Holiday Project for Keleth

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Dec 25, 2017 3:50 pm
Hey Keleth!

A number of us in the community wanted to give you a big thanks for your tremendous work and leadership that makes this place possible. We wanted to show you in a real, tangible way, so we wrote a bunch of notes, snapped pics of them and uploaded them to a website!

There is at least one more to come, and I'll post as I add more. Also, if anyone wants to send a note, email me at!

Happy holidays, Keleth!
Last edited Dec 25, 2017 3:51 pm
Dec 25, 2017 4:46 pm
I really don't know what to say everyone. Thank you so much for this; I'm having so much trouble describing how I'm feeling. The holidays are weird for me. I'm not as close to my family as I would like, and I have no real-life friends I see with any oftency or consistency. I've mentioned here and there how I struggle with depression myself, and unfortunately in the worse times, seeing people happy kinda bums me more. It pushes me into my work a lot, which is all web development. I've never felt like I've had a site succeed, in part because I suck at promotion and networking and establishing relationships, mostly because success is a moving target for me. GP is the closest I've ever gotten. Everything I do for the site (and it's never enough) is to try to make it grow. Sure, in part because that'll feed my ego, but more so because more people means more games, more characters, more discussions, and more community. I know what it means to lack that, to not really have a place to turn to, and I'm really happy I could provide that for anyone.

Thank you all so much for this. Specially as this year has been pretty terrible in terms of development/technical growth for the site. As I've always said, I hope I live up to the faith you've placed in me.


Dec 26, 2017 8:02 pm
I think if anything, this shows that the development / technical growth of the site is more than complete enough to support an endless number of imaginary worlds and stories. And who says number of users is the correct metric for judging the success of a site? You have already succeeded in bringing joy to hundreds of strangers across the world, which is more than 99% of people on earth can say. I'm not trying to refute how you feel - I get that it is complicated. Mostly just saying thanks :)

Would love to run a game for you some day, Keleth. I don't know a lot of systems well enough to GM outside of 5e, but I'll work on it :)
Dec 26, 2017 10:04 pm
Oh crap, I was contacted for that but completely forgot to write a message... Well, isn't that just me... XD
Dec 27, 2017 3:02 am
This is amazing. And, thanks from me, as well, Keleth. You deserve all of this and more.
Dec 28, 2017 1:31 pm
Even if my message doesn't make it onto the website, I'll say it here, ''Thank you for creating GP. I fully appreciate the work you'be put in on the site. I hope you're 2018 is great.''


Dec 28, 2017 5:42 pm
Sorry Phil_Ozzy_Fer, yours was one of the first messages sent and was in all the test versions. My fault it got left out in the end, must have accidentally deleted a line of code. It is there now!
Dec 28, 2017 9:11 pm
No worries. Thank you for adding it!
Dec 29, 2017 5:10 am
Sorry I was my usual derpface and forgot to write you a message, but thank your for the great site Keleth and happy holidays. I hope GP stays around for a real long time.

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