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Jan 15, 2018 9:34 pm
Hi GP members!
My name's Vincent, I'm french and live in Bordeaux, got 2 kids so far. I like RPGs, board games and video games (tactics, strategy and RPGs).
I've been thinking a lot about board games and RPGs but actually not playing that much, buying books, and looking for my "ideal" RPG system. I think the narrative dice from FFG is a very good system for me (I own a few SW books, all 3 core rules at least, and more recently the Genesys base rule book).
I grew up dreaming of adventures in the forgotten realms, but more recently I was impressed by all the material of Pathfinder and its Golarion setting.
Now Genesys is out I'm pretty excited of playing in such fantasy settings but we still lack of a solid (rich) fantasy setting for Genesys (I really like SkyWars though). Let's wait for Terrinoth that has just been announced. I'd like to see cool talents trees, magic systems and bestiaries that are directly inspired by those giant settings (FR & Golarion).

As I am a developer, I not so long had some plans to develop a forum with dice, characters and battlemap integration for playing by post. Such integration is so seldom, and it would be cool to historize character sheets, and battle maps. Now that I plan only to use Genesys I think battlemaps with history are too much efforts, and I heard that tactical battles can slow down the story a lot... So maybe it is not a good idea.

But I may speak about all that and about resources to play genesys on the Gamers Plane platform in more appropriate threads...

I hope I have touched some people here, because I'm really willing to bring what I can or help build systems and settings to make this kind of play widely accessible (for me, and share with others). I hope some of you are fans of the narrative dice system and are still attracted to classic fantasy settings. I thank Gamers Plane for making this platform available. I really think that play by post can never be better that on a platform designed for PbP from the ground up, with a real development. Maybe I could help some day.

Now I'm in, there is a lot to see, many places to visit, so... let's go!
best regards,
Jan 15, 2018 11:52 pm
Welcome vLabz! Yah, GP was designed with PbP specifically in mind; every piece of functionality is custom. If you'd ever like to help out, I could certainly use it! And I saw your request for Genesys; I'll make sure it's on the list! And you'll definitely find other's who like narrative systems here. Play-by-Post definitely attracts those sorts of players!
Jan 15, 2018 11:57 pm
Jan 16, 2018 12:06 am
Welcome. Good introduction.
Jan 16, 2018 1:07 am
Heya vLabz. I hadn't heard about the FFG Genesys system; very interesting.

I've played a bit of FFG SW (here on GP only) and I found the dice mechanic both super awesome and annoying at the same time. It is great, but in PBP realisation, you can't always pre-emptively roll (P: I want to shoot Bob. GM: Bob is in smoke, add 1 complication die. P: (rolls to shoot Bob)). While that is mere seconds at the table, in PBP, that can take 20 minutes, or three days, during which the other players are sitting idle.

Perhaps if I were running a game with such a system, I might come up with workarounds, like the GM rolls any extra dice that are necessary but weren't specified ahead of the player's roll. Anyway, it is a great system, and worth optimizing for play on this awesome site.

Hope that you find great gaming!
Jan 16, 2018 4:51 am
Jan 16, 2018 6:29 am
Welcome! Happy gaming!
Jan 16, 2018 9:11 am
Welcome vLabz! One of our members, Revenant, has just started a Genesys game set in a steampunk late-nineteenth century Japan. Gamersplane already has an FFG Star Wars dice roller built-in, so we can very easily just swap the symbols over in our minds to make it work. The main differences between the two systems wouldn't affect the site at all, as far as I can see (maybe a slightly different character sheet, but even there the Star Wars one just has a couple of redundant fields).

Edit: link to my character sheet for the game, in case you're interested.
Last edited January 16, 2018 9:12 am
Jan 16, 2018 1:30 pm
Hi, and thank you all for all your welcome messages :)

I totally understand the problem with this dice system, where the player cannot get the result immediately of his throws because there may be missing dice only the GM knows about... It is an important matter to me because game speed should not be altered as much as possible. I'll have a closer look... but your proposition can work : when the player is about to perform an action, he can roll his own dice, and then GM can "complete" the roll with negative and difficulty dice. This is the same as with D20, when you roll a dice but don't know yet the difficulty.

@fluglichkeiten : yes I have spotted this game before subscribing to GP! :) Thanks for your character sheet! The problem with Genesys is that the skills depend on the setting, it would be cool to customize the skills section... You are right we can reuse the symbols from SW Rpg while those of Genesys are integrated... (there is a 1-1 match, except there is no Force in Genesys)

@Keleth: yes I'd be glad to help with some coding. I'll message you about that.
Jan 16, 2018 2:01 pm
vLabz says:
@fluglichkeiten : yes I have spotted this game before subscribing to GP! :) Thanks for your character sheet! The problem with Genesys is that the skills depend on the setting, it would be cool to customize the skills section... You are right we can reuse the symbols from SW Rpg while those of Genesys are integrated... (there is a 1-1 match, except there is no Force in Genesys)
The skills section is actually fully customisable already. You type in the name of the skill, select which characteristic it works off and then you can put your character’s rank in.
Jan 16, 2018 5:04 pm
Jan 16, 2018 5:54 pm
Hail and well met!!!
Jan 16, 2018 8:32 pm
Steampunk Tokyo should be public for those interested in Genesys converted modules. I'm curious how well it's match up with things.
Jan 17, 2018 12:51 am
Welcome! I’m a big fan of the narrative dice in FFG.
Jan 17, 2018 9:28 pm
Bienvenue cousin Français.
Jan 19, 2018 10:07 am
Welcome :)
Jan 21, 2018 2:48 am
@vLabz, I'm putting together a project in a homebrew setting for Pathfinder. Is that something you'd be interesting in joining?

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