemes for ultimate domination. In an effort both to protect themselves from the demonic incursions, and also to preserve the realms they hope to one day rule, they guard the border that they share with the Abyss. As the demons continue to swarm, the devils are forced to constantly replenish their ranks with the souls of mortals they ensnare from the other planes.

For millennia there has been constant war as innumerable demons are spawned out of the Abyss and turned aside by devils of the Hells. Tanar'ri and Baatezu die by the millions over the border marked by the River Styx. Waves of utter chaos break over the shields of resolute despotism.

In this vicious cycle, the demons are constantly turned back, and the devils are too busy to focus their attention elsewhere...

Thank goodness?
Oct 18, 2018 1:21 am
The Seldarine

The pantheon of gods worshipped by the surface elves is known as the Seldarine. While many non-elves have heard of the greater deities, such as Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow, there are dozens of lesser deities to whom the elves pay homage.
Oct 18, 2018 1:31 am

Also known as the Black Archer, or the Night Hunter, Shevarash is the elven god of vengeance, loss, and hatred - particularly against the drow. These are dark attributes to associate with a member of the Seldarine, but when evil drow elves rise from their subterranean homes to strike at the folk who live on the surface, there are no more staunch defenders to be had than those elves who worship the Black Archer.

It is said that this god was once an elf warrior who survived a brutal dark elf raid. With bloodied breath he swore to Corellon that he would never laugh not smile until Lolth had been destroyed. He eventually became a demigod, and tirelessly hunts the Queen of Spiders herself.

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