Jun 28, 2015 11:10 pm
So, I've been on here for a while and seeing that some others who have been around for a bit are getting to introducing themselves (looking at you, Asako_Soh), figured I would do a bit of that myself.
I go by Névtelen Személy on the interwebs, which is really bad Hungarian for 'anonymous person'. I also tend to name my characters using questionably translated Hungarian. So while Utazó Véd may sound like a cool ass name for a character, it's really just a bad translation of the words 'traveller' and 'protect'.

Anyhow, my experience with RPGs is actually quite limited. I first played D&D in '81 or '82 (the version pictured above) with my mom and my brothers and then moved onto AD&D with some friends. Quit all of it when I was in high school and didn't even think about RPGs again until a few years ago when I friend wanted to play some Call of Cthulhu. Ran a couple of games of that and put it all back on the shelf.
It really wasn't until late last year when I heard about this game called Numenera that my interest in RPGs started up again. Went a little nuts, bought more than I'll probably ever play, but it's been fun. Not really having any locals to play with, finding this place has been awesome.
I go by Névtelen Személy on the interwebs, which is really bad Hungarian for 'anonymous person'. I also tend to name my characters using questionably translated Hungarian. So while Utazó Véd may sound like a cool ass name for a character, it's really just a bad translation of the words 'traveller' and 'protect'.

Anyhow, my experience with RPGs is actually quite limited. I first played D&D in '81 or '82 (the version pictured above) with my mom and my brothers and then moved onto AD&D with some friends. Quit all of it when I was in high school and didn't even think about RPGs again until a few years ago when I friend wanted to play some Call of Cthulhu. Ran a couple of games of that and put it all back on the shelf.
It really wasn't until late last year when I heard about this game called Numenera that my interest in RPGs started up again. Went a little nuts, bought more than I'll probably ever play, but it's been fun. Not really having any locals to play with, finding this place has been awesome.